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Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 12 Jun 2021, 06:24
by Tamouraa28
Hi. I am Tamara. I have just joined the forum yesterday. First I would like to say it is a honor to be in your forum Thank you for creating and running such a forum that is very helpful. I am new to tarot. In fact I’m new to all things spirituality. A year and a half ago I encountered a spiritual awakening. I had no idea what was happening with me. I thought I had a nervous breakdown and was losing my mind. I began googling symptoms I felt, dreams and thoughts and it all lead me to realize I was going through an awakening. It’s worthy to mention that before this took place I had no clue about spirituality. Nothing! I knew nothing about tarot, and the only thing I knew about astrology was that I am a Capricorn. When I found out there was a moon, rising, Venus and other placements I was so shocked I felt so ignorant that I didn’t know anything. I always have had a great sixth sense , but I didn’t think of it more than that. After my awakening my intuition increased, I was suddenly drawn to tarot, and all things about spirituality. So now I am trying to teach myself and I happened to google what a certain card I pulled meant in a spread and luckily I came across this forum in the search results and I ended up here . Again it is a honor to be amongst you all and I greatly appreciate all that you guys do to offer guidance to help others learn and grow, and continue to grow. I hope this message finds you all well.
With My Best Regards
Tamara 🌹

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 12 Jun 2021, 08:42
by Joan Marie
Tamouraa28 wrote: 12 Jun 2021, 06:24 Again it is a honor to be amongst you all and I greatly appreciate all that you guys do to offer guidance to help others learn and grow, and continue to grow. I hope this message finds you all well.
With My Best Regards
Tamara 🌹
I'm a Capricorn too!
We are honored that you joined us!
Thank you for sharing your story.

Let me know if you need anything or have any questions. 🌺

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 12 Jun 2021, 08:44
by Joan Marie
Pamela wrote: 12 May 2021, 15:25 Happy I found you all and looking forward to what looks like a fun and interesting learning environment.
I'm so happy you found us! Thanks for sharing your story. It's so nice to get to know at least a little bit about each other.
Welcome and please let me know if you have any questions.


Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 13 Jun 2021, 05:18
by tarotheavens
Hi, I'm Eden.

Thank you for this community. I've started tarot since 2017 but is now doing more reading personally and professionally.

I'm using chakra wisdom tarot and moonology oracle as of the moment more decks are coming home to me soon.

I have facebook and IG page that i just started this year.

Let's connect! Cheers everyone.

Happy to learn and read with you people.

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 16 Jun 2021, 20:29
by pinktarotic
Hi everyone,

My tarot journey is still very young and in the first few months I overloaded myself with information, book and buying decks. I have taken a step back and am now using the RWS deck to study the symbols. Gaia has a wonderful series on Tarot I am following and The Tarot Guild has a wealth of info I wish I started there when tarot came in my life. I do own a few decks because they resonated with me and I am sure I will use them again but right now RWS is the way for me to begin and learn, combinded with 78 degrees of wisdom by Rachel Pollack and Mary Greer Tarot for yourself. I also bout the very helpful book The Ultimate Guide to the RWS by Johannes Flebig.

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 17 Jun 2021, 00:34
by Mercurian
Oh how I’ve missed forums! I haven’t been on one for years.
Hello, I’m Maya. I’m quite new to the esoteric world in general and I’ve found my preferred practice in cartomancy. I bought my first deck in February this year. It was the Tarot Nefertari, The light of Ramses’ Bride. I won’t lie, I first bought it because I thought it was simply out of this world, magnificent. And then I started doing readings for myself and for the people around me. It’s when I predicted a breakup and other sorts of relational events and states of mind that I became completely fond of Tarot. The things it can unlock are fascinating.
I had a hard time getting to the bottom of certain readings especially since Tarot Nefertari is really not a good deck to start with. There were some misinterpretations along the way but I’m trying to get in tune with my intuition, Recently I bought the RWS deck and I’m trying to deepen my practice and really get to know the cards. Tarot is proving to me on a daily basis how amazing and impressing it is. I’m glad to have found this forum as I wish I could discuss, share and receive more information about it.
Happy to meet all of you all x

