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Feedback Request" First read with my First Deck

Posted: 14 Jul 2021, 22:02
by casique
I got my very first Lenormand deck. I am so excited!!

I never even knew about these cards until a few days ago but I have been a long time Tarot reader and I was intrigued by the simplicity and size of these decks. I have no idea if I am reading them right but I wanted to jump right in. So I asked a question about a public figure issue going on today.

Deck: Old Style Lenormand by Alexander Ray
Context: Britney Spears court case regarding being allowed to appoint her own lawyer to represent her.
The hearing was this morning but as far as I know at this point nothing has been reported about what happened and no decision has been made that I am aware of.

Question: What will happen as a result of todays court hearing?

A doctor's report will be requested before a decision is made.

Rationale for my reading:
report-from a man-regarding health
Is the key

Did I do this right? From what I understand about these types of decks is that they are read in pairs as nouns and adjectives. The LWB said that you need to use a signifier, but I never liked using them in Tarot so I didn't do it for this either.

Re: Feedback Request" First read with my First Deck

Posted: 14 Jul 2021, 22:54
by casique
Decision is in! I was wrong. She was approved to appoint her own lawyer! I am so relieved for her and for this disgusting legal mess.

As for the cards: so doing keyword searches for combinations from from (which I looked at after I posted the first message and before I saw the judgement). Letter/ combination: Communication about a male Tree/key combination releasing from a restrictive family.

So she was told she was free to hire her own lawyer (who is a male, the judge was a female) rather than one appointed by her conservatorship (which is controlled by her family).

That is RIGHT ON. I just need to learn to read these cards better. Tarot makes sense to me because I can create a master story or themes and patterns that help me with the connections. This I feel like I am just trying to word for word translate and with many options to choose from it isn't feeling intuitive. But I've only have had these cards for 3 hours, and I have been reading Tarot for 30 years so I need to be patient with myself. :lol:

Re: Feedback Request" First read with my First Deck

Posted: 15 Jul 2021, 17:42
by Joan Marie
What you are doing is a really good way to learn Lenormand.

Ask a question that there will be an answer to in the near future so you can see how you did.
Write down your predictions/interpretations and then follow up. keep a little notebook.
As you see, you can "reverse engineer" the reading once you know the outcome.
It's interesting!

Lenormand is really fun in a way but also very serious. The answers tend toward the very straightforward. My problem is often predicting catastrophe where there is only a minor inconvenience up ahead. I love Lenormand for asking about really concrete things. "Is this going to work?" "How will this turn out?"

Your first try was a good one. Tree can often stand for something that takes a long time (like for a tree to grow).

I also am not a fan of signifiers.

After you play with it some, there is an excellent book to learn to read lenormand,
Lenormand Thirty Six Cards: An Introduction to the Petit Lenormand by Andy Boroveshengra

It's pretty widely available and a real eye-opener to all the possibilities.

You'll find there are a lot of ways to go at reading a Lenormand spread.

(btw- there are some really amazing Lenny decks in our Library of Decks: ... mand-decks)

Re: Feedback Request" First read with my First Deck

Posted: 16 Jul 2021, 15:05
by casique
Thank you for your reply. I need to start watching the news again so I can come up with current events related questions lol during Covid and the fiasco of our American politics I had to turn it off. Today I might have to check in on social media again and see what's trending to do readings on.

Thank you for the recommendations.