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NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

A place for members to share their Personal Tarot story.
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Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Post by Momondu »

Hello! I am Maria. I've been studying the tarot for sometime now and it open new sides to me every time. Too bad I can't focus on it completely as I have to find property in Bavaria for vacation with family this summer. When this question is closed I will be able to focus more on tarot for sure.
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Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Post by Lysergicka »

Greetings everyone,

My fascination with tarot began in high school from an album cover, a hardcore punk band called, Corrosion of Conformity featured several cards fanned out in someone's hand. I never explored the interest, however, until I laid eyes on my first true love at a bookshop (see below!).

I stepped into the Haunted Bookshop in Arizona, circa 1991. a large and lovely shop that managed a pleasant and welcoming atmosphere, I simply began to wander and enjoy. Striding past the counter, I noticed a Thoth Tarot deck displayed in a case. On the cover was the Magus, levitating with tools of creation floating around him in suspended levitation. It was as if nothing else in the room existed. I purchased without hesitation. Discovering the Tarot was akin to finding an old friend that did not need words, a hug or handshake.

It ended up being a large, "greenie" that I still have to this day. I use it once a year, on my birthday.

My website is currently down, but I am pleased to realize while typing this that I have been now reading for 28 years (with some hiatus in-between) and professionally serving clients for over a decade.
The Thoth is my go-to deck for both myself and clients in my practice. While I almost always use the Thoth with Querent sessions, I have branched out personally. Current decks in my rotation include the Wildwood, the darkness of Light, the Tarot of Shadows (Russian) and the Wisdom of the Oracle.

I enjoy all facets of reading; my interests are myriad. But I am adept at remote assessment, which has proven useful and enjoyable.
The area most in need of enrichment is my knowledge of Astrology. It just does not, "stick" with me.

My newest journey is Lenormand -- I just acquire the beautiful Gilded Reverie pack. I'm uncertain if I shall pursue, but it is a fun fling thus far.

Thanks to all who keep this forum vibrant; I like what I see here.
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Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Post by Fleur »

Hello All:

I have been lurking for several months and thought I'd finally come out of the shadows, share my story, and make your acquaintance. I'm so excited to be a member of this community.

How did you get started in Tarot? Oracles? Lenormand?
My mother and her sisters were always interested in the Occult. Even before I was born, my mother was an avid fan and read all about Edgar Cayce and his works. She and her sisters often went for psychic readings and one of her friends read palms.One of my Aunt's dear friends was a clairvoyant and her powers were amazing. I remember as a little girl of 4 or 5, my mother trying to connect with me to see if we could communicate telepathically. I had a vivid imagination as a child and loved fairy tales and stories of magic.

What was your first deck and where did you get it?
I have a very vague memory of receiving a "Gypsy Fortune Telling" deck in my stocking one year at Christmas. It was in an orange box with black or navy lettering and a silhouette of a "witch." Wow! I can't even believe I remember this. I was probably 10 years old and have no idea whatever happened to that deck! I did not actually pick up a tarot deck until many years later in the late 90s. I was dating a man who read tarot cards and this was my first real exposure to them. I was mesmerized and intrigued. I bought a deckfor myself probably from Borders or Barnes and Noble and began studying. In college I was an English major with a focus on medieval British Literature so the Rider Waite spoke to me from the beginning. Sadly, the relationship that brought tarot into my life was also a very unhealthy one and when it ended, I drifted away from the cards. I've only recently picked up the Tarot in an intentional way in the past few months.

Do you have a favourite deck? Why?
As I said above, I was drawn to the Rider Waite from the beginning. I do not connect with basic pip cards. I have determined that I want/need cards that tell a story. So far, the decks that speak to me are RW and RW clones. Perhaps as I become more proficient, I will build my confidence to work with cards that follow different systems.

Do you have a favourite topic or area of interest in Tarot, for example, symbolism, history, reading groups, collecting, etc..?
Right now, I'm still trying to master all of the card meanings. It's interesting what a 20ish year hiatus does to influence and change your ideas about the cards through your own life experiences. Right now, I'm trying very hard to let my intuition speak as I'm the type of person who holds myself to a very high standard and wants to be "right." I am still feeling held back at time because I'm afraid I'm not using the "right" interpretation for a card. But I'm starting to appreciate that "right" in tarot isn't the same quantifiable commodity it is in "real life."