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 02 Jul 2021, 22:57
by quanmchu
Hi everyone,
I'm Quan Chu and I'm an illustrator and concept artist who has quite a strong interest in Tarot art for quite a while through a close friend who is very into Tarot (both reading and art).
The interest starts to amplify last year when my wife was on the search for a Tarot deck. We discovered many and many great decks with beautiful designs. And we ended up with the Pagan Otherworlds Tarot deck by the Uusi studio (but we also had the Ancient Italian tarot deck in mind)
purely for its beautiful and cohesive design.
I love to design Tarot art since it's quite a challenge for an artist like me!

Glad to join the forum to share this experience with everyone!

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 12 Jul 2021, 15:08
by casique
How did you get started in Tarot? Oracles? Lenormand?
What was your first deck and where did you get it?
Do you have a favourite deck? Why?
Do you have a favourite topic or area of interest in Tarot, for example, symbolism, history, reading groups, collecting, etc..?
1st deck--Rider Waite-gift from my mother with the help of my uncle.
Favorite deck: Robin Wood. Why: I only have 3 decks (RWS, RW, and Tarot of the Saints). While RWS introduced me to Tarot I didn't quite break through to fluently reading until I got my RW deck so it just tends to be my go to. I find the tarot of the saints deck difficult to read but I love Robert Place's methods of reading and interpreting and I wanted a niche deck to add to my collection. I was also interested in Gnosticsm at the time and liked the companion book for the deck.
Favorite topic: It's been 30 years since I got my first deck and my interest has waxed and waned and every time I step back into the world of Tarot a new area of interest appears.
First 5 years of tarot: I wanted to know what the future holds especially with regards to my love life.
Next 10 years of Tarot: I wanted to understand situations beyond my physical scope--be a fly on the wall. And be able to read for other people with confidence.
Next 10 years of Tarot: I wanted to deepen my spiritual growth and dive into the symbolism and history of different decks and practices with reading.
Most recent 5 years: The artistic representations. During Covid I have been learning to paint. Visual arts were never strong suit of mine or even a very strong interest until recently. I am not a very visual person (more auditory and tactile). I like the process of creating something but not as interested in the finished product. I do fiber crafts and like to write and like music. But since I have been enjoying the process of painting I have grown much more interested in visual arts and I even have ideas for what my own tarot deck would look like. I don't yet have the skill (and probably never will have the talent) to create my own deck as of yet, but I think my new area of interest with tarot is the creation.

Also, after stumbling onto this forum I recently discovered Lenormand decks. How did I go 30 years of tarot study without ever hearing of this. Maybe because I was never interested in oracle cards so I ignored that section of AT when it was active. So I think I might be getting my hands on a deck and start practicing using those.

I am hoping that on this board I can do fun quick practices. I like divine sentence exercises and other quick, low pressure fun challenges like that. That's what I was missing since being away from AT (and when I went back finding it was shut down).

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 13 Jul 2021, 19:24
by Joan Marie
casique wrote: 12 Jul 2021, 15:08 Also, after stumbling onto this forum I recently discovered Lenormand decks. How did I go 30 years of tarot study without ever hearing of this. Maybe because I was never interested in oracle cards so I ignored that section of AT when it was active. So I think I might be getting my hands on a deck and start practicing using those.

I am hoping that on this board I can do fun quick practices. I like divine sentence exercises and other quick, low pressure fun challenges like that. That's what I was missing since being away from AT (and when I went back finding it was shut down).
Hi and welcome!

I have just (almost) finished rebuilding our Library of decks (link at the top under the banner) and in the process I was reminded of all the interesting Lenormand decks there with great descriptions.
You should have a look, it's really interesting.

Thanks also for your input there about the low-presh reading challenges and activities. This is something we have a bit of and I'll be working to get more stuff like that going here. Good to hear it's something you like.

