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Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 21 Nov 2018, 19:58
by GaryOwhere
Greetings, fellow Tarot enthusiasts!

How did you get started in Tarot?
I started to explore esoteric and Tarot topics back in 1978, following paths from comic books (Doctor Strange), fantasy, and mystical works.

What was your first deck and where did you get it?

I somewhat nervously but excitedly entered a "New Age" store in a corner of a shopping mall. My first deck was the Rider-Waite-Smith, which was a bit tame to me. I then got the Crowley-Harris Thoth, and was hooked!

Do you have a favourite deck? Why?

The Thoth is still one of my favorites, along with the Ironwing, Elemental, Rocambole, and Sephiroth. I enjoy their bold and enigmatic energies and unique art styles.

Do you have a favourite topic or area of interest in Tarot?

I enjoy decks with strong and unusual symbolism. I want to see artistic explorations, rather than clones.

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 25 Nov 2018, 21:38
by Sinister
Well met, all.

My first introduction to Tarot was my mother's 1JJ Swiss Tarot, when I was very young, back in the late 70s/early 80s. I remember being intrigued by the images - similar to 'normal' playing cards, but more mysterious. This would've been around the time that the programme Tales of the Unexpected was broadcast on television, with those same cards appearing in the creepy credits sequences.

Then, many years later (not quite sure when) I got the first deck of my own, the Original Rider Waite. I still like it, but generally speaking, I'm more drawn to the older decks and the history behind them, such as the Marseilles tradition and the 19th century Italian decks etc. And I also like some modern ones, for instance those designed by artists like Luis Royo and Timothy Lantz.

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 03 Dec 2018, 03:28
by Tiny Blossoms
How did you get started in Tarot? Oracles? Lenormand?
I got started for real with Oracle decks because I have a friend who is very into tarot and magic and things that fascinated me but I never knew where to start. She helped me pick out my first deck and I felt an instant connection. It's been such a wonderful tool to strengthen my intuition, I've really loved getting to tell her about my readings and everything we get up to!

What was your first deck and where did you get it?
Embarrassingly, my first deck was the Shapeshifter Tarot deck and I bought it when I was maybe thirteen or fourteen, I think. I was with a friend from a little witchy shop somewhere around Philadelphia. I say embarrassingly because I chose that deck only when she informed me I was not allowed to get the dragon deck I most wanted, and I didn't bond with the cards at all; they sat in my room being ignored until eventually one got knocked down and bent so I threw the whole deck out in a fit of tidying - I feel a bit silly now, seeing the deck sell for hundreds of dollars, but it just wasn't meant to be I suppose.

My first "real" deck, to me, was my Pythia Botanica oracle deck - I bought it from the creator's site.

Do you have a favourite deck? Why?

The Maiden Oracle! I felt pulled towards it since I first saw it and the moment I touched the cards' box my hands got all tingly, so much that my arms cramped up, but it felt so nice that I didn't want to stop touching it. We're still getting to know each other, but I get so giddy even thinking about this deck that it couldn't be any other. (Pythia Botanica, my first deck and created by the same person, is a very close second.)

Do you have a favourite topic or area of interest in Tarot, for example, symbolism, history, reading groups, collecting, etc..?

Collecting, I suppose? I love herbal/nature-based decks, vector art, and the really artistic cards. Since I don't know the traditional meanings, and I'm a really emotional person, I would rather see an artist evoke feelings through the designs than stick to the same old patterns that I can find in hundreds of other decks.

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 03 Dec 2018, 03:59
by Charlie Brown
Sinister wrote: 25 Nov 2018, 21:38 My first introduction to Tarot was my mother's 1JJ Swiss Tarot,
Then, many years later (not quite sure when) I got the first deck of my own, the Original Rider Waite.
On very special occasions I'll do dual deck readings with my 1JJ and a similarly aged pre-copyright RWS. It's such a great combo.

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 03 Dec 2018, 04:01
by Charlie Brown
tiny__rainbows wrote: 03 Dec 2018, 03:28 My first "real" deck, to me, was my Pythia Botanica oracle deck - I bought it from the creator's site.
Wow! That deck looks great. I wouldn't be able to make head nor tail of it, but I can tell that—for the right reader— that would be just killer. I'm guessing that you know a whole lot about plants and stuff?

