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L'Œil de L'Âme Tarot
Posted: 16 Nov 2020, 11:23
by Niobium
Looks quite nice. Also, out of Hong Kong, for anyone in that region who'd like to not need to pay for shipping from the US.
Re: L'Œil de L'Âme Tarot
Posted: 16 Nov 2020, 15:35
by Nemia
A very beautiful deck with interesting colour choices. What a pity that shipping will probably be very expensive, and times are so difficult right now. I wish the artist the best, it's a very sensitive deck full of magical creatures.
Re: L'Œil de L'Âme Tarot
Posted: 17 Nov 2021, 08:29
by cmuins
Hello, I only just discovered that my deck was posted on this forum! Thank you for spreading the word
The deck is currently available for purchase and I am also running a giveaway on my Instagram (@cmuins)