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Far from the Sun: My Celestial Week 08

A week-long reading activity designed to reacquaint you with your under-used decks as you connect with each day using the prism of the days of the week and the week's theme.
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Far from the Sun: My Celestial Week 08

Post by Joan Marie »

This is from the website Stardate:
July 3: Far From the Sun: On average, Earth is 93 million miles from the Sun. Over the year, though, that distance changes. Now, for example, we’re a million and a half miles farther than average. Tomorrow, in fact, Earth will be farthest from the Sun for the entire year.
Can you imagine? A million and a half miles we've traveled away from our nearest star.

Did you feel it? Do you feel the distance?

This week, let's think about the distances we have traveled and what it means. Let's try and connect to the feeling.

Here are some suggestions (and they are only suggestions) to help you find your way as you do your draws for each day with this in mind:
  • Saturday - Ruled by Saturn - The influence of ancestors
  • Sunday - Ruled by the Sun - Our connection to our past successes or achievments
  • Monday - Ruled by the Moon - Nostalgia for the past, memories
  • Tuesday - Ruled by Mars - Distances we have yet to travel, thoughts of the future
  • Wednesday - Ruled by Mercury - People we haven't seen or spoken to in a long time, lost connections
  • Thursday - Ruled by Jupiter - How far we have traveled, from where we began
  • Friday - Ruled by Venus - Distances in our close relationships
I wish you fun with this and hope the exercise leads to some wonderful ideas and inspirations for you.

(If you are new to My Celestial Week or want to know more about it, you can see this post.)

Also remember, you can jump in any time, the week starts when you start it.

So choose a deck for this week's exercise and begin when you are ready.

And enjoy this beautiful rendention of Jimi Hendrix's Third Stone from the Sun by the brilliant Dick Dale

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Re: Far from the Sun: My Celestial Week 08

Post by Joan Marie »

This week I am using my newly acquired Ethernal Sand of Time deck.
The Egyptian motif goes well with the hot dry weather and the theme of distance.

Saturday - Ruled by Saturn - The influence of ancestors


3 of Pentacles

I come from a very long line of very hard workers. And as hard as they all worked there was never any real material wealth to pass on. Everyone started from scratch, materially speaking.
This is the card of work, of working together and depending on each other to survive.

My ancestors did not have the luxury of seeking some kind of fulfilment in their work. That had to be found elsewhere. In small things. In free things.

And here is one of my dad's favourite singers, singing the song that just now popped into my mind, that captures exactly what I'm trying to say about what my ancestors passed on to me.


The moon belongs to everyone
The best things in life are free
The stars belong to everyone
They gleam there for you and for me

The flowers in spring, the robins that sing
The sunbeams that shine
They're yours, they're mine

And love can come to everyone
'cause the best things in life are free.

My dad sang in the bathtub. With 6 kids, a hard job that paid very little and bills, bills, bills, you wouldn't think he had much to sing about. But he did, in the bathtub and even with the door closed, the whole house was filled with his voice. Always happy love songs, usually from the 40's, like this. ❤️

Here they are, my parents, on their wedding day in 1948. It's a pencil drawing a friend of mine made for their 35th anniversary.

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Re: Far from the Sun: My Celestial Week 08

Post by Myperception »

I am back with my new tarot deck - Everyday Witch. I am trying to put into lesser words, simple and summary form.

Saturday - Ruled by Saturn - The influence of ancestors

Page of cups
Embrace the good stuff from our seniors, and fine tune or enhance it with own thoughts, make sure it can applies in our daily life. Let the thoughts flow, let the idea spark. Keep trying !

Sunday - Ruled by the Sun - Our connection to our past successes or achievments

9 of pentacles
Time to have a rest or slow down the pace after hardwork in past. Nothing can beat the success and proud feeling of being able to buy ourselves a great food by our own earnings. Relax and drink wine !
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Re: Far from the Sun: My Celestial Week 08

Post by Joan Marie »

Sunday - Ruled by the Sun - Our connection to our past successes or achievements


The King of Cups

The fiery part of water, the creative part of emotions.
This represents the part of me that uses emotions, which are very powerful forces, as the basis of creative action.

I've never thought about it until now, but that's what I do. And I can say that my successes and achievements in life mostly started out by me being pissed-off or tired of something or in love or bored or scared or insecure or restless or....etc.

And along the way those emotions transform, are transformed, by the work itself and it becomes something else entirely.

