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Quick Introduction! @kennethwattsreadings

Posted: 23 Apr 2021, 23:16
by kennethwattsreadings
Hi guys!

I'm new to the online community here and so just wanted to quickly introduce myself.

Me Then:

My name is Kenneth and I'm a psychic reader from Canada. There's a bit more wordy of a biographical sketch of myself on my FB page (link below), but just to introduce myself a little here..

I'm 30 years old, born in Canada to two very strict, very fundamentalist, and unknowingly, very psychic parents. (Any form of non-Pentecostal form of spiritual expression was forbidden.) Upon seeing the way I was raised, my father's mother (a psychic and spiritualist), decided to move to my town to watch me grow up more closely (and prevent the closing off of my mind). She opened me to a whole new world I never knew existed. At 12 I was learning to read cards, auras, energies, use crystals, to scry images in mirrors. I began doing readings online after school for free. It was bliss.

Somewhere between high school and adulthood I decided to stop believing in magic and put all my faith into science. I studied cell and molecular biology at the University of Toronto. The irony: to go to one of the world's most prestigious universities in one of their leading fields, see everything behind the curtain, and realize science was not the infallible source of all truth I once thought it was. I was disillusioned and discouraged. Now what do I believe in?

Somewhere in the mix, a sense of inner searching translated into a sense of inner remembering. Not just going back to childhood and the spiritualist knowledge I once *learned*, but the spiritual knowledge your soul simply, inexplicably, but intuitively just *knows*, becoming still and allowing answers to come from a deeper place (rather than busying myself trying to find them in the outside world). I started seeing flashes of light again everywhere, beautiful auras. Images, sights, and sounds would come to me about people and situations of which I couldn't possibly be aware. I called my Grandma, "You need to start doing readings again."

Me Now:

SO, here I am! A 30 year old die hard Nine Inch Nails fan, a trashy reality TV addict, a sappy hearted humanist, and... a psychic. Cool? Maybe! I'll be honest... most people don't really appreciate when you know what they bought you for Christmas the moment they buy the gift. Or worse, what secrets they're currently thinking about, hoping you won't tune into at the exact moment you blurt it out. (Okay okay, maybe some of the problem is my big mouth. Fine. When you're right you're right!)

BUT, this same gift has turned out to be AMAZINGLY helpful for people that are willingly and knowingly *asking* you to tell them what you see (crazy the difference this makes in outcome, I know).

What I Do:

I do tarot and astrology readings (mostly natal charts, but love doing horoscopes as well!). I conduct my readings over the phone or by instant message, so can always find a mutually convenient appointment time regardless of time zone difference. They generally last 45 minutes with 15 minutes left at the end for questions or general discussion of the reading (though can certainly do mini readings also).

I can also provide tutoring or lessons for those looking to learn tarot or astrology!


For more information or to book an appointment:

FACEBOOK: @kennethwattsreadings (
INSTAGRAM: @kennethwattsreadings (


Love and light until we meet again~

Re: Quick Introduction! @kennethwattsreadings

Posted: 24 Apr 2021, 00:07
Very nice introduction.
Hello fellow canadian.

It is nice you had a such a spiritual grandma to guide you and influence you.

Re: Quick Introduction! @kennethwattsreadings

Posted: 24 Apr 2021, 00:22
by kennethwattsreadings
I certainly wouldn't be the same without her. And hello to you too! :D