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3s in lenormand.

Posted: 21 May 2019, 18:51
optimistic expression..
edited to add
(I should note that I was coming up with these two words titles from 3 numerology books and it is changing to I find one that sticks with me. )
so I came up with ambitious entertainer later on.

reading up on the number threes shows happy people, talking well ,,
reversed they are moody,, can't achieve their goal of creativity and that is destroying them.

3. the ship
the traveler, this is different then the rider,, the rider he travels expressing his well,, here the ship must keep moving as to express his free spirit ,
reversed the ship is blocked from being creative,, it is the trip from hell .

edited to add
on the spiritual level , it is about the nice journey to get to the end of a trip. consider that in the old days a sailor would get to the port, rest up and recuperate,, but ideally soon would get the sailing itch again and go on another trip.. for him or her it wasn't about the port but the trip to get there.
reversed it just occurs to me that sooner or later a sailor get too old for the sea,, so he may have to find something new as the body is no longer able. but the spirit is willing.

12. the birds/owls (1 plus2 makes 3)
the chatterbox,, they must talk,, so if you want your message spread now would be the time to talk to the birds..
be careful of who you talk to for they can't keep quiet.

edited to add
mentally you have the ambitious entertainer doing what he does best entertaining others and with that love of doing that talent has ambition to get more and more loved.
mentally he is over stretching himself.. and sometimes that means physically as al jolson went on tour after tour and that affected his health,, and his life span. but mentally he had keep going for his love.

21.the mountain (2 plus 1 makes 3)
the main obstacle is before you,, why are you trying to climb the mountain,, it is because you want your creative expression to last so you are climbing the mountain to tell the people in the next village.
your reasons for the climbing the mountain may be at fault,,so yo don't really want to climb the mountain.. failure.

edited to add
as this is the emotional level sometimes obstacles can be bigger then they are , yet other times due to the need to be entertain and because of the ambition the person must simply get over the mountain to perform to new people who has not yet seen his act,. (actors want their performance to be received fresh. ).
so reversed,, the person is really taking a chance going over the mountain.. sometimes the person is only worried abut entertaining themselves, why else climbe mount Everest.

30. the lilly (3 plus0 makes 3)
the sexual pleasure,, it is the expression of happiness ,, embracing your sexuality to let flow your fertality.
de saude spoke of the profanities of the bodie.. which may not be that bad in today world, but back then was seen as too much. perhaps a bit to much 50 shades of grey .

edited to add .
as I read more into the lily, sometimes it means older people who can help. if we forgo the sexual pleasure aspect perhaps it means to take the older generation to a movie so they don't feel forgotten.
physically you are seeking to really entertain others,,and nothing is like have the ultimate sexual act be entertained by both people. so ambition if we take the sexual pleasure aspect of the lilly to its natural conclusion is a person who is really being ambition trying to find that ultimate moment.
reversed,, it is said that when you take a hit of cocaine you get such a rush,,and then you spend the rest of the time trying to achieve that first high but you never do..
and it could indicate that you will not be able to achieve that ultimate moment of sexual pleasure without the power of emotional attachment behind it..