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How to Play "The Divine Sentence Game"

A one sentence Round-Robin game using any divination technique you choose.
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Joan Marie
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How to Play "The Divine Sentence Game"

Post by Joan Marie »

The Divine Sentence Game

Rules are simple: Poster asks a one sentence question, and the next person to post below them, answers that question with a one-sentence answer.

That person then asks their question for the next person who replies to answer.

So, how is the question answered? That is entirely up to you! You can answer with a single Tarot card or do a spread if you like. For some, a 5-card Lenormand reading lends especially well to the sentence format. Or do a complete Tableu if you like. And Oracle cards too of course.

But this game is not limited to divination with cards! All forms of divination are encouraged! Break out your pendulums and scrying mirrors, your crystals, runes and newspaper clippings. Tea Leaves? Absolutely! Throw a dart at a map or open a book and close your eyes and see where your pencil lands!

Entrails? Okay, animals should be harmed for this game, please.

In all seriousness, the idea is to give everyone who plays The Divine Sentence Game a chance to experience all kinds of divination and provide a fun way to practice our arts with each other.

You are also encouraged to post pictures of your cards or whatever tools you use and even a brief explanation of your method if it will help clarify your one-sentence answer.

*Since the Game doesn't really allow for feedback because it keeps moving forward, if a reading you get is especially resonate, you may want to drop the reader a PM and let them know.

**If your divination method needs a little time, you may want to "call dibs" when you start working on answering the question so that no one else jumps in while you're still working on it.

That's all there is to it! Let the divinations begin with Cult of Tarot's The Divine Sentence Game!
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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