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Tarot: Charlie Brown and Myperception

Posted: 16 May 2019, 05:23
by Myperception
Hi Charlie,

My question :-
Tomorrow 17 May is my last day with current employer. I would like to take a look at how far did I develop myself in terms of my fame in this industry?

If you need me to rephrase the sentence, please let me know :)

Re: Tarot: Charlie Brown and Myperception

Posted: 16 May 2019, 06:44
by Charlie Brown

Yes, I think I need either rephrasing or a bit of clarification. I've often seen you use this word "fame" in relation to your job. I don't think you are using it the same way an American would. I don't really understand what you mean.

Re: Tarot: Charlie Brown and Myperception

Posted: 16 May 2019, 09:50
by Myperception
:lol: it's my poor english command Lol.... actually what i mean is reputation :lol: while i type fast and i wil tend to use fame, haha... sorry :lol:

Re: Tarot: Charlie Brown and Myperception

Posted: 19 May 2019, 00:54
by Charlie Brown
Like we discussed and agreed to, I used the spread from this month’s TdM circle instead of the Beltane spread. As you can see, this is basically a past-present-future spread with a few elaborations. The deck was prepared using all 22 majors and 11 minors, so although majors are overrepresented statistically, it shouldn’t have particular significance.

I phrased the question in this way:

How has her most recent job affected MyPerception’s professional reputation?


In short, I see these cards as saying that while you probably done some damage to your reputation, it will ultimately lead you to a more satisfying place.

For the two past cards, we have Judgement and The Tower. The big question I have here is whether these cards refer to the job that you’re presently leaving or else the job you had prior to this—the one that you left to come to this one. If these cards refer to your most recent job, then they’re very simple: you started a new period in your life (judgement) and it didn’t work out very well (tower). However, since the question was specifically about your reputation, I think that it’s more likely that these cards refer to you previous job. Since you’ve only just left this job, any effects it’s having on your reputation should be in the present, not the past. I hope this makes sense. I’m finding it hard to write clearly today.

So, if Judgement + Tower refer to your previous job, then I think they’re saying the biggest strike against your fame happened when you left the previous job. Perhaps they thought you left in a way that was damaging (Tower). I really couldn’t say for sure, but Judgement/Tower doesn’t look so good there to me.

In the present, I see a very clear reflection of the ways you’ve described your recent job. In the center “present obstacles” position, we see the Devil, which indicates the oppressive nature of your current position and/or your negative feelings about it. The “current outlook” of the Empress shows you taking control of your situation and the “current influence” of The Fool says that you’re moving on from the job and embracing your freedom.

If I try to put these cards more firmly into the context of your professional reputation, they might suggest that you’re overly affected by your feelings and will only work well when you’re getting your own way.

In “future influences” we see the Knight of Wands. I feel that this could mean many things. As a horse rider, he’s continuing the journey we saw started by The Fool. As a wand, he’s his personal will is central to his identity and functioning. As a knight, he is likewise in service to the king or, shall we say, another employer.

I find the relationship between the Knight of Wands and the King/Queen to be relevant here. Since wands represent willpower and drive, those things are of paramount importance to the knight. On the other hand, he is a servant of the King and/or Queen. What this means, is that when the Knight’s will is in harmony with his master’s will, he can be very powerful. When his will is in conflict with the king, then he has lost something essential. This is the same kind of feeling that I get when I hear you talking about your work.

I asked a follow-up question “What is the Knight of Wands doing in this spread?” and drew 4 of Coins + 6 of Swords. This combination represents financial stability + harmony of mind. That seems very similar to what I was just talking about. Therefore, the Knight of Wands shows you searching for a job that is more in alignment with the kind of work you want to do.

Notice that the 4 of Coins refers to financial stability, which is not necessarily the same thing as financial abundence. This leads us into your final card, your “ultimate result” which is The Star. She is peaceful and independent. She is also humble, especially in comparison to The Empress. You may find that these fast career changes have taken you off of what we here in America might call “The Fast Track.” You may miss a promotion or two, but you will find greater inner peace in the long run. I think it’s a very promising card to end your reading upon.

Re: Tarot: Charlie Brown and Myperception

Posted: 24 May 2019, 13:57
by Myperception
Hi Charlie, here is my feedback :-

You did a great reading ! Tower and Judgement shows my early resignation as a top management after joining the previous company for only 3 months, i felt it did caused damage on my reputation.

The devil also a very true negative feelings that i had towards my previous job, as i didn't feel good while i accepted the offer but at that point of time i didn't have alternatives. So from the beginning, it just a stepping stone. I admitted that i dislike the job scope.

Empress explained well on how intense that i control myself overall in work everyday, it's tension and so much restrictions. The fool obviously i am now freely moving on with new job !

I agreed if the job or direction didn't go my way, i will be very much affected, and can't perform well.

Now my new job i am also a knight which serving the King. Knight of wands, i think it's a capable fighter if me and boss are sharing the same direction in work. The job right now also align to what i wish to venture.

This FAST TRACK may not have promotion opportunity or higher career advancement compare to my previous job. But i embrace it as it does allow me to gain more inner peace and i have balance in work life and leisure, also no need to force myself to attend all unecessary entertainment or social network errands. As age catch up, i become more introvert LOL...

I enjoyed this reading alot. Again, thank you very much !