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Thoth: qndynes reads for dodalisque

Posted: 11 Jun 2019, 15:29
by qndynes
Hello Dodalisque, I'm looking forward to reading for you. Is there a question you'd like me to address? Or maybe an area?

Just for reference I'm going to add the spread here:
Card "0" is the sitter. It is the significator, or the will, the action to be taken at the end of the reading, the answer to the question.

Cards 1, 2, & 3 represent the first 3 Sephiroth of the Tree of Life.

1= Kether, The Crown - Focus of the matter

Cards 2 (Chokmah, Wisdom) and 3 (Binah, Understanding) are the modifying influences of the other two cards.

3 2

Re: Thoth: qndynes reads for dodalisque

Posted: 15 Jun 2019, 18:21
by dodalisque
A very nice old lady whom I have known for a long time but have not seen for several years recently called me out of the blue. She is confined to a wheelchair and finds it impossible to get out of her apartment without assistance. She told me that the woman friend who has been driving her around to things like doctor's appointments and the occasional concert has moved out of town, and she asked me if I would undertake to help her out occasionally. Selfishness and generosity are at war in me. What should I do?

Re: Thoth: qndynes reads for dodalisque

Posted: 17 Jun 2019, 01:39
by qndynes
dodalisque wrote: 15 Jun 2019, 18:21 A very nice old lady whom I have known for a long time but have not seen for several years recently called me out of the blue. She is confined to a wheelchair and finds it impossible to get out of her apartment without assistance. She told me that the woman friend who has been driving her around to things like doctor's appointments and the occasional concert has moved out of town, and she asked me if I would undertake to help her out occasionally. Selfishness and generosity are at war in me. What should I do?

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Okay, firstly I want to say that I am not an experienced thoth reader. :?

So, here goes. The focus here is with duty, the hierophant above, ruled by taurus in this case, highlights the focus on duty, obligation, and responsibility. Here, this hierophant is in a position of power, which you're certainly occupying as she is asking you for the help (and the keys are in your hands whether you do so or not), is considering both sides of the coin, the two keys of his duties.

One is eight of swords, interference. The first decan of gemini ruled by Jupiter. Here the changing nature of gemini is complicated with jupiter, the expansive one. Where gemini is changing, jupiter wants to remain constant and growing. The eight swords here are clearly in a tangled mess of direction. There is no direction only complication. The lion and the bird pull in different directions. Clearly, making yourself available and sacrificing your time to help will throw a wrench in how you use your time. Perhaps this is an indicator of the complications in responsibilities that will arise by making yourself available to this lady. There will be times she will ask for your help and you will have other obligations that will be placed second in order to help her.

The other key here, arises out of the moon which in this case is ruled by pisces (which is also ruled by jupiter). The moon here highlights the sympathetic side of your decision. The lady here is tied to a boat and being led. I feel this highlights the lady's vulnerability. The fact that perhaps she has few options available to her. Maybe she doesn't know very many people to ask for help. She is asking you because she feels she can.

With the world, in this case ruled by saturn, there is a restatement of obligation. Saturn is a planet bound by duty, responsibility, stability. Here the figure is being lifted up out of the coils. Elevated, aided perhaps?

I feel that these cards definitely highlight the complexity of the sitaution and how you're feeling, which is valid. The cards advise that you should extend your hand in help when you are able, being clear and careful to not overstep your capacities so that you don't cause ripples of complications in your own life. The hierophant juggles both keys, managing to follow through with his duties while extending his guidance to others.

So the final answer is yes, with caveats.

Re: Thoth: qndynes reads for dodalisque

Posted: 27 Jun 2019, 05:13
by dodalisque
Considering you say you are not a Thoth reader I think your reading is excellent. I tend to stay away from the Thoth because I know so little about astrology, which seems more important with this deck than with most of the others. And it's not even the Thoth but the Tabula Mundi, which I've never seen before. It looks like a very interesting deck - Thoth-like but with lots of differences - a symbol system of its own. Ay-ay-ay, this looks like it's going to be an expensive month for me. That's two readings you have done for me this month and I didn't recognise either deck. Considering how many decks I have that's quite an achievement on your part.

The Hierophant of duty is probably holding keys because I am going to be required to drive this lady everywhere - they must be car keys. And since she has trouble getting to the door, I'm to be entrusted with the keys to her house too. Essentially she is locked in her apt. until I show up. The Hierophant is a figure of power and authority. My physical mobility gives me a certain authority, but she has the authority of age. Her suffering also gives her a certain moral authority. I am not really a saintly person but I am expected to behave like one in this situation. Awkward.

Looking at the 8 of Swords, the complications might arise because we are two very different people and neither of us like to back down. Perhaps that is why the lion and bird are nose to nose. I can see clashes ahead. If I'm 5 minutes late I'm going to get criticism and I hate that. I need to think hard about how I will be able to resist the demands of such a strong personality.

