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Thoth: Charlie Brown reads for qndynes

Posted: 14 Jun 2019, 03:08
by Charlie Brown
Hi qndynes,

If you have a question, I'm all ears.

Also, do you have a significator card that you commonly use? If so, please tell me what it is and how you derive it (appearance, zodiac, etc).

Finally, I had been planning to use the Tabula Mundi deck for the reading. In my estimation, the Tinker's Damn is also Thothy enough (maybe barely) to pass muster for this exercise. If would prefer that deck, then let me know. Those are the only two I really have that are appropriate.

Re: Thoth: Charlie Brown reads for qndynes

Posted: 14 Jun 2019, 20:43
by qndynes
Charlie Brown wrote: 14 Jun 2019, 03:08 Hi qndynes,

If you have a question, I'm all ears.

Also, do you have a significator card that you commonly use? If so, please tell me what it is and how you derive it (appearance, zodiac, etc).

Finally, I had been planning to use the Tabula Mundi deck for the reading. In my estimation, the Tinker's Damn is also Thothy enough (maybe barely) to pass muster for this exercise. If would prefer that deck, then let me know. Those are the only two I really have that are appropriate.

So first the question, I really have no specific question. But perhaps you can go with, what is the general summer outlook for me? What to keep in mind?

Significator, well I'm an air sign, aquarius, that would be if I'm not mistaken the knight of swords. I gravitate toward the princess of batons, especially in the Tabula Mundi. Basically because we share similar skin color!

Also, the tabula mundi is fine with me, I'm planning on using the same deck.

Re: Thoth: Charlie Brown reads for qndynes

Posted: 16 Jun 2019, 20:51
by Charlie Brown
To be honest, I'm not really sure what I'm doing here. I generally don't do generals and I don't really know anything about the tree of life. Furthermore, I'm somewhat confused by the role of card 0. The spread instructions seem to imply it could fulfill a number of different roles, including the seemingly contradictory ones of being either an action to take in response to the other three cards or a picture of where you are at the present moment.

In any case, what we can immediately see without any shadow of a doubt is the conflict between fire vs. water / wands vs. cups. Whatever the 0 spread position ultimately means, that 8 of Wands elemental dignities would show it being suppressed by the water on either side.

So, as a general reading about your impending summer, here's what I think is going on:

The root energy is Fire/Mars/Aries and, situationally, you're Fire/Mercury/Sagittarius. These suggest that maybe you're trying to do too much, control too much, push too much. That there's some thing or things that you want to happen in your way and on your schedule. As the surrounding water shows, all of this pushing is going to be counterproductive at best. Let things flow, take some time to breathe. Understand that you have what you need and that things will likely work themselves out. The Mars connection between the 10 of Cups and the 2 of Wands makes me think that things can work out your way without you having to push so hard.

Do you think that the Prince of Cups represents another person in this situation? Fire needs air to burn. If you're trying too hard to dominate/get your way with someone you need, you may cheat yourself out of the necessary fuel you require. Yes, wings are super common in this deck, but even so, the presence of wings on all four cards make me think that everything/everyone needs to be working together harmoniously rather that you trying to force everything into your way of doing.

Thinking about the spread a little more, cards 2 and 3 come out of card 1. It is the energy of the 1st Sepheroth that spills down into the next two. Therefore, the water that is suppressing you/the 8 is a result of the 2 of Wands

ETA: It looks like my last several lines got deleted somehow. IIRC, it was an explantion of why I interpreted it the way I did rather than saying that your 8 of Wands self is being doused by all that water. Burn hot and dominate that sucker Prince. The water that suppresses you seems to be a result of the 2 of Wands dominating energy. Therefore, not dominating gets rid of that soggy feeling.

