the truth seeker, has become knowing logic by me
it is said they are seeking truth always,, they are constantly trying on those who have beliefs,and wisdom as they question every thing.
more important is the logic, the knowing part is the truth seeker aspect,
they can be too opinated,, to strong in their own ego to see past their nose.
7. the snake
it is simply seen as trouble, the woman who listend to eve when told to eat the apple of knowledge and so knowledge is seen as trouble. if you think back to the days when people couldn't read, and were ignorant,, having the peasants becoming knowledgable would take away power from the clergy, the law makers. even now when I try to read university law language I have no idea what they are talking about. !
so the educated were seen as snakes , the politican, the consensus takers, the lawyers. in remembering movies, books ,.
of course the snake speaks of the truth there are snakes in this world,, actual ,and people like those who wait in the alleys to rob people are snakes.
not paying attention to the warning,, the snakes are hidden.. afraid to learn for fear of being put down.
edited to add
this is the spiritual level which could indicate there is a reason to be wary of snake charmers, and snake handlers. there is my culture the idea of bad places to go , where if one is not careful you could anger the spirits. so one should be respectful of all places we visit.
it could point to the idea that not all gurus are true gurus.. and I remember when I was young I would old medicine man in high regard til my cousin told me that they are just human beings.. which was later on proven by medicines men who had suffered being addicted. .
since we can pay attention to other people sharing that not to go down there , we could know that someone is telling the truth..
conversely if we rely on words of people we become to safe,, and possibly allow others to cover up their own mistakes due to shame of us finding out. we see this all the time.. I didn't want to worry you, I was afraid to tell you for I was ashamed. or you might get angry .
16. the star (1plus 6 becomes 7)
it bring clarity,, so that means some truth is about to be shed on the surrounding topic. in the other book it means good luck..
I still think of guidance as the star at night can guide you, like those who follow the northern star..
lack of clarity or following the wrong star and ending up off course. so what you think is truth is a lie.
edited to add.
on the mental level we take the energy of the knowing logic to look at the stars,, the knowledge of stars has evolved over time , based on experience, and with that knowing we have formed the logic of astrology , while the more pratical application has become astronomy .. the true mapping of the stars. mental level of being isnt' all cold , sometimes the mind can be enlightened and happy thoughts. for the stars have illumited much for us.
the lack of stars energy points that we are unable to use our logic,, or know what we want to know . perhaps it points to the stars are favourable for our friend, but not us for whatever reason.. our stars have fallen.
25 .the ring (2 plus 5 becomes 7)
the commitment..
when you see the ring you are bound by blood to family , by marriage to a loved one,, and by contract to a job.
it is the truth of this commitment..
you think you have the promise but you do not, the bond is broken.
edited to add.
on the emotional level , we are going to rely on the logic of knowing our hearts In order to make the commitment of long term oaths..
we know that we will love that person a long time so it should be a good match. conversely sometimes the ring was made for other reasons.. to bring houses together,, so we are speaking of politics, and socal standing.. so where is the love for this ? emotionally we allowed this for the greater good of our own survival. like In some movies for arranged meeting ad marriages it is said they grew to be quite fond of each other overall.
emotionally the marriage will not be that good. think of sansa marrying ramsey for not much was known of him to little finger (so he claimed ) and she found out how cruel this man can be afterwards..
so emotionally it won't be that good sometimes arrange marriages can be loveless..
and in today world there are many who stay in relationships (all married but in ceremony ) like they swore an oath..
34. the fish (3 plus 4 becomes 7)
good fortune comes your way in the form of abundance.. so the truth of the matter is, you go fishing today you going to haul in a big boat of canspeak to looking into your unconciosness and subsoncouness for the answers.
don't go fishing,, not catching anything but a boot..
dont'search your subsonciouness,, you dont' want to know.. or not ready to face yourself.
edited to add
on the physical level this take the knowing aspect of fishing to an high art.. one growing up as a fisherman learns where all the best fishing spots are,, how to get them for some fish require bait ,, others flashiness. with that knowing,, one develops a high fishing logic where a truly talented fishing man uses his logic to sell at the best towns, and keep up with the times..
the fisherman though his lack of knowing , or application of logic is unable to keep up with the times. the phrase "fishing was all i knew " comes to mind.. so when the fish has draw up,, there is no fall back strategy .. he is willing to die with the tides as it were.
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