Thanks for joining us here! It's great to have you.

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 25 Jul 2021, 22:42
by soft_petals*
Do you have a favorite deck? Why?

My fav will be rider waiter tarot deck, I got my first tarot deck this year and look forward to learn the meanings which is sometimes challenging, but look forward to learn ! :D

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 01 Aug 2021, 12:05
by Briel
Hi Everyone
I am Briel. I have been reading tarot for 25 years. During a difficult time I went for a few consultations and then started reading for myself. I started in secret with a mini Rider Waite deck. I then started reading for family, friends and after that clients. Over the years I discovered a strong history of Cartomancy and Tasseography in my ancestors.
I now have 65+ tarot and oracle decks.
I am researching producing a deck one day.
I appreciate the information I have seen so far.
Thank you all.

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 01 Aug 2021, 16:00
by Joan Marie
Briel wrote: 01 Aug 2021, 12:05 Hi Everyone
I am Briel. I have been reading tarot for 25 years.
So nice to have you here Briel.
Sounds like you have Tarot in your veins!

Thank you for joining us and thanks for sharing your story.

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 01 Aug 2021, 21:13
by Briel

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 10 Aug 2021, 15:51
by toadshade
Hello Everyone,

I Got into Tarot back in college English discussing Tarot in TS Elliot's The Waste Land. Became fascinated with the images and bought my first RWS Deck. Have dabbled with it over the years and got more into it when I joined a CUUPs Pagan Group that used them ritually for Divination. After that I mainly did a daily draw but got out of the habit. But the Cards call me back!! I have a lot of Decks but the Rider-Waite-Smith is the one I relate to more these days. Need the group to learn more, share and have a community.

Thanks - James

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 10 Aug 2021, 16:25
by Joan Marie
toadshade wrote: 10 Aug 2021, 15:51 Need the group to learn more, share and have a community.
Thanks for joining us James! Great to have you here.

Hello. Finally returning to the tarot.

Posted: 14 Aug 2021, 23:51
by Dragonfly
Active in a different forum too many years ago, I'm finally returning to the fray.
I have a large collection and may just add to it after a little time here, though I should primarily spend more time with what I already have. No preference for tarot version, but I do almost always keep a Marseilles close at hand.

Also curious about runes, pendulums and other forms of divination.
Basically, anything can be read, you just have to pay attention to the details and follow you intuition.

Not always in tune, but when I am, I just love the feeling of being fully in myself and at the same time connected to something so much greater. Love speculations, theorizing, discussions about things that matter, and symbology. Adore learning new things and seeing different angles to things that I haven't seen on my own.

Hobby artiste, creator, crafter, and writer.
Collector of things that make me happy.
Enabler and supporter of others to do the same.

Re: Hello. Finally returning to the tarot.

Posted: 15 Aug 2021, 07:05
by Joan Marie
Dragonfly wrote: 14 Aug 2021, 23:51 Basically, anything can be read, you just have to pay attention to the details and follow you intuition.

Not always in tune, but when I am, I just love the feeling of being fully in myself and at the same time connected to something so much greater. Love speculations, theorizing, discussions about things that matter, and symbology. Adore learning new things and seeing different angles to things that I haven't seen on my own.
Thank you for joining us and welcome!

You have a beautiful perspective. As do so many people here.

I look forward to theorising,, discussing, and speculating with you.

FYI- after you make a few posts, another area of the forum opens up that you may be very interested in.... ;)

Re: Hello. Finally returning to the tarot.

Posted: 16 Aug 2021, 07:43
by Ciderwell
Hello, Dragonfly
Dragonfly wrote: 14 Aug 2021, 23:51Basically, anything can be read, you just have to pay attention to the details and follow you intuition.
... an interesting idea!
I'm currently constructing a guitar effect unit while reading also the Metabarons Tarot and graphic novel. Mirroring electronics and electronic components to a tarot sci-fi story could be a challenging line of thought.
By the way I actually saw a dragonfly not too long ago, right here where I live. And a big fokker it was too, (if you'll excuse the pun). Not bad I think for a built up urban town centre.

