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ISO Idiosyncradeck

Posted: 04 Jun 2020, 08:20
by Niobium
Sadly I discovered this one long after it was done being printed. (Snagged an Amethyst Oracle by the skin of my teeth.) So, if anyone has one they're willing to part with...

If trade is preferred, I have the following decks I'll trade for it:

Jonasa Jaus 5th Edition
Jonasa Jaus Stunning Tarot 1st Ed.
Bonestone and Earthflesh Tarot
Brady Tarot, 1st Ed. (w/wooden box)
Ironwing Tarot (w/hemp bag)

Edit: expanded my list of trade-ables. I'm in the US and willing to deal with international shipping, though customs/duties would be on the recipient in the case of a trade.

Re: ISO Idiosyncradeck

Posted: 04 Jun 2020, 20:21
by Nemia
Do you know that she is about to publish a new deck which is not so un-similar to the Idiosyncradeck? It's not on her website yet and I don't know where I read about it.... I hope I didn't get it wrong.... but if you don't find anyone willing to let their deck go, you can hope there will be another chance to get this deck. If you read my review, you know I love it. :lol:

Re: ISO Idiosyncradeck

Posted: 05 Jun 2020, 05:31
by Niobium
I *did* see it, and honestly I love it even more than the current Idiosyncradeck...but sadly it's on hold because she's swapped to making a new oracle deck. The upcoming deck also looks quite lovely, but in the mean time, it'll be a few years before we see the Jessica Tarot, from the sound of it.

So, if I've got a couple years, I can spend them hunting high and low, and keep a weather eye on her instagram in the mean time. :) I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it! (Even though, as I read all the rave reviews, all I could think was, 'ugh no one is ever going to give these up'.)

Re: ISO Idiosyncradeck

Posted: 06 Jun 2020, 04:33
by Nemia
Maybe someone bought two and is willing to give up the back-up deck, don't give up! The Bottanical looks great, too.

Re: ISO Idiosyncradeck

Posted: 07 Jun 2020, 00:18
by beezee
I used to have the idiosyncradeck I ended up selling mine I highly recommend the spacious tarot it definitely replaces the idiosyncradeck for me, itโ€™s very scenic and I find it easier to read I hope you find copy tho ๐Ÿ˜Š

Re: ISO Idiosyncradeck

Posted: 07 Jun 2020, 06:56
by Niobium
I am in fact ordering the Spacious Tarot as soon as the second edition goes up for pre-order. >.> And thanks! Fingers crossed someone else like you opts to give it up due to lack of a good match. I know all too well how that can go.

Re: ISO Idiosyncradeck

Posted: 18 Feb 2021, 00:59
by Niobium
Updated my trade list. Here's hoping!