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Sept TdM: Rachelcat reads for Marigold
Sept TdM: Rachelcat reads for Marigold
Hi, Marigold! I look forward to reading for you. Do you have a question, subject, or topic that you'd like to talk about?
(That's what I say when I read for people in real life. I didn't realize I have a set saying or patter, but I do!)
(I'm on a short vacation Sunday through Tuesday, so I'll do your reading Saturday or Wednesday.)
Let me know what you'd like!
(That's what I say when I read for people in real life. I didn't realize I have a set saying or patter, but I do!)
(I'm on a short vacation Sunday through Tuesday, so I'll do your reading Saturday or Wednesday.)
Let me know what you'd like!
Please join us in This Week's Deck!
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Re: Sept TdM: Rachelcat reads for Marigold
Well, there is something. All my life, I was very often involved in some kind of political or social activism. But haven't for several years now - took a sort of natural break. Sometimes I miss it, sometimes I don't. Recently, I've been thinking of joining a group again but am hesitating. I wonder if it's something that I really need in my life right now or if it will take up too much of my time and energy. So the question is sort of "is there a place for activism in my life right now ?"
Do you think this would be a suitable question for your reading ?
Rumi was asked “which music sound is haram?” Rumi replied, "The sound of tablespoons playing in the pots of the rich, which are heard by the ears of the poor and hungry." (haram means forbidden)
Re: Sept TdM: Rachelcat reads for Marigold
Here's your reading! (Hey, the picture worked this time!)
Is there a place in Marigold's life for activism right now?
Line of five, full deck, Universal Tarot of Marseille, Lo Scarabeo’s recolored Burdel. I chose this deck over a more faithful reproduction because I thought the colors and clear lines would make it easier to see linkages and directions between cards. I think it worked!
6 Coins, Ace Cups, Pope, 4 Cups, 8 Coins
Well, I considered using the Pope as the issue significator in the center of the line, but decided to just draw five cards left to right. So look what we got: Pope in the center!
The Pope represents your issue because it is your concern with doing what’s right and encouraging others to do what’s right that makes you want to be involved with political and social action. I don’t think you’ll disagree with me that at heart these are moral issues: doing what’s right means setting policies and programs that help people live better lives.
There’s an obvious pattern here, a major card flanked by two cups cards, which are flanked by two coins cards.
I see the two sides as two choices.
Ace of Cups and 6 of Coins is one choice: Follow your caring heart (cups), full of pure (ace) emotion, to give (6) of your resources (coins), that is your time, energy, health, and money, unselfishly to serve the cause of universal charity. That is, helping people you know and people you don’t know alike. (I associate the 6s with the theological virtues, dividing “caritas” into love for 6 of Cups and charity for 6 of Coins.)
4 of Cups and 8 of Coins is the other choice: Keep your feelings (cups) to yourself (4), including your charitable ones. You still have them, but don’t need to publish them abroad, or act on them. And rationally consider (8) how you want to spend your resources (coins) of time, energy, health, and money.
Now look at our Pope. He is looking and pointing toward the second choice. He’s saying that, although it might not sound as noble, considering your own needs is the right thing for you to do now. Platitudes are swirling around in my head, so here they are. The Pope says “the Lord helps those who help themselves” and, even more apropos, “charity begins at home.” I’m struck by the kindly face of this Pope. He’s not a stern taskmaster intimidating you to do what he says or else; he’s a gentle, fatherly man blessing you while suggesting what might be best choice to make at this time.
I hope this reading makes sense to you and helps you. I think I did well with the cartomantic line style of reading, but the cards definitely helped with that! Please let me know what you think, about both the subject and the method.
Thank you for asking me read for you today!
Please join us in This Week's Deck!
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Re: Sept TdM: Rachelcat reads for Marigold
Rachelcat, this is an amazing reading. I am so happy that you were my partner for this exercice !!
How the Pope turned up in the middle of the spread in spite of your deciding not to use it as a signifactor is something that should be spoken of for years to come. The Tarot is so mysterious and wise and mind boggling. Also how there is a set of cups and a set of coins and their incredible positioning. One would have to see this to believe it.
If I had to give thorough feedback it would be so boring. Because after each sentence I would just say "are you stalking my head and my life or something ?" It's like you're picking apart each part of the puzzle and recreating it. How do you do this ????
And I agree wholeheartedly with the advice of the reading. Today, for the exercice "Sacred Days of the Autumnal Equinox", I drew The Sun to speak of the shadows and darkness that I should now face before the winter. And now that I reread what you saw in the cards, this can relate also to your reading. I must be careful not to burn myself out with my desire for more light. I cannot be a "saviour" if I'm burned out inside and outside.
I have my little granddaughter with whom I have a very special relationship and whom I look after often and many other persons in my life that I can cherish and look after and even guard and guide. It doesn't have to be out in the streets or in public. Although I do sometimes feel like chaining myself to the doors of an investment company to join the battle against the ecocide (They really should stop calling it climate change and call a spade a spade for heaven's sake). Too bad if I spend the night in a police cell. It would give me a nice break from my phone and computer.