Re: Thoth: Charlie Brown reads for qndynes

Posted: 17 Jun 2019, 17:43
by qndynes
Charlie Brown wrote: 16 Jun 2019, 20:51 To be honest, I'm not really sure what I'm doing here. I generally don't do generals and I don't really know anything about the tree of life. Furthermore, I'm somewhat confused by the role of card 0. The spread instructions seem to imply it could fulfill a number of different roles, including the seemingly contradictory ones of being either an action to take in response to the other three cards or a picture of where you are at the present moment.


In any case, what we can immediately see without any shadow of a doubt is the conflict between fire vs. water / wands vs. cups. Whatever the 0 spread position ultimately means, that 8 of Wands elemental dignities would show it being suppressed by the water on either side.

So, as a general reading about your impending summer, here's what I think is going on:

The root energy is Fire/Mars/Aries and, situationally, you're Fire/Mercury/Sagittarius. These suggest that maybe you're trying to do too much, control too much, push too much. That there's some thing or things that you want to happen in your way and on your schedule. As the surrounding water shows, all of this pushing is going to be counterproductive at best. Let things flow, take some time to breathe. Understand that you have what you need and that things will likely work themselves out. The Mars connection between the 10 of Cups and the 2 of Wands makes me think that things can work out your way without you having to push so hard.

This is a Mars year of profection for me, basically Mars is my time lord this year and I've been watching his movement around my natal chart and houses closely. This summer mars with north node in cancer opposes the south node with saturn in capricorn. So I'm thinking this is quite intense as fiery mars is in detriment in cancer. I see how this can translate as wanting to move and shake and make things happen but the time is not ripe for pushing and shoving and moving things into action. As you say, it is counterproductive. I feel learning to let things flow and to breathe as calmly as possible through it all is the best advice. Following this advice reduces tensions amidst within my family, tensions within my home, and general life frustrations.

Do you think that the Prince of Cups represents another person in this situation? Fire needs air to burn. If you're trying too hard to dominate/get your way with someone you need, you may cheat yourself out of the necessary fuel you require. Yes, wings are super common in this deck, but even so, the presence of wings on all four cards make me think that everything/everyone needs to be working together harmoniously rather that you trying to force everything into your way of doing.

My fuel reserves definitely feel exhausted, or at least unmotivated. More flow, letting the wings carry me through instead of forcing things a certain way, yes.

Thinking about the spread a little more, cards 2 and 3 come out of card 1. It is the energy of the 1st Sepheroth that spills down into the next two. Therefore, the water that is suppressing you/the 8 is a result of the 2 of Wands

ETA: It looks like my last several lines got deleted somehow. IIRC, it was an explantion of why I interpreted it the way I did rather than saying that your 8 of Wands self is being doused by all that water. Burn hot and dominate that sucker Prince. The water that suppresses you seems to be a result of the 2 of Wands dominating energy. Therefore, not dominating gets rid of that soggy feeling.

Not dominating, good. Yes. I will try my best to keep your words in mind as I feel they're pertinent to me especially this summer. I need to learn when it is okay to move and burst forward with energy and zest, and when the time calls for letting things flow.

Firstly, thank you for the reading, for as you say not knowing what you are doing it was a moving and insightful reading. I should also apologize as well, I should have been more specific with my question, apologies for any confusion this may have caused.

Now this reading was curiously illuminating. I admit myself I don't follow the kircher tree of life much, I only know the bare bones, just enough. But I do follow astrology (what I know is only beginner level) especially what's going on in the skies. I found this reading to reflect how I envisioned my summer and the lessons the summer potentially has in store for me.

I added my specific feedback within your quoted reading in a different color.

All in all, this is an excellent snapshot of what I intuited my summer would be, it is quite striking to see it in the cards, with the images in full color. Again, thank you for the reading.

Re: Thoth: Charlie Brown reads for qndynes

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 05:35
by Charlie Brown
I delighted to hear that the reading made sense. I enjoyed being able to do it. And there was absolutely no need for you to be more specific on your question. Charlie Brown gives the people what they want.