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Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 03 Feb 2019, 22:58
by Charlie Brown
AnwynnTarot wrote: 03 Feb 2019, 14:07 Anyway, I’m so glad to be here, and I’m going to try to not be shy about speaking up and offering readings and such. I need the practice, and the community!
If you're interested be sure to check out the tarot reading exchange circle that we do every month. It's great for beginners!

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 16 Feb 2019, 19:43
by Jade Melany

My name is Jade M. I'm an Artist, Healer, Musician and Writer and for me the Tarot has been instrumental in helping me to find my place in the world.

I was given a set of Tarot on my 18th birthday and as I'm now 44 ..... that was quite some time ago. I'm still learning every day the lessons that Tarot has to teach me.

During the last 25 years I have read Tarot for thousands of clients on a professional basis. In 2013 I created the Soulscapes Tarot which are oil paintings that I self published into a Tarot deck and I have used them to read for others, until creating the new deck last year which is the Initiates Way™

What has been most important for me on the journey of Tarot is what it can do for you other than using it as a tool for divination.

I have run spiritual development circles for years using the Tarot Majors as a focal points for guided meditation and path working.

The Initiates Way™ book I have written contains these 22 guided meditations to introduce you to the 'inner world' of Tarot and this journey has been priceless for me in terms of learning, and I work with these in one to one or group sessions to help others on their fools journey. I'm so glad to be here amongst all of YOU! And I look fwd to getting to know you all better. :D

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 10 Mar 2019, 19:42
by CaraHamilton
Hi Jade, lovely to see you here.

Cara x

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 12 Mar 2019, 22:33
by CaraHamilton
I don't think I did this when I joined.

I'm Cara, and have been reading Tarot since I was 16. I bought two decks when I first bought Tarot, The Hanson Roberts and Crowley Thoth. In my 20's most of my work was private readings and psychic fairs. Over the years I have read for thousands of clients.

These last 10 years I have been a professional Psychic Entertainer, author, Horoscope and paranormal columnist for a number of newspapers. Most of my work is in theatres where I use Tarot on stage.

My websites are (stage show and entertainment work) and (is my purely Tarot and Psychic work)

I have designed the Italian Artizan Tarot which will be published in 2020 once my current project is completed.

This is a lovely and friendly site and thank you to those that built it.


Cara x

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 19 Mar 2019, 21:54
by ShazPop
Hi Everyone
Delighted to find a tarot community that I can link with/learn from. I started out with oracle cards apx. 3/4 years ago which I love! I think maybe 2 years purchased my first RW Cards and have been learning them intermittently ever since. Im still relatively to this and self thought, therefore, as I said I'm delighted to find a platform where I can bounce my ideas off other people. 😊

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 20 Mar 2019, 20:59
by Raido
Hello everybody !
I am a big fan of Tarot culture, and glad to be here.

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 21 Mar 2019, 04:53
by Charlie Brown
ShazPop wrote: 19 Mar 2019, 21:54 Hi Everyone
Delighted to find a tarot community that I can link with/learn from. I started out with oracle cards apx. 3/4 years ago which I love! I think maybe 2 years purchased my first RW Cards and have been learning them intermittently ever since. Im still relatively to this and self thought, therefore, as I said I'm delighted to find a platform where I can bounce my ideas off other people. 😊

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 21 Mar 2019, 04:53
by Charlie Brown
Raido wrote: 20 Mar 2019, 20:59 Hello everybody !
I am a big fan of Tarot culture, and glad to be here.

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 25 Mar 2019, 02:55
by kare
jaq wrote: 03 Jan 2019, 23:37 Great to meet you here! I, too, am not a big fan of RWS. The Wildwood is part of my collection, and I like it. The Tarot of Brass and Steam looks interesting! I've put it on my 'like to have' list.

Never heard the expression "a wild hair" - where does it come from, do you know?
After all these years, I have some RWS decks and am not bothered by the images anymore. According to Online Slang Dictionary, a wild hair occurs when a horse hair gets in the water trough, grows fungus, and appears to wriggle. It means to act on impulse. 😊

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 26 Mar 2019, 12:09
by InfernalTarot
Hi everybody! Thank for letting me in! I promise to be good! :)

This looks like such a thriving community, great to see :)

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 26 Mar 2019, 12:19
by Joan Marie
InfernalTarot wrote: 26 Mar 2019, 12:09 This looks like such a thriving community, great to see :)
Good to see you too!

I see you shared your "Tarot Story" in another thread (Sneak Peeaks). It's really so interesting I'm going to put a link to it HERE so people looking up these stories under this thread can see it.

