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Seeking To Sell Two Decks From Japan

Posted: 12 Jul 2020, 13:15
by Parzival
I am seeking to sell/mail out two beautiful decks from Japan, unused, only inspected, like new. I simply need to "thin the pile." The decks are Kabbalah Tarot and Tarot Cards by Niikura. Both are boxed sets with books in Japanese. Please let me know if interested.

Re: Seeking To Sell Two Decks From Japan

Posted: 12 Jul 2020, 15:16
by Nemia
I googled them - wow they're both unbelievably beautiful. I can't hope to afford them - but how much do you want for them?

Re: Seeking To Sell Two Decks From Japan

Posted: 12 Jul 2020, 21:23
by Parzival
Yes, they are artistic marvels. I am considering the price, and will let you know soon. Thank you for your interest.

Re: Seeking To Sell Two Decks From Japan

Posted: 14 Jul 2020, 10:25
by Parzival
I consider $100.00 for the two decks reasonable. Let me know if you are still interested. If not, I will keep for now. Thanks.

Re: Seeking To Sell Two Decks From Japan

Posted: 14 Jul 2020, 15:47
by Nemia
Oh, that's very reasonable. I'd have to earn that money first - and it would take a month. Are you willing to keep them for me a month? I'd LOVE to have them but I live by the rule that I can spend only money earned through tarot on tarot (otherwise I'd live on dry bread and buy only decks and books).