I can really see that now.
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Re: Far from the Sun: My Celestial Week 08

Post by Joan Marie »

Monday - Ruled by the Moon - Nostalgia for the past, memories


Yesterday I got the King, today the Queen.

This watery watery card reminds me of the reflections we see in pools of water. This makes me think that much of nostalgia is looking for ourselves. We look for a time when we perceive things as having been better somehow. people we loved were there. We were younger. Kids were younger and cute. We look for ourselves over the distance of time. But the more time that passes, the less we can really know how things were for us then.

I think of that play, I think it's "Our Town." And a person who has just died asks if they can go back and just see one day from their life. They are advised by an angel I think, of some kind, to just choose an ordinary day. She goes back and sees all the people bustling around the house in the morning and she's overcome with how wonderful everyone was, although not a thing special is happening. But she realises it was all special. Only at the time that was not seen.

I found this, beautiful performance of her saying goodbye to earth after the visit,

She always got me with "fresh ironed dresses." And "sleeping."

A lot of people think Our Town is a corny play. But I don't think so at all.
Nostalgia is a reflection of how our soul has grown.
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Re: Far from the Sun: My Celestial Week 08

Post by Myperception »

Monday - Ruled by the Moon - Nostalgia for the past, memories

The sun
A positive and happy card. Whatever happened in past, also a good experienced to me. Makes me become a better and stronger person, willing to belp those unfortunate or need guidance people. Memories and experienced are wonderful ! Embrace it with open heart.

This is the song that always bring me back to those days...

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Re: Far from the Sun: My Celestial Week 08

Post by qndynes »

Finally getting around to sitting down and slinging the cards. It's been hectic and moody in these parts.

So for this week's celestial week, I've gonne ahead and indulged myself with the black and white Tarot of the Holy Light. I'm also following the planetary wheel that heads these celestial weeks threads.

Starting from today Monday I have the chariot highlighting nostalgia and memories of past connections, here ruled by Gemini.

Tuesday is quite ambitious with the 6 of wands looking ahead.

Wednesday finds the knight of swords ruled by Gemini considering lost connections.

Thursday is the air trine in 10 of swords with the distance traveled.

Friday os the 5 of wands looking at connections, relations, and distances in between. I can't help but think of the song The Space Between by The Dave Matthews Band!

Saturday and the ancestors being the fire of the 7 of wands.

Culminating in the 2 of cups for Sunday.

So let's see here. Right off the bat there's a stark tension between fire and air, the air that fans the fire. The chariot does not dwell on nostalgia but instead charges forward, despite not dwelling there is awareness of the nostalgia. If I think of the twins and the two sides of Gemini, I acknowledge that there's a polarity being played out here wherein I learn to direct the reings of the twins, one that looks one way (nostalgia, memories) and the other that looks ahead.

With mars, the following day in the order, there's still an emphasis on twins on duality, but now they see eye to eye. This is the 6 of wands leo ruled by the sun, lion and eagle, above and below coming together for a common goal. There is ambition for the future, ambition that desires to bring the future close and in harmony. Glory in union.

Wednesday below features Gemini again in the guise of the knight of swords, lost connections. This side of gemini is the trickster side, the side that hides the fallout of connections lost in misdirection. Instead of having the sensibility of the chariot, this knight plays no games, instead cuts, reorders, and rearanges to suit his mood and ambitions. Perhaps this is something worth dwelling on. Perhaps there are grievances or past connections that deserve to be felt, maybe even mourned. But this knight knows that mourning should be brief.

Again, Jupiter's day has the air trine, again air, thinking of the mutable Gemini along with the other two signs, the cardinal and fixed. I can't help but see the weight of all 10 swords lie heavy on the distance traveled. Maybe this is why the knight doesn't want to wallow too long in lost connections, the distance traveled, the lessons learned have been hard won. 10 swords illustrate the weight of pain and grief. Better to have loved and lost... but one has to keep going.

Friday is opulent, now we're in the section of the spread where wands bring fire heating up the dry air, 5 wands in this case. Five, movement action, configuration, getting the angles right. Two pillars, both lighting the center, illuminating secrets at specific angles. Leo ruled by mars. This is the leonine that blazes the trail, that gets the the distance right. Current connections amd relationships although few are attuned to the precise degree of proximity wherein there is comfort, there is understanding, and there is passion.

The very special saturnian connection with ancestors comes in the shape of wands, 7 of wands. Sagittarius ruled by mars, there is a dynamism here with the ancestors, there is a fire that tempers diversity, all these different wands entwined and connected. It is comforting to know that the ancestors are never far, and that the connection's fire blazes.

