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Sola Busca MARIO, the Emperor, ward off the Evil Eye!

A card-by-card study and discussion of this most enigmatic deck.
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Sola Busca MARIO, the Emperor, ward off the Evil Eye!

Post by Lucifall »

Mario IIII with his victorius winged Phrygian cap helmet is sitting with an attentive expression on a tree trunk and is wearing striking-red -coloured clothes. The man holding his shield up high, is fully prepared and ready to go. He has some nice protection around him so no one and certainly no evil eye will hurt him. In his right hand he holds a shaft oto which a Mars-red flag is affixed. This clearly is an imperial man like the number IV in traditional triumphs.

Who s Mario?

This is Caius Marius (Cereatae, 157 BCE. - Rome, 13 januari 86 BCE) who was elected to be Consul seven times. Adversary of Sulla, defeated the Teutons and Cimbri and he dragged King Jugurtha before the triumphal chariot. Mario holds his shield up high seemly in preparation for battle. The red flag Mario wears is the symbol of his revenge against Sulla. Unfortunatelly the book doens not tell anything about the fallus like thing on the picture. A symbol commonly ued by the Romans to ward of the Evil eye.
Source: (lo Scarabeo/ Museum kit book)

What is in a name? MARIO = Mars

MARIO= Mars, ruler of Aries which is connected with the Emperor.
Mario is a Roman family name derived from wither the Roman war God Mars or from the Latin root mas or maris meaning male.
It may also being derived from the latin word mare (=sea)
Mario- Marius- as a soundgame M arius Arius Aries

Senatus Venetus
On the shield is an inscription 'Senatus Venus'
This inscription SENATUS VENETUS on card IIII implies a Venetian origin,

Winged helmet – Phrygian cap

Ancient depictions of the god Hermes, Mercury and of Roma depict them wearing winged helmets.
The wings can be attached to their speed, helicopter-view but also Victory.

Trunk of the tree.
The tree represent physical and spiritual transformation, nourishment, liberation, union and liberty and is often seen as symbol of femininity.
The trunk of the tree on the other hand is seen as masculine. Carl Jung hypothesized that the tree symbolized: self, androgyny and equality between sexes and individuation.
Humans have a special relationship with trees. We produce carbon dioxide while trees produce the oxygen we need. To transport the oxygen we need Iron which is connected with Mars.
Mario is sitting on the trunk, which is the foundation of the tree. This shows similarity with the cubic structure which we mostly see with the Emperor.

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Mario wards of the evil eye of Lenpio with a Fallus – The Fascinus

In Ancient Rome there was a firm believe in the evil eye. This eye was able to fire a curse on innocent people. Plutarch described the evil eye as deadly rays that shoot like darts at their victim.
The solution was clear foor the Romans. Wear a metal fallus!
The Fascinus or Phallic talisman was worn around the neck, hung from conquering generals'chariots and were made into wind chimes in Pompei. Fascinus is the root of the English word 'fascination'- to capture by magic.
There were special fascini that formed a cult tended by the Vestal virgins, on which depented the safety of the entire Roman State.
Soldiers carried special carvings of fists wrapped around the bottom of the phallus.

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Connection Mario – The emperor

MARIO= Mars, ruler of Aries which is connected with the Emperor.
Mario is sitting on the trunk of a tree. The trunk of a tree is seen as masculine; it is also the foundation of the structure which fits with the Emperor.
The tree- oxygen – Iron is needed in the blood ; Iron is connected with Mars which is the ruler of Aries.
Mario- Marius... as a soundgame M arius Arius Aries

Mario is warding off the evil eye. Lenpio is hiding his evil eye. Somehow they form a pair in opposites.
Paths you don't draw as a blue-print; Use your lightest feet to create your own.
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