Welcome to the Cult of Tarot!

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 26 Mar 2019, 12:25
by InfernalTarot
Joan Marie wrote: 26 Mar 2019, 12:19 Welcome to the Cult of Tarot!
Fantastic, thank you! :)

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 06 Apr 2019, 10:08
by max
Hello everybody. My name is massimiliano, max to simplify and I started a few months of personal growth. This path includes the study of tarots (in the course we use those of the restored Camoin-Jodorowsky marseilles) and their application to the family tree. This path is called "initiatory path from Jung to Jodorowsky, from roots to treasure".
The journey lasts two years, then there are many masterclasses for further study.
I love tarot cards and even symbols.
I don't have any favorite tarot decks. For the rest I would like to share my journey with this group and learn new things by reading them.
Thank you :)

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 17 Apr 2019, 17:32
by Joan Marie
Hi-Just posting a little reminder here that it's never too late to share your Tarot story!

I was just reading this thread from the beginning and it's so interesting really and makes it so clear how the Tarot comes to us all in different ways and plays such interesting and important roles in our lives.

If you are new here, or even if your not, think about making a post here and telling us a little about:
  • How did you get started in Tarot? Oracles? Lenormand?
  • What was your first deck and where did you get it?
  • Do you have a favourite deck? Why?
  • Do you have a favourite topic or area of interest in Tarot, for example, symbolism, history, reading groups, collecting, etc..?
Or anything else you like.

I hope you can add a bit to this tapestry. It really is wonderful. 💚
Now, just click "post reply..."

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 05 May 2019, 17:51
by RambitRibb
Hello :) You can call me Rambit, I'm 29 y/o and I'm a rookie tarot reader.

I always had this curiosity about tarot and occult arts, but I never listened to it, ignored it for years. Then on October 2018, when I lost my job and I was trying to rearrange my life, the word Tarot popped up in my mind, and I just coulndn't ignore it anymore. Somehow I demanded myself to embrace it because it felt right.

My first deck was the Wild Unknown, after hours of looking for a nice deck that could be minimalistic and friendly. Got it from Amazon. At the time of studying, it was a bit of a struggle since I should have started with the Rider Waite Smith, but I don't regret the work I put into it.

My favorite deck is still the Wild Unknown, its like an old, gentle friend, and when I hold it in my hand I feel calm and happy.

I'm not too much of a community person, I rather educate myself on Tarot. I love collecting only my favorite ones, and I am currently making my own deck. Lately I've been going through some depression and anxiety, so I figure that being part of a community could be a nice change and interact with others' experiences.

Thank you

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 05 May 2019, 18:49
by Joan Marie
RambitRibb wrote: 05 May 2019, 17:51 I'm not too much of a community person, I rather educate myself on Tarot. I love collecting only my favorite ones, and I am currently making my own deck. Lately I've been going through some depression and anxiety, so I figure that being part of a community could be a nice change and interact with others' experiences.
So glad you have joined us Rambit. Thank you for sharing your story.
Feel free to jump in anywhere you like whenever you feel like it. I think you will find an interesting and welcoming community here.

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 05 May 2019, 21:09
by katrinka
It started a long time ago.

First, there was a Majors Only deck offered through Scholastic Books at school. (That probably wouldn't happen now, the zealots would be out in full force.) I ordered. Every card was a popular song (Bad Moon Rising, the unintentionally creepy and stalkerish Elusive Butterfly, etc.) It was REALLY BAD, but it made me want a real deck.

I saw an advertisement for a University Books RWS you could get if you joined the Mystic Arts Book Club, so I ordered. And somehow I found Eden Gray's Mastering The Tarot. So there I was doing bad Celtic Crosses for myself at 13.

A few years later, I got a Grimaud Marseilles at the "Occult" section (remember the "Occult" section? They've watered it down to "New Age" now - ack!).
It came with a card listing their other decks - the Small Lenormand, the Grand Lenormand, the Parlor Sibyl. I was intrigued. I had no way of accessing any of that, though.

Years later, the internet happened, so I googled. (Or maybe I used yahoo search then, or dogpile? Google was in its infancy.) And I was off and running. :D

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 09 May 2019, 07:14
by devin
Hey, I'm Devin, a 36 year old guy from South Africa who reads mainly with marseille decks and is just starting to get into lenormand.

I think maybe I'm slightly unusual in the tarot community for not having been into tarot/magic/paganism/etc. as a teen.... only coming to such practical mysticisms later in life.

For the last couple of years I've been constantly overhauling my tarot practice. Other than that, I do lots of readings - for myself, others, but not professionally.