The topmost central card is the 2 of cups, the sun. Glories of the past but here, the way it flanks the 5 and 6 of wands seems fitting. Glories of the past also contain blessings for the present. The two of cups one pours belows, the other receives from above. As past glories are spent and poured out, space is made for new blessings from connections that are and that will be.

Well, lots to suss out still, will sit with this one. I find myself sitting with these readings as the week progresses. I like it.

Thoughts are things, and words have wings.
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Re: Far from the Sun: My Celestial Week 08

Post by Joan Marie »

Tuesday - Ruled by Mars - Distances we have yet to travel, thoughts of the future


2 of Wands
A powerful card. What could this mean?
This is a strong image.
I am optimistic about my future. It's true.
This card makes me think my optimism is not unfounded. I need to keep believing in it. It's kind of my motor.
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Re: Far from the Sun: My Celestial Week 08

Post by qndynes »

Joan Marie wrote: 02 Jul 2019, 19:11 Tuesday - Ruled by Mars - Distances we have yet to travel, thoughts of the future


2 of Wands
A powerful card. What could this mean?
This is a strong image.
I am optimistic about my future. It's true.
This card makes me think my optimism is not unfounded. I need to keep believing in it. It's kind of my motor.
This deck looks gorgeous!
Thoughts are things, and words have wings.
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Re: Far from the Sun: My Celestial Week 08

Post by Joan Marie »

Wednesday - Ruled by Mercury - People we haven't seen or spoken to in a long time, lost connections


5 of Cups
Well. My life is full of lost connections. I've moved a lot. I suppose it's pretty common for people to think of someone from their past they've lost touch with, google them or look them up on facebook, find them, make a happy contact then ....back to oblivion.

Is it realistic to think we can maintain relationships forever, even if they were good ones? Does it make more sense to leave them in the past, cherish them for what they were and move on without guilt or remorse?

I honestly have a hard enough time maintaining the relationships I'm in presently.

I think Facebook was supposed to be how we would be able to keep a superficial level of contact on all our relationships. I never did facebook. And maybe I should have. Maybe I should still. But sometimes, I kind of enjoy my anonymity.

The cups on this card are arranged encircling the one in the center. Coming and going. I have to think about this. But one thing I think I know is that it's okay to have fond memories. You don't have to feel bad because it didn't continue until the end of time.
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Re: Far from the Sun: My Celestial Week 08

Post by Myperception »

Tuesday - Ruled by Mars - Distances we have yet to travel, thoughts of the future

7 of pentacles
Efforts had been invested at my end for quite awhile, all i need here is to be patience, the future may not be able to seen at all right now, not even knowing where it will travel to. But at times goes by, it will unfold the outcome. Let's be patience and wait for the time to reveal the future...

Wednesday - Ruled by Mercury - People we haven't seen or spoken to in a long time, lost connections

The hermit
It's my ownself or my mentor. I had long enough that i didn't even spend time to meditate or give myself a quality alone time. And recently i just spend a long dinner session with my mentor, it's a great night. I will arrange it at least twice a month. Seriously i also need a space and time to recharge and it's time now to deal with ownself that had been neglected by long...
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Re: Far from the Sun: My Celestial Week 08

Post by Rachelcat »

Here’s my birthday week! (My birthday was Monday.) I’m trying Robert Place’s Tarot of the Saints, and I’m afraid it’s stymied me. So I’m just going to struggle through and see what I come up with . . .

Saturday - Ruled by Saturn - The influence of ancestors
XVII, St. Therese (of Lisieux), The Star

St. Therese was a pure and innocent soul who climbed a stairway of stars to heaven at the time of her early death. I’ve mentioned in other readings that my father was a Very Good Person. He had an innocent, simple belief in doing what’s right and was kind, generous and helpful to everyone. He really inspires me to believe that simplicity is a very large part of goodness. Life’s not complicated. You just do what’s right and help people if you can. Now to live by those words!

Sunday - Ruled by the Sun - Our connection to our past successes or achievements
Ace of Swords

I was always the smart one. I loved school and learning and especially reading. I valued my success in school and in college. And it has stood me in good stead in my work life, too. I’m the go-to person at work for proofreading, grammar, spelling, etc. And I take pleasure in being known for that and in helping my coworkers when they need it.