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 03 Dec 2018, 04:08
by Tiny Blossoms
Charlie Brown wrote: 03 Dec 2018, 04:01 Wow! That deck looks great. I wouldn't be able to make head nor tail of it, but I can that—for the right reader— that would be just killer. I'm guessing that you know a whole lot about plants and stuff?
I actually don't know loads about plants, but the cards all have words - "errant repose", "dig, pull, bury", "disquiet the myth" - and between the language in them and the feel of the plants I get some pretty strong feelings when I look at the cards. I actually picked the deck because it felt very earthy, like it would connect me with history while still growing and creating something new. I find her (is it common to feel genders for your decks?) very nurturing and patient with me, exactly what I needed from a starting deck!

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 05 Dec 2018, 22:40
by Bluehare
I have been unwittingly collecting tarot since being a teenager. I learnt how to read cards via the prediction tarot deck. Later I purchased the Russian, Medieval Scapini and Enchanted Tarots. The Enchanted Tarot was so precise in fortune telling it scared me and I gave it away to a best friend. We use it together occasionally when I visit and I still marvel at its power. About 10 years ago I started buying more and more decks looking for my soul deck, I thought I had found it with the Bohemian Gothic Silver Edition, however whilst it is a beautiful deck, it is rather shadowy and I found the readings a little uncomfortable, and my goodness - that Empress card just freaked me out - so I sold the deck (and some days regret doing so).
I am most inspired by the Mary El Tarot, which encourages a deeper study of tarot systems and correspondences. I still do not posess my soul deck ( I will have to create my own I think) however there are some exquisite decks being produced. I am currently following the creation of the True Black, Oriens and Blood Moon tarot’s. For reading decks, I am so so looking forward to receiving the Serpentfire and eventually purchasing the Spirit Keepers tarot second edition. For purely aesthetic reasons I am a desperately seeking Susan for the gorgeous Jonasa Jaus 3rd edition. I’m also very interested in animal/nature/environment representation in tarot decks, and enjoy creations that deviate from an anthropocentric view point, I am currently studying the excellent Brady Tarot which is doing just this, in order to read her tarot you must meet the animals she depicts on their own terms. An important way of thinking considering species extinction and habitat destruction. I think It’s an exciting time for tarot, a beautiful system that reflects changing mindsets, constantly reimagined and reincarnated the tarot challenges patriarchal and oppressive systems. Tarot keeps us on our toes, its reminds us that life is a journey towards spiritual awakening and self love. If we are all interconnected then this self love and acceptance can manifest within the world around us in a positive and beautiful way.

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 06 Dec 2018, 02:16
by Primal
My name here Is Primal. I am not a beginner in tarot reading (using The Rider Waite Dmith deck since my early childhood (I was eleven). I cannot call myself an expert though. There is always room for more learning.

My country of origin Is Serbia. I am a 29 years old lawyer and a pro bono tarot reader. I have a gift to talk to the dead and other spirits, and to read The energy of other people and their past, sometimes even the future. I know a little bit about interpreting the natal chart, some basic stuff.

Enough about me.(I am becoming boring)
I have made Thoth tarot, Dark angel tarot Guilded Reverie Lenormand, Gypsy Cards by myself. (just printing The Cards myself) I appriciate the artwork and a symbolism of cards. I am hoping to find a job soon and purchase The original decks and more books on the subject. I am sticking with the original RWS for now. Love that every card Is painted, especially The minor arcana. I don't see anything with Tarot The Marseille type decks.

I am looking forward to meet you all guys.!

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 07 Dec 2018, 21:48
by jaq
How did you get started in Tarot? Oracles? Lenormand?
Definitely Tarot. Oracles I look at only occasionally. My grandmother used to "read the cards" to the rich farmers' wives in Germany right after the war, when everyone else was starving. I have no idea where she picked that up - she came from a family that was quite well off before the war - but it kept the family in eggs and butter. She was still doing it when I was little, in the late 1950s, and I'd toddle along with her. She never taught me, but her interest in the mystical was always around somehow. Personally, my first remembered encounter with the Tarot was when I had just started working on my degree. I had to do a research project and because I was so busy, I wanted to do something that was interesting (so that I could stay awake) and easy. I have no idea how I came up with the idea of doing this research project where I investigated whether I could use Tarot cards to incubate dreams. I used the Native American Tarot. Why I had it - who knows. From then on, my interest rose slowly for about fifteen years. I'd buy a deck every year or so. Then one day I bought the Crows's Magick, opened it, looked at the first few cards, and suddenly I got it! It was quite the burning bush type of thing.

