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Charlie Brown reads for Jaq

Posted: 12 Apr 2019, 15:37
by Charlie Brown

Re: Charlie Brown reads for Jaq

Posted: 12 Apr 2019, 15:58
by jaq
Charlie Brown wrote: 12 Apr 2019, 15:37howdy
And howdy back. We're reading for each other again :)

Ok, my question is about the general topic of eating. I've been struggling with my weight and eating most of my life. I've had a reasonable and more or less workable approach to it for the last 17 years but it's a daily, hourly effort. I eat healthy (lots of fish and veggies) and reasonable amounts but the weight continues to be a concern, as do cravings. Obviously you're not a doctor or nutritionist, but it would be interesting to see what the cards say in terms of how body, mind and spirit interact around this topic. Thank you!

Re: Charlie Brown reads for Jaq

Posted: 13 Apr 2019, 17:10
by Charlie Brown
Can you help me formulate an exact question for this? Going just by your last post, I guess the question would be "How do Jaq's body, mind, and spirit interact around the issues of weight and eating" Obviously I could do that, but did you want something more actionable like "How can Jaq improve her nutritional/dietary health?" or maybe more generally descriptive like "What are the important issues surrounding Jaq's struggles with weight and eating?" Or some other approach entirely.

Re: Charlie Brown reads for Jaq

Posted: 13 Apr 2019, 18:49
by jaq
Charlie Brown wrote: 13 Apr 2019, 17:10 Can you help me formulate an exact question for this? Going just by your last post, I guess the question would be "How do Jaq's body, mind, and spirit interact around the issues of weight and eating" Obviously I could do that, but did you want something more actionable like "How can Jaq improve her nutritional/dietary health?" or maybe more generally descriptive like "What are the important issues surrounding Jaq's struggles with weight and eating?" Or some other approach entirely.
Thank you! I like the last question.

Re: Charlie Brown reads for Jaq

Posted: 16 Apr 2019, 04:13
by Charlie Brown
What are the significant issues surrounding Jaq’s struggles with weight and eating?

Hi Jaq. Thaks for letting me read for you with such a robust question. It’s obviously a sensitive topic for many people, and probably for you as well. I find that with a question like this it can be hard to clearly and directly say what I see in the cards without having it sound like I’m making assertions about you personally that I don’t have any basis to make. I’m sure you understand what I’m trying to do and I just hope that I was able to do it in an appropriate way. It’s much easier when I can just say “he’s not leaving his wife” and have that be that. Also, since this is at least semi-adjacent to a health reading I feel that I have to throw out all the usual disclaimers that I’m not any kind of medical professional, etc. etc

For this reading, I used my vintage 1JJ Swiss tarot

n.b. click on photo to turn right side up

In a nutshell, what I’m seeing in the cards is that your desire for change is rooted in a sense of obligation and duty—it’s something that you should do— rather than in a heartfelt drive for something different. While the end result might, theoretically, be nice, the process is not making you happy. If anything, worrying about it might be a detriment to your happiness. There’s also a possibility that there’s an interpersonal dynamic at play.

Please note I ordered my rows, from top to bottow, as Mind, Body, Spirit. I did this for two reasons. 1) It aligns more properly with my theory of tarot structure and 2) It places the body row in the center of the tableau, which I thought was appropriate for the question. Also notice that both Jupiter and Juno appear in your reading. I think this is just the deck showing off. It’s underutilized and is always happy to demonstrate its capabilities.

For the main cards, we have two fives and a court. We see Jupiter as the main mental factor. There’s an inherent dissonance and imbalance to the 5s and the Jupiter card displays this far more readily than the traditional Pope. Thinking of Jupiter, although he is the lawgiver and ruler, he prefers to spend his time galavanting about. Doesn’t he look miserable sitting there on that throne having to dutifly deal with his regal leagal eagle? The flanking cards likewise reflect this dynamic. The highly structured, thoughtful, abstract, and mental 8 of Swords, its high-minded ideas shining like a finely set jewel on the one side and, on the other, Le Mat all fancy-free, footloose, and free-wheeling. He isn’t concerned with the laws and the duties and the shoulds. He’s off having fun. He doesn’t have the weight sitting on Jupiter’s shoulders.

An extremely similar dynamic can be seen in the spirit cards at the bottom of the tableau. Here, the gracious and always convivial Valet de Coupe seems like he’s being harrassed, harrangued, and hectored by Mrs. Jupiter herself. She’s directing him sternly, demanding he put a stop (10 of swords) in whatever it is that he’s otherwise up to.