Monday - Ruled by the Moon - Nostalgia for the past, memories
Three of Staffs

In September, I’m going to Colonial Williamsburg for a vacation. It’s mostly because of nostalgia. We went there when I was a kid, 9 or 10 maybe? And I totally loved it. I am a true nerdy tourist at heart. My parents always tried to take us on educational vacations, and I ate it up! What could be better than going somewhere different and relaxing AND learning something? So my upcoming movement/travel is dominated by nostalgia!

Tuesday - Ruled by Mars - Distances we have yet to travel, thoughts of the future
St. Francis, The Fool

A great card for thoughts of traveling into the future. Although I’ve reached an interesting age number milestone, I am still open to traveling into something new and unknown in the future. St. Francis is good for the Fool: a perpetual innocent who preached to the birds and animals. He had an innocent and loving faith that he naturally wanted to share with them and believed that they could understand and join in with his ever-youthful trust in God.

Wednesday - Ruled by Mercury - People we haven’t seen or spoken to in a long time, lost connections
I, St. Nicholas, The Magician

I don’t know about lost connections here, so I’m going to stick with Wednesday/Mercury as a very good Magician day! I learned from the book that Nicholas was quite a miracle-worker, saving engaged young women and butchered children (!) alike. He made things happen in the real world that really helped people who needed help. I hope to put that kind of Magician energy into practice.

Thursday - Ruled by Jupiter - How far we have traveled, from where we began
XII, St. Blandina, The Hanged One

I’ve gone through a lot of big changes in the last three years or so, all for the good. (Gotta love a Saturn return!) The Hanged One is here to tell me the changes aren’t over yet! Yes, I’ve come a long way, but I’m hanging in there for more. Hmm, I wonder what’s next?! According to the book, St. Blandina was one of the Christians who were tortured in the Roman Forum for public entertainment. She was hanged upside down, fed to lions who wouldn’t bite, etc. and never faltered. Finally, she had to be plain old stabbed. Place interestingly brings out the Hanged Man as traitor concept by noting that Christians were persecuted because they wouldn’t worship the Roman gods, which technically made them traitors to the state.

Friday - Ruled by Venus - Distances in our close relationships
V, St. Peter, The Pope

Do you think the Pope can mean “in name only”? I’m here and my husband is in San Francisco, and that’s definitely the way I like it. He’s been gone maybe three years now, but I’ve never felt the need to get an official divorce. (Mostly because I’m helping him with some money, so it’s just easier to keep finances together, plus I think that would mean selling the house and all kinds of things I don’t want to even think about.) We’re on good terms, talk on the phone, send Christmas presents, etc. But it’s not like we have any kind of real relationship. That’s literal and emotional distance! That’s why I’m thinking the relationship is legal only and in name only. Maybe the Pope means if I meet someone or something, I would still feel bound by marriage even though it’s just a legal thing? I guess I’ll have to wait and see if that happens!
Please join us in This Week's Deck!

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Re: Far from the Sun: My Celestial Week 08

Post by Myperception »

Thursday - Ruled by Jupiter - How far we have traveled, from where we began

8 of wans
What a hurricane wind ! I had been travel opposite to where i am suppose heading to, and this is what i plan since 2016. Though it's exhausting, but alright, i would like to see with effort invested, will i be where i am wishing to see later. Everything is in progress. I am in the midst of the path, and about to seeing the destination soon.

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Re: Far from the Sun: My Celestial Week 08

Post by Joan Marie »

Thursday - Ruled by Jupiter - How far we have traveled, from where we began


The Tower!
HA! Isn't that an interesting card for this theme.

I have turned quite a few things around in my life that is for sure and I am a long way from where I started.

I could never have imagined any of this. But in a lot of very significant ways, I feel like my destiny was sidetracked early on by circumstance and really, where I am now, feels like where I always belonged.
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Re: Far from the Sun: My Celestial Week 08

Post by Joan Marie »

Friday - Ruled by Venus - Distances in our close relationships

The Knight of Pentacles
it's funny how we can be emotionally close to someone we are physically distant from and also physically close and emotionally distant.

This Knight has a really distant look about him. Armoured and armed. I think it represents the latter example, physically close and emotionally distant.
Lots of guard up.

I know a lot of people won't agree with this, but I think some distance in a relationship is a good thing. It's room for personal growth without the burden of expectations. The trick is to do it well. Firstly, to not be frightened of it. Secondly, to know how to manage it. Thirdly, al that armour isn't necessary if your doing it right. It's tricky business. It requires attention and care in order to work for everyone. And it's best to not try and explain it to others.
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