What was your first deck and where did you get it?
The Crow's Magick was in a neat little New Age cum souvenir shop in this resort where we'd go once in a while in the winter. I still remember sitting on the bed in the hotel room, opening the deck. Funny how clear that memory is and how fuzzy I am on when and how and where I got the Native American deck.

Do you have a favourite deck? Why?
I have a whole bunch of favourite decks. Just a few: I love the Crow's Magick because it is so mysterious. The Daughters Of The Moon embody for me all that's good and Pagan. The Cat's Eye Tarot I find so easy to read, and I love how on the surface it looks kind of cute but really it is quite profound. Lately I really like the Gay Tarot, partly because of its contemporary look.

Do you have a favourite topic or area of interest in Tarot, for example, symbolism, history, reading groups, collecting, etc..?
I am a counsellor and as such, the psychological aspects of Tarot interest me a lot. I am also a writer and like to explore how writing and tarot cross-fertilize each other. I just gave a workshop in using Tarot in writing. The other thing that really interests me is well executed, interesting artwork an unusual approaches to the Tarot.

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 16 Dec 2018, 17:44
by Sezo
Hi all!
My name is Sezo. I used to called inanna_tarot back on the old AT forum. I am also known as Sezo in the Tarot Association of the British Isles (TABI).
So I thought I would officially introduce myself here on this lovely little forum.

How did you get started in Tarot? Oracles? Lenormand?
My Mother - simple as. She taught me to read cards as a kid, and we would go to our old local hippy shop and buy decks together :D Then as I told older and the internet and places like AT happened, my Tarot world went into oracles and other forms of divination.
I have tried Lenormand but I just cant really get it.

What was your first deck and where did you get it?
First ever deck was the old style Mythic Tarot from my Mum as a present.

Do you have a favourite deck? Why?
I have a few that I always come back to after years a of collecting. Right now I use heavily my Thoth, the Gill and I've just got the Spirit Keepers Tarot and I am looking forward to exploring that.

Do you have a favourite topic or area of interest in Tarot, for example, symbolism, history, reading groups, collecting, etc..?
I have been a very avid collector in the past, but that has slowed down over the last few years and with other things in life I havent had much time for taroting. Having said that, I want to dedicate more time to Tarot now, pulling COTD and reading for others again. I love reading about symbolism and the cards, and I am very drawn to decks that are quite heavy on kabbalistic and magickal/wiccan type symbolism.

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 20 Dec 2018, 21:55
by jaq
Great to have you here, Sezo! I also came here from the old AT, hoping to find a new "home" here. Maybe we've run into each other there. I was fractalgranny. Hope to exchange a reading with you soon!

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 03 Jan 2019, 05:48
by kare
Hi, Everyone,

Thank you for including me as a member of this forum. Tarot seems especially set up for sharing knowledge and experience, and I look forward to learning from everyone here.

How did you get started in Tarot? Oracles?

My aunt did a tarot reading for me 20+ years ago and I was hooked. But the traditional RW imagery turned me off, and there weren't the deck options or the internet back then to find an alternative. So a wild hair sent me looking for a deck this past year, and I now own multiple tarot and oracle decks. I didn't know there were oracle decks until I watched some deck reviews on YouTube. I have been amazed at what is out there.

What was your first deck and where did you get it?

The Wildwood Tarot. I did a ton of research and this one just fit. It's an amazing deck. I got it on sale at Barnes and Noble online. The affordability of the sale is really what got me started with my first deck. Still not sure what sent me looking that night.

Do you have a favourite deck? Why?

The Wildwood hits very deeply for me, but I love most of my decks. I am currently super excited about the Tarot of Brass and Steam. The art is stunning and it has an in-depth backstory with a truly steampunk, reimagined world.

Do you have a favourite topic or area of interest in Tarot, for example, symbolism, history, reading groups, collecting, etc..?

I am only familiar with tarot and oracle decks. I love the art of decks and learning spreads others have found useful. I look forward to sharing readings and feedback.