Notice that in the first row, we had the 8 of Swords as a perfect idea of what should be happening/what you should do/what the law dictates and, in the bottom row, we see the 10 of Swords as spiritual effect of that idea/where these ideas lead/what the law ultimately demands.

Finally, we come to the body row in the center.

As a cup, it suggests that your emotions are deeply mixed up in all of this. As a 5, it suggests that there is a desire for something more

As an aside, I did once get 5 of cups in a body reading as meaning too much drinking. I have no reason to think that’s an issue here, but I thought I’d throw it out there.

Five Cups seems fairly apparant: there is a desire for change but its emotionally burdensome and a big downer. The idea that you should be eating differently or losing weight (Jupiter) weighs down on you, giving rise to some depression or, at least, ennui about it (5 of Cups), which, in turn, leads you to a general sense of malaise and/or frustration (Valet moving to 10 of swords).

The flanking cards are a bit more puzzling to me and I have a few different notions to offer you.

The first, and most fortune-tellery, is that perhaps there is a man (King of Coins) who is something of a bad influence on you (7 of Wands as inharmonious will). Do you often find yourself planning to dine on a little Pacific Salmon when all of a sudden he picks you up and takes you for endless quantities of Molson and Poutine?

Reinforcing the other parts of the reading would be interpretation two: The emotional discord in the 5 of cups comes from trying to control your body (King as controller, coins = earth = physical) in a way that is discordant with your true will (7 of wands, again, as inharmonious will).

Thirdly, I look at the flanking cards in the context of their columns. The King of Coins is yet another ruler type figure who sits directly between the two swords. This reinforces the reading that a lot of this is something that’s being imposed from ideas of what you should do or what you have to do. Likewise, the 7 of Wands reflects the struggle between The Fool and Juno.

Re: Charlie Brown reads for Jaq

Posted: 16 Apr 2019, 15:24
by jaq
Charlie Brown wrote: 16 Apr 2019, 04:13 What are the significant issues surrounding Jaq’s struggles with weight and eating?
Just a quick note before I dash off. I will write more, promise! But I do want to let you know that there was something really freeing in reading this. It redoubles my resolve to focus more and more on intuitive eating, which I started in January. In my life, there is no point in opposing the Fool. He/she/it/they are too strong an influence.

More later! Maybe even before Easter!

I really, really, really appreciate this wonderful, thoughtful reading.

Re: Charlie Brown reads for Jaq

Posted: 18 Apr 2019, 13:58
by jaq
Charlie Brown wrote: 16 Apr 2019, 04:13 What are the significant issues surrounding Jaq’s struggles with weight and eating?
Hi Jaq. Thaks for letting me read for you with such a robust question. It’s obviously a sensitive topic for many people, and probably for you as well.
Yup. Thank you for acknowledging that.
In a nutshell, what I’m seeing in the cards is that your desire for change is rooted in a sense of obligation and duty—it’s something that you should do— rather than in a heartfelt drive for something different.
Yes, there is an element of that and sometimes I forget about that.

Please note I ordered my rows, from top to bottow, as Mind, Body, Spirit.
Great idea!
For the main cards, we have two fives and a court. We see Jupiter as the main mental factor. There’s an inherent dissonance and imbalance to the 5s and the Jupiter card displays this far more readily than the traditional Pope. Thinking of Jupiter, although he is the lawgiver and ruler, he prefers to spend his time galavanting about. Doesn’t he look miserable sitting there on that throne having to dutifly deal with his regal leagal eagle?
Haha, you're right!
The flanking cards likewise reflect this dynamic. The highly structured, thoughtful, abstract, and mental 8 of Swords, its high-minded ideas shining like a finely set jewel on the one side and, on the other, Le Mat all fancy-free, footloose, and free-wheeling. He isn’t concerned with the laws and the duties and the shoulds. He’s off having fun. He doesn’t have the weight sitting on Jupiter’s shoulders.
The Fool is playing a big role in my readings lately. He is definitely the Major that I identify with the most and, interestingly, the High Priestess/Juno being the second. Both are not concerned with the law, with what someone says is the correct thing to do.
An extremely similar dynamic can be seen in the spirit cards at the bottom of the tableau. Here, the gracious and always convivial Valet de Coupe seems like he’s being harrassed, harrangued, and hectored by Mrs. Jupiter herself. She’s directing him sternly, demanding he put a stop (10 of swords) in whatever it is that he’s otherwise up to.
Haha, the Valet de Coupe wants his coupe whenever he damn feels like and in whatever quantity suits him. I am not "in the cups" like he is but with food I can be and it is indeed a spiritual practice - Juno - that keeps me away from it. In this context I see this Valet de Coupe as the undeveloped, immature, I-will-live-forever version of the Fool who, in my eyes, has a very refined naivete - often, to me, he is the child-like sage.
Notice that in the first row, we had the 8 of Swords as a perfect idea of what should be happening/what you should do/what the law dictates
... that's the tendency to be a bit of a health nut, the part of me that dreams about some unattainable sort of discipline ...
and, in the bottom row, we see the 10 of Swords as spiritual effect of that idea/where these ideas lead/what the law ultimately demands.

