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Hello again, I'm back

A place for members to share their Personal Tarot story.
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Hello again, I'm back

Post by Nemia »

After half a year of solitude, I feel I'm ready again to participate in this beautiful forum. I'm sorry I disappeared so suddenly. I took such a total time out that I didn't even access the site, my pms, anything. I didn't continue the jobs I had volunteered for and left the other mods in the lurch. It was part of a larger process in my life but it hurt others, and I'm really sorry. (Being sorry and embarrassed didn't help coming back!)

I had the social media blues together with some other kinds of blues in my life. I'm glad it's over by now and I'm hugely impressed by how the site looks.

Concerning the role of tarot in my life, that break was really important to me. I didn't know any more whether I was fascinated by tarot itself or whether I did the movements to "perform" on the forum stage. I was afraid that if I don't post pictures any more of my tarot calendar or readings, I wouldn't DO them any more because maybe I did them just to publish them? I didn't know the role of tarot in my life any more.

But not a day has gone by that I didn't take care of my tarot calendar, I did my vernal equinox reading all by myself and it was beautiful, I continue to read about tarot and learn and study and do readings and everything else. I continue to write in my journal, fall in love with decks and read tarot blogs and deck reviews. And of course I continue to work as professional reader, and my tarot work gives me more than half of my monthly income (don't hold your breath, it's very little anyway).

So now I know that tarot is really a deep part of what and who I am, and has been so for many years. And having a virtual tarot home on the net is also a part of my life, and I love this one.
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Re: Hello again, I'm back

Post by BlueStar »

Welcome back Nemia!:) I think it is great that you were able to identify that you needed time out - it's so important to be able to be honest with oneself about what one needs. And social media can throw up all kinds of issues. Glad you feel on form again:)
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Re: Hello again, I'm back

Post by Myperception »

Welcome back Nemia ! Look forward to read more about your readings and tarot practises :)
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Re: Hello again, I'm back

Post by Nemia »

I'm so happy to be back. Didn't know how much I missed this place.
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Re: Hello again, I'm back

Post by RavenOfSummer »

I'm so happy to see you, dear Nemia!!!

I think those kinds of breaks can be important at various stages of our journey. We live in a time of social media obsession and while it offers unprecedented opportunity for connection, it can also risk our lives becoming more "performative" than real. So good you took the time you needed and to reconnect with your own practice before venturing back out into the world with it.

Very glad to see you again and know you are well! 💜
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Re: Hello again, I'm back

Post by Joan Marie »

It is so wonderful to have you back.

Do not worry for a second about leaving for a while and you have nothing to apologise for.

I am just so happy to have your voice here again and am just looking forward to a wonderful summer!
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Re: Hello again, I'm back

Post by HOLMES »

sometimes you just have to take a cookie break with some milk and ponder the world.

I think what happens on any spiritual path like learning the tarot,, mediating, channelling, doing reiki,, etc..
is the internal world grows so much in us,, concepts,, raise in vibration..
that the outer world has to catch up ,, rather our way of viewing the outerworld..
so, there is no shame in that.. :)
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Re: Hello again, I'm back

Post by katrinka »

Happy to see you back here!
And no worries - it requires a degree of self-reflection to even experience what you did.
I think this sad old world could use a LOT more self-reflection.
"Protect your spirit, because you are in the place where spirits get eaten." - John Trudell
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