Thank you so much!

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 03 Jan 2019, 23:37
by jaq
Great to meet you here! I, too, am not a big fan of RWS. The Wildwood is part of my collection, and I like it. The Tarot of Brass and Steam looks interesting! I've put it on my 'like to have' list.

Never heard the expression "a wild hair" - where does it come from, do you know?

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 11 Jan 2019, 04:03
by Ruby Stone
Hi, so I joined another forum like this on the same name, but it seems to be near dead there so I think this one is more active. I'll just repost the story from there onto here.

So, for sake of not being found out by my very religious, Evangelical parents, my name is Ruby or Jade, which ever you prefer I respond to each. I am somewhat new to Tarot Decks, given I have only used mine that a good friend bought and gave me as a birthday gift about a 2 years ago. I'm still in the process of filling out my profile so bare with me, as I have college on the side of this and work, Tarot is just a hobby of mine that my friends like to help me with by asking simple questions. Ranging from 'If I continue on this path of degree choice what will happen?' to 'I need to know what to be on the look out for today?'

I was lucky and have another friend, David, who is a better reader than me as he's been doing so longer than I have, to help me learn the rules and boundaries when I first started. A bit of boasting form my end, I have to say I'm getting pretty good at this, but lately things have been strange that's leading some of my friends to think I may have some late abilities or something like that.

To example a bit, my tarot deck is called the Tarot of Vampyres so it's meaning and look is different from the traditional tarot deck.
It still has the Major Arcana all the same, but the minor cards are.


In that order in the book BTW, and ranges form Ace to ten with the Lord, Queen, Prince and Daughter. In that order also.

My friend bought it for himself at first, until I told him if he could, and I'd pay him back, buy one for me. My parents are very religious and see these cards as a sign of 'Devil Worship' among other things, and I had always wanted a deck of my own. My birthday was in a few days, as I told him, when he didn't want me to pay him back, to get it as a birthday gift. He let me barrow this deck for a while, when I went to return it, as promised, he said I could keep it. I was shocked, asked him if he was sure, and he said it was a gift from him. I still am good friends with him.

Background aside, when I used the cards, I slowly got familiar with them and I guess vise versa. Now I have used playing cards before getting a real deck, so I was familiar with how to use them. And have done some pretty good readings on my friends, I once did a reading fora friend and the cards knew how he got his name, what his degree was, and where hsi life was going. It was very exciting and strange.
When i got this deck, I did as my friend, David, suggested and familiarized myself to them. Using the book to make my own name for the readings and background. The whole 'Character' thing is to make a Vampyre of yourself to better get into the world these cards make. It's fun I think.

Now to the story as to why my friends think I have 'powers' or whatever you call it. My grandfather, who has recently passed, had just got home from the hospital. He seemed alright and in good health, sitting in his room as always. I talked with him for a bit, told him I loved him, things like that. And went to do my One a Day drawing I had forgotten to do when at work. I had tomorrow off for school purposes, for detail, and had no rush for the rest of the day.

I pulled out a card that read 'You will have a great period of sadness in your life'.
I think ya'll know where this is going.
At the time I couldn't think what it meant, my mom and step-dad were okay, my grandparents in good health or they couldn't have sent my grandfather home when they did, my school work was going great, and work itself was steady. I shrugged it off and put the card, which I think was one of the Grails, back in the deck.

The next morning, I woke up to my grandmother saying my dad was at the hospital due to another heart attack. An hour or so later he died.
I drew a card after he died, I think, I was kind of out of it to remember when, and got The Moon.

That was the last time, for two months, before I touched the cards again. My school work suffered along with other things, but I made it through in the end. And it's a story I share with others. I'm not sure if the cards were just warning me or if I predicted the future, or if I could have done something. I reason with myself that maybe it was just a warning of what's the come and the Moon told me that I'd get through it. Still am unsure of this to this day, about four months to the day by the end of this month that is.
But I'm slowly getting back into the feeling of readings and getting comfortable again. But I think that day cemented to me, who was an Atheist-Agnostic at the time, that there is more out there. I don't think this energy has a name or is 'God' but it just is.

So that's my story, I copied it from Tarots, Tea, and Me forum as I think that area is deadish, and I didn't want to retype it all out. I'm under the same username. Also I am certain some people from that forum are here to, so hi again!