Finally, we come to the body row in the center.

As a cup, it suggests that your emotions are deeply mixed up in all of this. As a 5, it suggests that there is a desire for something more

As an aside, I did once get 5 of cups in a body reading as meaning too much drinking. I have no reason to think that’s an issue here, but I thought I’d throw it out there.
That's the addictive quality of my eating. Very interestingly captured in this 5. Thank you.
Five Cups seems fairly apparant: there is a desire for change but its emotionally burdensome and a big downer. The idea that you should be eating differently or losing weight (Jupiter) weighs down on you, giving rise to some depression or, at least, ennui about it (5 of Cups), which, in turn, leads you to a general sense of malaise and/or frustration (Valet moving to 10 of swords).
That part doesn't quite resonate as much.
The flanking cards are a bit more puzzling to me and I have a few different notions to offer you.

The first, and most fortune-tellery, is that perhaps there is a man (King of Coins) who is something of a bad influence on you (7 of Wands as inharmonious will). Do you often find yourself planning to dine on a little Pacific Salmon when all of a sudden he picks you up and takes you for endless quantities of Molson and Poutine?
You clearly know I'm Canadian :) Endless quantities of Molson and poutine are long, long past; I'm at a stage/age where three regular cookies are too much. And yes, it is my husband who bakes those cookies. It is interesting that he is the one in the family who makes more coins. Also, my source of coins (my work) is wonderful but boy, do they ever like to party. No occasion is small enough to do a potluck or put on a breakfast feast! Both of these are sources of temptation for me, and I often give in.
Reinforcing the other parts of the reading would be interpretation two: The emotional discord in the 5 of cups comes from trying to control your body (King as controller, coins = earth = physical) in a way that is discordant with your true will (7 of wands, again, as inharmonious will).

Thirdly, I look at the flanking cards in the context of their columns. The King of Coins is yet another ruler type figure who sits directly between the two swords. This reinforces the reading that a lot of this is something that’s being imposed from ideas of what you should do or what you have to do. Likewise, the 7 of Wands reflects the struggle between The Fool and Juno.
Interesting about the struggle between the Fool and Juno. That's the last thing I want. They need to work together! But! Oh! After the 7 of Wands comes the 8 of Wands, which many interpret as swift movement. Maybe I just have to work through the struggle and then things will move better.

Interestingly enough, I weighed myself this morning and honestly wonder whether the scales are right because it's been years that I've weighed this "little." Eight days in a row of not eating anything dessert-y at all feels good.

Re: Charlie Brown reads for Jaq

Posted: 18 Apr 2019, 16:03
by Charlie Brown
Thanks, Jaq, for the excellent feedback. It helped me clarify a couple of things in my head. I also like to picture that coin as giant cookie. :D

Re: Charlie Brown reads for Jaq

Posted: 19 Apr 2019, 14:42
by jaq
Charlie Brown wrote: 18 Apr 2019, 16:03 Thanks, Jaq, for the excellent feedback. It helped me clarify a couple of things in my head. I also like to picture that coin as giant cookie. :D
Hah, the coin as a giant cookie - yes!

Re: Charlie Brown reads for Jaq

Posted: 24 Apr 2019, 01:06
by BreathingSince72
Charlie Brown wrote: 16 Apr 2019, 04:13 What are the significant issues surrounding Jaq’s struggles with weight and eating?

. Also notice that both Jupiter and Juno appear in your reading. I think this is just the deck showing off. It’s underutilized and is always happy to demonstrate its capabilities.

I was so surprised to see this deck. I may have to use it on the next go...I have the 1971 version printed by AGM in Switzerland and distributed by US Games.

Jaq, this really was a great query for this spread. I have a similar struggle myself and it has had difficult repercussions on my health. I have to lose weight for my health. But I wonder if there is something that can make the process fun for you? I go on listening or seeker’s walks where I set out with no agenda. I’m not counting steps or time but I try to give it a good 20 minutes. I let myself be led to what attracts my attention often photographing nature as I go. It’s quite refreshing and doesn’t feel like a chore. It also gives me energy for my eight year old. I feel that when we can add something fun to these health based efforts, whatever that may look like for you, it makes them more effortless.