Anyway, this place looks cool and I look forward to hanging around!

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 29 May 2019, 19:09
by qndynes
Hello all my name is Natalia or just call me qndynes. I've migrated here from Aeclectic, after the grieving period. I would love to join the community to learn, grow, and share all about tarot and divination. About my tarot story, following the opening thread questions....
How did you get started in Tarot? Oracles? Lenormand?
What was your first deck and where did you get it?
Do you have a favourite deck? Why?
Do you have a favourite topic or area of interest in Tarot, for example, symbolism, history, reading groups, collecting, etc..?

I began with tarot after tearing down all the religious walls from childhood. It was a long and arduous time, fraught with too much chaos. This was about 10 years ago or so. Then I met my partner, shortly after that I stumbled upon The Hermetic Tarot by chance, can't recall how exactly. I think it was in one of my local botanicas. I decided to jump on it and got the deck. Diving in was another matter, I was way over my head. My tarot journey began. After diving in I went in a circuitous way around the various Golden Dawn tarot traditions, including the RWS. About a year in I found the Marseille Tarot, I recall the exact moment this happened. I was at one of my local occult stores (or botanica) and there was a Fournier deck, The Spanish Tarot. I asked to see it, when I held the deck in my hands, it felt like butter, the cardstock and the colors were so captivating. I was smitten. I ended up walking away without getting the deck. During the week I kept dreaming of the deck, wishing I had purchased the deck when I had the chance. It took about two weeks, I went back to the store in a frenzy and got the deck. I consider that my true tarot initiation. I went into the TDM, got courses with Camelia Elias, read her books, read Enrique Enriquez, got a couple more Marsille decks, the rest is history as they say.

My favorite deck, oh lord, how to choose. I guess my first TDM would have to occupy that spot, The Spanish Tarot.

My favorite topics relating to tarot are history, esoteric (especially non Golden Dawn), tarot and astrology, reading groups, and collecting of course! :D

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 30 May 2019, 19:15
by Diana
Welcome qndynes :)

Always a pleasure to meet someone who's smitten by the TdM. It's always been the only one for me. Over at Aelectic many many years ago when I posted as Diana, I called it the "Ur Tarot". And I still stand with that. It's a wonder and a mystery and it's so old.... all these centuries, and we're still enamoured and amazed.

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 30 May 2019, 19:26
by qndynes
Marigold wrote: 30 May 2019, 19:15 Welcome qndynes :)

Always a pleasure to meet someone who's smitten by the TdM. It's always been the only one for me. Over at Aelectic many many years ago when I posted as Diana, I called it the "Ur Tarot". And I still stand with that. It's a wonder and a mystery and it's so old.... all these centuries, and we're still enamoured and amazed.
It was the TDM that really hooked me, before that I was swimming in waters too deep lacking the tools to gather my bearings and know the landscape. The TDM is definitely my first love. I was reading about a tarot scholar mentioning the UR Tarot idea in one of Enrique Enriquez's interview books. You just brought it back to mind. I like it.

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 04 Jun 2019, 06:30
by Crowcallsthenight
Hello Cult of Tarot,
Could words express how very excited I am to find myself here. In my travels on the world wide interweb, I had come across the now defunct aeclectic tarot and that forum has been such a wonderful resource for a novice like myself. And some of you are here! Plus everyone else who has an amazingly broad range of knowledge to share and is so generously here to do that .

I feel like someone who suddenly finds out their favourite author has moved in next door. To be able to enter into dialogue with words that have moved you 🙃 It is at once utterly terrifying and such a blessing to my tarot journey. Sorry to be such a fangirl but my toddler had a good nights sleep last night and I'm feeling effusive... excessive emoji use ahead 😎😆💖💗💖

I'm just here to soak it all in, and big thanks to those who have already responded to my questions with their wisdom. It is very appreciated

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 04 Jun 2019, 07:15
by Charlie Brown
Crowcallsthenight wrote: 04 Jun 2019, 06:30 my toddler had a good nights sleep last night and I'm feeling effusive... excessive emoji use ahead 😎😆💖💗💖
Toddler sleep must always be used to its full advantage.

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 04 Jun 2019, 07:36
by Crowcallsthenight
Oh yes indeed. Sleep is my favourite hobby, I'm also interested in going to the toilet by myself, and asking tiny people, 'where do you think you are going with that? '

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 04 Jun 2019, 07:58
by Crowcallsthenight

Toddler sleep must always be used to its full advantage.
My lack of advantage in this matter may become very apparent, apologies in advance