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 11 Jan 2019, 05:09
by jaq
Hi! Welcome, Ruby.

That must have been a shock when this happened. And my condolences on your father passing.

Is there anything in particular that you're curious about in terms of getting to know the tarot better?

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 19 Jan 2019, 03:00
by Myperception
Hi everyone. I am Sam, a new member to this forum. I started reading for family in 2010. My first tarot reading was done by a tarot master back in 2009.

My first deck is a taiwan fantasy deck. It's a very mysterious deck that recently prefer to use it to check hidden or serious issues.

While RWS deck is the deck that can tell me the story directly. Which i use for normal daily readings.

In between 2010 to 2015, my tarot reading intuition is satisfactory for my own expectations. But recent 2017 onwards i can feel the storyline clearly only base on 1 to 3 cards. I am enjoying the connections enhanced in between me and my deck.

I am looking for opportunity to try more decks, for me to sharpen my intuition and to open all my possible senses and vision to the world of tarot deck 😊

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 22 Jan 2019, 21:38
by zannastarr
Hello Everyone,

I am Zanna. I purchased my first set of Tarot cards back in the 1970s. It was the 1JJ Swiss deck. I didn't use them very much. In the 1980s I purchased The Russian Tarot of St. Petersburg and things took off from there. I enjoy teaching Astrology, Tarot, Oracle reading, and Lenormand card reading; working on my blog, Tarot Notes; and doing free readings for the American Tarot Association. I also do paid readings through my blog, web site, and Etsy. I appreciate the internet for providing me with a community of people who share my interests.

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 25 Jan 2019, 04:46
by jaq
Myperception wrote: 19 Jan 2019, 03:00 Hi everyone. I am Sam, a new member to this forum. I started reading for family in 2010. My first tarot reading was done by a tarot master back in 2009.

My first deck is a taiwan fantasy deck. It's a very mysterious deck that recently prefer to use it to check hidden or serious issues.

While RWS deck is the deck that can tell me the story directly. Which i use for normal daily readings.

In between 2010 to 2015, my tarot reading intuition is satisfactory for my own expectations. But recent 2017 onwards i can feel the storyline clearly only base on 1 to 3 cards. I am enjoying the connections enhanced in between me and my deck.

I am looking for opportunity to try more decks, for me to sharpen my intuition and to open all my possible senses and vision to the world of tarot deck 😊
What is that Taiwan fantasy deck? I'm curious!

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 25 Jan 2019, 05:59
by AstralPasta
Joan Marie wrote: 14 May 2018, 11:12
  • How did you get started in Tarot? Oracles? Lenormand?
  • What was your first deck and where did you get it?
  • Do you have a favourite deck? Why?
  • Do you have a favourite topic or area of interest in Tarot, for example, symbolism, history, reading groups, collecting, etc..?
Figured I oughta do this

I got into tarot because of my roommate at this semi-commune I was living at. I had always been into occult and esoteric topics, but sort of in a sneaky or guilty way because I was raised Christian. I had moved across the country though and felt down and interested and he got me into it and bought me my first deck.

Technically, I bought one when I was 11 at either Waldenbooks or Borders. I think my mom threw it away without me realizing, because I forgot about it until 10 years later when I was talking to said roommate. I don't remember what it was. It was small. I wish I knew. I remember the Star card was pretty. Maybe it was the RWS and the LWB was different? Hm. The one that got me back on the horse was the Afro-Brazillian Tarot. It is very hard to read with for a beginner, let me tell you. I loved it but I no longer have it. I passed it on. Sometimes I feel a ways about it. It was something different and powerful....

My favorite deck is probably my Shadowscapes. I feel like it's my soul deck and it knows all my secrets. I love it very much. I've now had it the longest of my current decks. Close would be Numinous, and Sakki-sakki.

Not yet, I'm still figuring that out. I want decks where I feel represented, so that narrows it down a lot. I also am a nerd who likes fairies and esotericism and heavy symbolism and comedy and books and really vivid colors and I'm still figuring out how my collection and my practice is gonna be looking. Right now I'm working with the RWS but someday I plan on getting and working with the Tabula Mundi and other symbol heavy esoteric decks. I'm also moving from learning the meanings to journaling and practicing readings and weaving the tapestry, so to speak.

