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ISO: Vandenborre Tarot

Posted: 08 Jul 2020, 04:51
by dodalisque
This deck is also known as the Flemish or Flamand or Vlaamse tarot. It's an old variation on the Tarot de Marseille style of deck. Ideally I would like to find a copy of the Pablo Robledo version of this deck, but there are not many of those about. I think Carta Mundi put out an edition and I believe there is another edition out there too published by Game of Hope. I have a fairly large collection of TdM decks so perhaps I might have something you would like to trade if you prefer that to cash.

Re: ISO: Vandenborre Tarot

Posted: 08 Jul 2020, 12:07
by JudyK
US Games version any good to you? They're the only ones on eBay at the moment, apart from a rather pricey one published by Aurelia Books. I must admit I was surprised to see US Games producing a square cut, soft card deck.

Re: ISO: Vandenborre Tarot

Posted: 22 Sep 2020, 11:58
by rylla
I have this deck, C.Mundi, printed in Belgium. The box shows signs of wear and tear, the cards are in pristine condition.

Let me know please if you are still interested, than I'll send you photos.

(located in UE)

Re: ISO: Vandenborre Tarot

Posted: 11 Oct 2020, 17:25
by Tag Jorrit