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Intuitive: Joan reads for myperception

Posted: 08 Apr 2019, 12:52
by Joan Marie
hello myperception!

I've got you twice this month but the exercises are very different, so thanks for letting me practice on you!

Is there a question or a situation in your life that might be helped by the gift of a little spell or poem I could write you with Tarot cards?

let me know when you can!

Re: Intuitive: Joan reads for myperception

Posted: 09 Apr 2019, 05:42
by Myperception
Hi Joan, I am truly looking forward on your intuitive reading as the spell sounds magical to me much :)

Let me brief on my situation, I do not have specific question, just a situation that I prefer to have an intuitive reading, and see what the universe tells me.

I took up a new job offer, 23rd May 2019 will be the day I start working in new place. I would like to know how do I get along with the new job, to gain more knowledge in order to be successful.

If the question is very much unclear, do let me know, I can rephrase it.

- Sam :geek:

Re: Intuitive: Joan reads for myperception

Posted: 09 Apr 2019, 09:30
by Joan Marie
This great sam.

I'm really looking forward to doing this! Hopefully this weekend.


Re: Intuitive: Joan reads for myperception

Posted: 13 Apr 2019, 17:46
by Joan Marie
Okay. I have a spell for you.

I used the Thoth deck because It is the one I have been using for spells and it has been working really well for me.

Here are the 3 cards I drew:

intuition myp.jpg

And here is your little spell/poem:

Edges and angles
Points and tangles
Pushing without rest,
But who has nerves
Knows the curves
Are where you find success.

If you look at the cards you can see where the images in the poem came from.
It's really a simple message about staying clam and going with the flow.
But don't think about that too much.
Just close your eyes and repeat the rhyme a few times, with intent, and then forget it.

The spell is cast, now let it do it's work.

I hope you like it!

Re: Intuitive: Joan reads for myperception

Posted: 14 Apr 2019, 14:16
by Myperception
Hi Joan, thanks alot for the reading. I like the spell and been read for a few times 😉

The card images and signs are clear to me. Just moving forward, everything will set into place. Success wont come easy. It's a new industry exposure and expansion projects for me. I am looking forward to all those new stuff !