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The Tarot of Manly P. Hall

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The Tarot of Manly P. Hall

Post by Desmond »

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Manly P. Hall (1901-1990) was a prolific 20th century occult philosopher and founder of the Philosophical Research Society and Library. His researches were vast and extended from ancient philosophy and the occult sciences to eastern mysticism but he is most well known for the creation of an enormous encyclopedia, The Secret Teachings of All Ages and Countries, while in his mid 20’s.


While working on the book, his illustrator J. Augustus Knapp requested his collaboration on a deck of Tarot cards and in 1929 they released the Revised New Art Tarot (also reprinted as the Knapp-Hall Tarot).


Hall produced a monograph to accompany the deck but it is primarily a historical work that points to a supposed Templar origin. His more detailed writings on Tarot symbolism were restricted to his journals. Thanks to the Internet and copyright expirations, we now have all of these at our disposal.

1930-Oct Vol 5, No. 1 Tarot Symbolism Introduction

1930-Nov Vol 5, No. 2 Tarot Symbolism, Continued: The Unnumbered Card, The Fool

1930-Dec Vol 5, No. 3 Tarot Symbolism: The First Numbered Card, The Juggler

1931-Jan Vol 5, No. 4 Tarot Symbolism: The Second Numbered Card, The High Priestess

1931-Feb Vol 5, No. 5 Tarot Symbolism: The Third Numbered Card, The Empress

1931-Mar Vol 5, No. 6 Tarot Symbolism: The Fourth Numbered Card, The Emperor

1931-Apr Vol 5, No. 7 Tarot Symbolism: The Fifth Numbered Card, Le Pape

1931-May Vol 5, No. 8 Tarot Symbolism: The Sixth Numbered Card, The Lovers

1931-Jun Vol 5, No. 9 Tarot Symbolism: The Seventh Numbered Card, The Chariot

1931-Jul Vol 5, No. 10 Tarot Symbolism: The Eighth Numbered Card, La Justice

1931-Aug Vol 5, No. 11 Tarot Symbolism: The Ninth Numbered Card, L'Hermit

1931-Sep Vol 5, No. 12 Tarot Symbolism: The Tenth Numbered Card, The Wheel of Fortune

1948-Winter Vol 8, No. 3 Notes and Reflections on the Tarot Cards

The following lecture on playing cards, which includes a discussion of the Tarot, may also be of interest.

Finally, the authors of A History of the Occult Tarot posited the thesis that the mysterious unexplained meditation symbols that appear on the Trumps were derived from the teachings of F. Homer and Harriet Curtiss of the Order of Christian Mystics in their books The Key to the Universe and The Key of Destiny.
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Re: The Tarot of Manly P. Hall

Post by Diana »

You're providing great resources ! The internet has really opened up a whole new world for people - we have everything at our fingertips.

(Which reminds me, I've still not found my Knapp Hall Tarot deck which has been mislaid for months now. I don't read with it - it's a bit boring to read with - but I want to find it!!)

I've often tried to listen to Manley P. Hall on youtube - but he drones on and on and I end up falling asleep. But his intellectual capacity astounds me.
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Re: The Tarot of Manly P. Hall

Post by Desmond »

I am glad that others are finding these things useful. I forgot to mention that prior to creating his own adaptation of the RWS deck for BOTA, Paul Case used the Knapp-Hall deck as the basis for his 1933 course, Oracle of the Tarot.
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Re: The Tarot of Manly P. Hall

Post by Asgasper1717 »

Hey everyone,
I have an original 1st edition Knapp/Hall deck in amazing condition. Looking to find a perspective buyer who collects vintage historic decks. Any info you can give me would be super helpful
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Re: The Tarot of Manly P. Hall

Post by Joan Marie »

Asgasper1717 wrote: 01 Mar 2020, 20:46 Hey everyone,
I have an original 1st edition Knapp/Hall deck in amazing condition. Looking to find a perspective buyer who collects vintage historic decks. Any info you can give me would be super helpful
You should post about this in the Buy Sell Trade section.

I'd suggest you link to this post. Also, include some pics.
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Re: The Tarot of Manly P. Hall

Post by DarkWing »

Manley Hall had a very easy method to use (and remember) the pips. It is in the little white booklet coming with his "Knapp-Hall" Tarot

The minor arcane is divided in four sequence or suits.

I. the SCEPTERS (Wands) represent enterprise and success
II. the CUPS represent love, happiness and emotion.
III. the SWORDS represent hatred and misfortune
IV. the PENTACLES represent money, and material business


Then to use the pip method you put aside the 10, which is the sum of all influences of the suits, and you divide the card from Ace tot 9 in 3 parts

ü The first group (ace, 2 and 3 is the “commencement”, the beginning of the suit.
ü The second group (4-5 and 6 ) is the “opposition” of the suit
ü The last group (7, 8 and 9) is the “equilibrium” of the suit.

Remember these 3 words: “commencement” “opposition” and “equilibrium”

In each of the 3 groups, there are three cards,
Once again the first one is “commencement””
The second of each group is “opposition”
The last of each group is “ equilibrium”

So you have

Ace BEGINNING of Beginning (remember it is the first group)
2 OPPOSITION of Beginning
3 EQUILIBRIUM of Beginning
4 BEGINNING of Opposition (we’re in the second group)
5 OPPOSITION of Opposition
6 EQUILIBRIUM of Opposition
7 BEGINNING of Equilibrium (as we’re in the third group)
8 OPPOSITION of Equilibrium
9 EQUILIBRIUM of Equilibrium

And you had the 10 which, as said in the beginning is the sum of all influences in the suit, and so it is “neutral”.

As you guess, beginnings mark an idea, a beginning. The opposition marks an obstacle, an opposition and the equilibrium mark the harmony.

As an example, 4 of sword is the beginning of opposition in the suit of swords, so a rest, a retreat form the conflicts or the ideas sword may indicate. In the 5 of swords, one is “opposed” to the opposition, so it is perhaps best to go through the opposition, looking for a path to make his way. In the 6 of sword, the equilibrium of opposition, one may go away or change his view, to bypass the opposition.

According to Manly Hall this 3 word method is sufficient for one to explain all the minors. It may be not very juicy explanation, but dealing with pip (or even with sceanic minors, and having a blank, it may give some way to understand the card)

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Re: The Tarot of Manly P. Hall

Post by Desmond »

Greetings DarkWing,

Thank you for the summary. It was J. Augustus Knapp who wrote the LWB and he borrowed this method from Papus’ Second Lesson on the Divining Tarot.

Take Care,
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