Anyway, be very welcome and good morning.

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 16 Aug 2021, 23:45
by Griot
Hi! I'm Griot.

My introduction to tarot was two-fold. When I was a kid, I memorized parts of the Time-Life book series ads from TV. One was on "witchcraft" and magic, and mentioned the tarot. "The Hanged Man symbolizes life in suspension, while the Death card equals change." Years later, I was half-watching a James Bond film that featured a tarot reader. Of course, she laid out the Death card and the dramatic music started up. There was something about the importance of her card reading in the film that fascinated me, though.

I got my first deck early on at a bookstore near my college. oof. That was a mistake. It was pretty on the outside: The Tarot of the Golden Dawn. I could barely make any sense of it, though I eventually started to catch on in cups that if the vessels were full that was good, if they were running over that was really good, and if they were empty ... not so great. My ex saw the deck after I described my difficulties with it, gave me a look, grabbed it, and swapped it out for his used Rider-Waite deck. That wasn't consensual, but I guess that I was given an early deck ...?

Decades later, my favorite deck is a gorgeous African-themed photo / collage one called Manzel's Tarot. My best friend is a Pentacles person all the way and positively cheered when I sent her photos of that suit. It's beautiful, appeals to my aesthetic for tarot, readable, RWS-inspired, and the pride of my tarot nook.

I tend to collect decks like mad, then purge them to whittle them down to what I can actually read from / what actually pulls me. For actual use, I lean towards multi-cultural or African(-American) themed decks that have a Rider-Waite-Smith foundation. If nothing else, I save money this way.

Years ago I was part of a tarot study group that sort of dissolved as folks went their own way. I'd love to be part of another one, but finding open places nearby that will allow a bunch of us in for free is tricky. I'm keeping my eyes open for them, though, as I consider hosting something online.

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 17 Aug 2021, 08:00
by Joan Marie
Griot wrote: 16 Aug 2021, 23:45 Years later, I was half-watching a James Bond film that featured a tarot reader. Of course, she laid out the Death card and the dramatic music started up. There was something about the importance of her card reading in the film that fascinated me, though.
Every tv or film depiction of a tarot reading turns up the Death card.
I think it's the law or something.

Here is a favourite scene of mine from a french film called "Cleo from 5 to 7" (it's subtitled in english)

Griot wrote: 16 Aug 2021, 23:45 Years ago I was part of a tarot study group that sort of dissolved as folks went their own way. I'd love to be part of another one, but finding open places nearby that will allow a bunch of us in for free is tricky. I'm keeping my eyes open for them, though, as I consider hosting something online.
This is def allowed here for free and we have had a few goes at it.

Feel free to host something here if you like. I will support you any way I can.

We also have a new section for "spontaneous reading groups"
This can also be a good way to do study exercises with others, but in a more short-term kind of way, which appeals to people because it isn't a big committtment.

Really your and everyone's ideas and creativity are highly encouraged here.

Feel free to start something up, or let me know how I can help.

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 18 Sep 2021, 00:25
by ConsciousDust
Hello there!
It's funny but my first divination system was the Runes :) I learned the runes years before I ever got started with Tarot, and I created my own set out of clay. In truth, I feel that I didn't really learn the Tarot until 2020 when I had time to sit down and really learn the system, so this has been a recent development, and the means I used to learn was to draw a deck of my own as I went along (I heard this was how they teach Tarot in the Golden Dawn and decided to give it a try) I'm a deck creator and I've designed 3 oracle decks and I have some designs for Tarot decks on the way.