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 25 Jan 2019, 07:10
by Myperception
jaq wrote: 25 Jan 2019, 04:46
What is that Taiwan fantasy deck? I'm curious!
Jaq, It's a Mandarin translation deck in Taiwan, name as Fantasy Tarot, while the origin was from Japan, name as Miracle Tarot, by Reiko Shimizu. You may find the simple link :

Too bad that it doesn't have any link in English, the deck box only came with a companion book, but it's all in mandarin :)

I am also learning and trying to understand this deck, you can see my readings in Your Readings - Readings with Fantasy Tarot-Feedback wanted. Your opinion are most welcome :)

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 25 Jan 2019, 11:42
by Ruby
Hi everyone, I am Ruby and new here. I have read some of the stories, I am inspired to keep learning and using my deck as much as possible.
My first interest in tarot was many years ago, I had a reading out of pure curiosity and it was so accurate I was in shock. Some time later I met a new friend who read tarot and I had many readings as and when needed. I didn't have confidence in reading tarot. This friend gave me a Ryder Waite deck which I still have and have been using a lot in recent years. I sleep with them under my pillow and try to look at them even a quick shuffle and three card spread every day. I have a few illnesses/conditions which affect my concentration and memory badly and wipe my physical strength out. I am so glad I found this site the other day, its a beautiful place to be. I am looking at the lists of decks on here and will be getting more as my understanding of my deck has improved a lot. I also have some Angel oracle cards which were a gift. I have a deck of Wildwood tarot but due to a recent house move, an issue with movers and boxes it got all spilled out at some point and I am left with a messy pile that doesn't look complete, I haven't yet been able to face checking through it all, I know I must, hopefully they are all there or I have a problem. Anyhow this is me and where I am at. Thank you for having me.

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 03 Feb 2019, 08:13
by tarotwidow
Hi everyone, new here. I love tarot & oracle decks. Have over 50 am addicted to them.
Recently became a widow and trying to connect. I use the oracles everyday to get me past this time in my life.
I am familiar with oracle decks, still learning the tarot cards.
So grateful to find a group of like minded.

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 03 Feb 2019, 09:34
by Joan Marie
tarotwidow wrote: 03 Feb 2019, 08:13 So grateful to find a group of like minded.
And we are grateful you have joined us. ❤️

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 03 Feb 2019, 14:07
by AnwynnTarot
Hi! I’m so freaking excited to be here! I don’t know anyone IRL who’s into Tarot.

I got my first tarot deck (Universal Waite) as a birthday gift because I put it and Liz Dean’s Ultimate Guide to Tarot on my Amazon wish list. I had actually almost removed it the week before because I recognized how much study is involved and was doubting that I’d have the time or dedication to follow through.

SO GLAD I didn’t take them off the list, because now I’m totally obsessed. I love the language of tarot, the symbolism, the storytelling, and how incredibly insightful and motivating it can be. I understand myself and my life now in a whole new way, and I’ve made all kinds of positive changes as a result.

Anyway, I’m so glad to be here, and I’m going to try to not be shy about speaking up and offering readings and such. I need the practice, and the community!

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 03 Feb 2019, 22:46
by jaq
AnwynnTarot wrote: 03 Feb 2019, 14:07 Hi! I’m so freaking excited to be here! I don’t know anyone IRL who’s into Tarot.

I got my first tarot deck (Universal Waite) as a birthday gift because I put it and Liz Dean’s Ultimate Guide to Tarot on my Amazon wish list. I had actually almost removed it the week before because I recognized how much study is involved and was doubting that I’d have the time or dedication to follow through.

SO GLAD I didn’t take them off the list, because now I’m totally obsessed. I love the language of tarot, the symbolism, the storytelling, and how incredibly insightful and motivating it can be. I understand myself and my life now in a whole new way, and I’ve made all kinds of positive changes as a result.

Anyway, I’m so glad to be here, and I’m going to try to not be shy about speaking up and offering readings and such. I need the practice, and the community!
I love your enthusiasm! Yes, community is sooo important. For the first 25 years or so of my tarot life I was pretty much a solitary practitioner. It's only been through being part of these online forums that I started to blossom. Looking forward to chatting and reading with you! Please consider joining our reading circles.