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Playful Heart Tarot On Kickstarter Oct 5th 10 am PST

Do you have a Tarot related project on Kickstarter or Indiegogo or elsewhere? What about something available for pre-order? Have you seen one you want to tell us about? Backing a project is like investing in a future present for yourself. Have a look!
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Playful Heart Tarot On Kickstarter Oct 5th 10 am PST

Post by KittenChops »

Hello tarot Family,

Rekindle your tarot JOY and get into your HEART SPACE via PLAY and CUTENESS.

PHT is an instant, divine, intuitive access to tarot wisdom via the power of cuteness for all ages.

What is the quickest and most joyous way to connect with the wisdom of the tarot? What is the easiest way to receive inspiration, brilliant insights and helpful, practical advice for your everyday choices? CUTENESS!

Cuteness is a direct way to the divine, to spirit. We all love cuteness when we are young and curious and then (most of us) tend to leave it behind. But cuteness is such a powerful remedy! It is a sure way to bliss! Seeing something cute is instantly heart melting and heart opening. If you practice extending the time spent in that open hearted feeling place magic can happen! That is exactly the place of grace I am inviting you to embrace with the Playful Heart Tarot!

What is the power of cuteness? It is the gateway to your authentic self. You know that feeling when you see a kitten or a puppy and your heart swings wide open? That is the feeling I am talking about.

Here is the preview Page that will go live this Saturday, 10 am PST.

Hope we connect there! Much love!!!! Zaara KittenCHops
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