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 13 Oct 2021, 22:52
by Who'sthis?
Joan Marie wrote: 14 May 2018, 11:12 If you are just joining the forum, welcome! It's lovely to have you here.
Hi. It's me . Thank you for the welcome .
Joan Marie wrote: 14 May 2018, 11:12 If you would like to, take a moment and tell us your Tarot story. Maybe you'd like to answer one or more of these questions:
  • How did you get started in Tarot? Oracles? Lenormand?
My big sister read playing cards as a stunt . I thought it was silly . But then one day I saw a tarot deck (Waite) and became fascinated with all the scenes depicted on them. Later , at around age 16 I discovered the mystical occult section in the regional library and became fascinated with that, which of course incorporated tarot .
Joan Marie wrote: 14 May 2018, 11:12
  • What was your first deck and where did you get it?
Thoth. It came from an old 'Everything Shop' .
Joan Marie wrote: 14 May 2018, 11:12
  • Do you have a favourite deck? Why?
Thoth. I like the vast compendium of eclectic knowledge and correspondences connected with it . I like its arrangements and changes and 'updates' in consciousness, with I agree with .
Joan Marie wrote: 14 May 2018, 11:12
  • Do you have a favourite topic or area of interest in Tarot, for example, symbolism, history, reading groups, collecting, etc..?
Same as the above , so, I suppose ; ' symbolism' .
Joan Marie wrote: 14 May 2018, 11:12 ... add your personal Tarot adventure.
My personal 'tarot adventure' , hmmmm . I spent several years playing with my deck and exploring the above ( the vast compendium of eclectic knowledge and correspondences connected with it ) . Then I started doing readings for myself, then friends . After a few years I did readings for others . Then I went through a period of 'profession reading ' for about 8 years . Then I stopped reading for others so much and went further into the ' vast compendium of eclectic knowledge and correspondences connected with it ' , realising there where deeper levels and connections .

Running alongside this I studied and practised Hermetics and related subjects fairly deeply. I take the hermetic maxim 'Know Thyself' as a first principle, and to that end have studied Anthropology (and various 'nodes' of history ) all my life . Then I went through a stage of learning in Australian Aboriginal Shamanism. Now, with all that, I have drifted into 'retirement ' and am now more of a Hermit 'proper' .

I still see my deck as my 'elemental earth tool ' ; my 'talisman' , as it where . It still holds validity for me ; one of the symbolic compendium / map s of the combined forces of nature .

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 14 Oct 2021, 11:56
by Ciderwell
R U Gordon Ramsay? :mrgreen:

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 14 Oct 2021, 22:03
by Who'sthis?
I am wondering why you thought that ?

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Posted: 10 Nov 2021, 14:46
by WaterPuppy

It's always difficult to address an unknown community, but I'll try my best at introducing myself by answering the questions that Joan Marie suggested.

Question 1: How did you get started in Tarot? Oracles? Lenormand?
A dear friend of mine who's a successful tarot reader did a few readings for me.
She got me quickly hooked to the symbology of the cards and their different meanings depending on the question, spread position, and nearby cards.
I was also fascinated by the intuitive part of her readings.
I finally got my first Tarot deck and started teaching myself with the her help and advice.
Now I do readings for myself and others.
Similar story for Oracles, Lenormand, and Runes.

Question 2: What was your first deck?
It was an ordinary RWS Tarot deck.

Question 3: Do you have a favourite deck? Why?
I have two favourite decks.
The Sola Busca Tarot. I like that it's a very old deck from the XVI century with many unanswered questions: who made it? for whom? why? what are the meaning of the cards? just to mention a few
The Visconti di Modroni Tarot. I like that the court consists of 6 cards for each suit.

Question 4: Do you have a favourite topic or area of interest in Tarot?
Again a few favourite topics.
History is a hobby of mine and I like to research the origin of many things, among which Tarot and Tarot decks.
I like drawing and painting and love examining the artwork from different decks.
Symbols and semiotics is another area of the Tarot that I find compelling.

A few more things about me
I've been an astrologer for many years and I'm in the process of writing a book on my theories.
Another project of mine is drawing and publishing my own Tarot deck, which is also a work in progress.
I compose orchestral music, write, and live with my husband ⚣ and our two dogs.

I'd like to offer you a number of trivial facts about me. Feel free to guess any of them. Some are anagrams.
6 and 5
fern lint