The Pope is in the middle showing one path and he is quite right - he's seen in my heart and knows what is best for me. But he's not forbidding anything. As the Pope serves here in an advisory capacity, this reminds me of something that happened about three months ago. There was this young student, about 15 years, desperately trying to hand out leaflets outside the train station about a climate change demo organised by the local schoolkids. No-one was taking them. She looked almost in tears. Probably the first time she'd ever done something like this. It was raining as well which didn't help. So I went up to her to tell her that I'd been in the same situation many times and I gave her a few tips and we spoke a bit together about activism. We discussed things like never to forget that the cause doesn't serve us, but that we serve the cause, and also more practical stuff. She was feeling a lot more cheerful when I left her.
What I'm trying to say here is that there will surely be opportunities for me to do something. But I won't have to go out to look for them. They will come my way and I will recognise them as opportunities due to my past life as a militant. If nothing comes, then that's okay. If something comes up where I can give a little hand, why not. But only a little hand. Out of solidarity.
So I don't think I "need" to abandon the struggle altogether. I can't. I was born this way. My mother used to say that I seemed to have come out of the womb with a red flag in my hand !!
Your reading will go into my file called "Best readings ever" (only I don't have a file like that - maybe I should make one).
So thank you !!!
How the Pope turned up in the middle of the spread in spite of your deciding not to use it as a signifactor is something that should be spoken of for years to come. The Tarot is so mysterious and wise and mind boggling. Also how there is a set of cups and a set of coins and their incredible positioning. One would have to see this to believe it.
If I had to give thorough feedback it would be so boring. Because after each sentence I would just say "are you stalking my head and my life or something ?" It's like you're picking apart each part of the puzzle and recreating it. How do you do this ????
And I agree wholeheartedly with the advice of the reading. Today, for the exercice "Sacred Days of the Autumnal Equinox", I drew The Sun to speak of the shadows and darkness that I should now face before the winter. And now that I reread what you saw in the cards, this can relate also to your reading. I must be careful not to burn myself out with my desire for more light. I cannot be a "saviour" if I'm burned out inside and outside.
I have my little granddaughter with whom I have a very special relationship and whom I look after often and many other persons in my life that I can cherish and look after and even guard and guide. It doesn't have to be out in the streets or in public. Although I do sometimes feel like chaining myself to the doors of an investment company to join the battle against the ecocide (They really should stop calling it climate change and call a spade a spade for heaven's sake). Too bad if I spend the night in a police cell. It would give me a nice break from my phone and computer.
The Pope is in the middle showing one path and he is quite right - he's seen in my heart and knows what is best for me. But he's not forbidding anything. As the Pope serves here in an advisory capacity, this reminds me of something that happened about three months ago. There was this young student, about 15 years, desperately trying to hand out leaflets outside the train station about a climate change demo organised by the local schoolkids. No-one was taking them. She looked almost in tears. Probably the first time she'd ever done something like this. It was raining as well which didn't help. So I went up to her to tell her that I'd been in the same situation many times and I gave her a few tips and we spoke a bit together about activism. We discussed things like never to forget that the cause doesn't serve us, but that we serve the cause, and also more practical stuff. She was feeling a lot more cheerful when I left her.
What I'm trying to say here is that there will surely be opportunities for me to do something. But I won't have to go out to look for them. They will come my way and I will recognise them as opportunities due to my past life as a militant. If nothing comes, then that's okay. If something comes up where I can give a little hand, why not. But only a little hand. Out of solidarity.
So I don't think I "need" to abandon the struggle altogether. I can't. I was born this way. My mother used to say that I seemed to have come out of the womb with a red flag in my hand !!
Your reading will go into my file called "Best readings ever" (only I don't have a file like that - maybe I should make one).
So thank you !!!
Rumi was asked “which music sound is haram?” Rumi replied, "The sound of tablespoons playing in the pots of the rich, which are heard by the ears of the poor and hungry." (haram means forbidden)
Re: Sept TdM: Rachelcat reads for Marigold
Wow, I’m kind of overwhelmed by your kind response! It was kind of freaky that the cards turned out the way they did!
Now I see the 4 of cups even more as “charity begins at home” and passing on your experience and passion to the next generation, and the next!
I’m so glad the reading worked for you. Good luck in all your endeavors. We need caring people like you in the world!
Now I see the 4 of cups even more as “charity begins at home” and passing on your experience and passion to the next generation, and the next!
I’m so glad the reading worked for you. Good luck in all your endeavors. We need caring people like you in the world!
Please join us in This Week's Deck!
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Re: Sept TdM: Rachelcat reads for Marigold
Funny what you say about the 4 of cups and passing on experience and passion to the next generation. About a trillion years ago I designed a card for a collective Aeclectic tarot deck and it was the 4 of Cups. I speak exactly of this transmission to the next generations.
The link is here :
The photo is of my maternal grandmother who died years before I was born.
Rumi was asked “which music sound is haram?” Rumi replied, "The sound of tablespoons playing in the pots of the rich, which are heard by the ears of the poor and hungry." (haram means forbidden)
Re: Sept TdM: Rachelcat reads for Marigold
Ok, NOW it's getting kind of freaky! What a lovely card and story to go with it. And I never really thought of 4 of Cups that way until this reading . . . !
Please join us in This Week's Deck!
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Re: Sept TdM: Rachelcat reads for Marigold
That's why exchanging readings with people who are already into Tarot can teach us so much. Because through the feedback we share our ideas and we know what the other person is talking about. These are huge opportunities to develop further our skills and knowledge.
Rumi was asked “which music sound is haram?” Rumi replied, "The sound of tablespoons playing in the pots of the rich, which are heard by the ears of the poor and hungry." (haram means forbidden)