I noticed in your TdM reading for me this month that you associate the word "sympathy" with the Moon card, is that right? That's a new word for me in relation to this card. The intuitive sensitivity of the Moon card I suppose does translate into a feeling of sympathy. I wish the images on the cards were bigger so I could see more of the details. Usually when I click on an image in this section of the site it takes me to an expanded view but it's not happening in this case. The women looks as though the bottom half of her body is underwater. Interesting because this lady's legs are virtually immobile and paralysed. The woman on the card is hemmed in on both sides. So I think your interpretation about her helplessness is spot on. Seeing this makes me feel a bit guilty about being so selfish.

The Universe or World card is in the "decision position". It is the final card in the majors, the "happy ending" to the whole Major sequence. It kind of suggests everything is going to work out fine, and I might be worrying about nothing. But another feeling it gives me here is one of completion. Each request should perhaps be considered a complete separate event in itself. Perhaps the suggestion is that I should judge each request for help on its merits, taking my own needs into account as well as hers. This sounds better than setting myself up for continual obligation, being at her beck and call. I'll have to think some more about this card. I like your idea that she is being lifted up. Is this female figure bound in an egg and is she about to break free? The four figures around the edge of the card might represent other sources of help for this lady. Maybe I need to look around for a team of helpers. That would be the perfect solution. I certainly can't, or don't want to, manage all this by myself. I have my own life to lead. I nursed my parents during their final years and I know how demanding and ruthless old people can be when they are in extreme difficulty. They can swallow you up.

There are so many possibilities and emotions contained in these 4 cards. Three major cards out of 4 chosen. This feels like an important decision for both of us. Thanks for your help. I'm going to let this one sit with me for a week or so and then come back and look at this reading again. All the best.


Re: Thoth: qndynes reads for dodalisque

Posted: 27 Jun 2019, 15:21
by qndynes
dodalisque wrote: 27 Jun 2019, 05:13 Considering you say you are not a Thoth reader I think your reading is excellent. I tend to stay away from the Thoth because I know so little about astrology, which seems more important with this deck than with most of the others. And it's not even the Thoth but the Tabula Mundi, which I've never seen before. It looks like a very interesting deck - Thoth-like but with lots of differences - a symbol system of its own. Ay-ay-ay, this looks like it's going to be an expensive month for me. That's two readings you have done for me this month and I didn't recognise either deck. Considering how many decks I have that's quite an achievement on your part. I don't really have that many decks, less than 20! I try to keep my collection small but definitely well thought out.

The Hierophant of duty is probably holding keys because I am going to be required to drive this lady everywhere - they must be car keys. And since she has trouble getting to the door, I'm to be entrusted with the keys to her house too. Essentially she is locked in her apt. until I show up. The Hierophant is a figure of power and authority. My physical mobility gives me a certain authority, but she has the authority of age. Her suffering also gives her a certain moral authority. I am not really a saintly person but I am expected to behave like one in this situation. Awkward. This is on point, yes.

Looking at the 8 of Swords, the complications might arise because we are two very different people and neither of us like to back down. Perhaps that is why the lion and bird are nose to nose. I can see clashes ahead. If I'm 5 minutes late I'm going to get criticism and I hate that. I need to think hard about how I will be able to resist the demands of such a strong personality.

I noticed in your TdM reading for me this month that you associate the word "sympathy" with the Moon card, is that right? Well, I'm say sympathy because I get a sense of deep emotion there, and thinking about the whole issue with doing what is charitable with regards to the lady, sympathy is a notable element.That's a new word for me in relation to this card. The intuitive sensitivity of the Moon card I suppose does translate into a feeling of sympathy. I wish the images on the cards were bigger so I could see more of the details. Usually when I click on an image in this section of the site it takes me to an expanded view but it's not happening in this case. The women looks as though the bottom half of her body is underwater. Yes, that is a great observation I missed, the lady's legs are confined in this moon card, she cannot move her legs only her upper body. She seems to be struck to the prow of the ship. Interesting because this lady's legs are virtually immobile and paralysed. The woman on the card is hemmed in on both sides. So I think your interpretation about her helplessness is spot on. Seeing this makes me feel a bit guilty about being so selfish.

The Universe or World card is in the "decision position". It is the final card in the majors, the "happy ending" to the whole Major sequence. It kind of suggests everything is going to work out fine, and I might be worrying about nothing. But another feeling it gives me here is one of completion. Each request should perhaps be considered a complete separate event in itself. Perhaps the suggestion is that I should judge each request for help on its merits, taking my own needs into account as well as hers. Yes, definitely yes! This sounds better than setting myself up for continual obligation, being at her beck and call. I'll have to think some more about this card. I like your idea that she is being lifted up. Is this female figure bound in an egg and is she about to break free? The four figures around the edge of the card might represent other sources of help for this lady. Maybe I need to look around for a team of helpers. That would be the perfect solution. I certainly can't, or don't want to, manage all this by myself. I have my own life to lead. I nursed my parents during their final years and I know how demanding and ruthless old people can be when they are in extreme difficulty. They can swallow you up.

There are so many possibilities and emotions contained in these 4 cards. Three major cards out of 4 chosen. This feels like an important decision for both of us. Thanks for your help. I'm going to let this one sit with me for a week or so and then come back and look at this reading again. All the best.

Thank you, your feedback is excellent!