I'm also coming to appreciate the value of numerology in the study of tarot. I'm trying to incorporate that into my practice. I do find that it can help me if I'm feeling "stuck" when I'm trying to read a card.

I confess, I could easily become an obsessed deck collector. When I bought my first deck, you had to find a brick and mortar store, but now the internet and the creative energy of the tarot community are bringing forth such gorgeous decks! It is an embarrassment of riches!! Oh yes!!!

Thank you for letting me share a bit about myself. I look forward to connecting with you more fully on the forum.
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Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Post by RivkahSmith »

Hello all!

I have a funny little Harry-Potter-esque intro to tarot. I was trying to ignore it, and was so surrounded by decks that I finally gave in. I didn't know it then, but my spirit guides were going nudge, nudge, nudge, nudge, nudge!

I was working at this magical little bookstore with a fair-sized metaphysical section considering 1. it was an over-stock store and 2. I was in Alabama. It also had the best staff from which I made life-time friends!

I had recently realized I was not a Christian, not in the strict follow-the-bible go-to-church sense. It was like a wave of relief. I screamed it joyfully to the night air in my car, and bought a book on Wicca maybe the next day. I delighted in all the symbols of Christmas that year, calling them what they really were. Well, soon after, these little tarot decks started popping up all over the bookstore. I tried ignoring them (somewhere I had built up this skepticism toward tarot,) but some creative clerk had put them on EVERY SHELF, on the ends of displays, and on the check-out counter.

Finally, one day, I looked up from behind the desk and there, directly across the room from me, on the top shelf face-out and bright yellow like a beacon, was Janina Renee's "Tarot for a New Generation." Fine! I marched over and, after flipping through the first few pages, I took both the book and one of those little decks home. That was 2006... it's been quite a journey every since!
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Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Post by Joan Marie »

RivkahSmith wrote: 17 Jun 2019, 00:57 That was 2006... it's been quite a journey every since!
What a lovely story! thank you so much for sharing it.
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Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Post by Blackth0rn »

Good evening. I suppose you guys can call me Blackthorn. I'm 27 years old, been a witch, pagan and tarot reader for over ten years now.

How did you get started in Tarot? Oracles? Lenormand?
Originally I started reading standard playing cards, which is called cartomancy. I also started reading palms at a young age. I was always a weird kid, and I often think I was born with my third eye ripped open because I've been a life long sensitive to energy and .. weird shit. My collection is at 15 decks with a variety of oracle, tarot, and Lenormand decks. I was mostly raised by my grandma and her old lady friends, all of whom were witches, so I grew up around a lot of this stuff.

What was your first deck and where did you get it?
As stated, I originally read playing cards. My first deck of playing cards was an old fashioned deck of Coca-Cola cards that I still have. I got my first actual tarot deck when I was ten years old. It was a Pamela-Coleman Smith, given to me by my mom who had received it from a friend after their death. She was killed in a murder suicide. Anyways, I was always IN LOVE with it and finally my mom gave it to me. I read on it until I was 16, at which time my highschool boyfriend stole it from me. For a long time I hesitated to get a new deck because of how much my original deck had meant to me, but I settled on buying a Deviant Moon deck when I was 18.

Do you have a favourite deck? Why?
Oh gods. All of them? I use different decks for different purposes, and some work better for others. But the deck I am always using is Kim Krans' Wild Unknown.

Do you have a favourite topic or area of interest in Tarot, for example, symbolism, history, reading groups, collecting, etc..?
Honestly, all of the above. I'm a lifelong weirdo and I'm always obsessed with finding new things to learn, new techniques to incorporate, etc. I've even started making tarot inspired art collages.
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Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Post by katrinka »

Fleur wrote: 12 Jun 2019, 04:14 I have a very vague memory of receiving a "Gypsy Fortune Telling" deck in my stocking one year at Christmas. It was in an orange box with black or navy lettering and a silhouette of a "witch." Wow! I can't even believe I remember this. I was probably 10 years old and have no idea whatever happened to that deck
You had a very cool mom. 8-)
Vintage-Gypsy-Witch-Fortune-Telling-Playing-Cards-Complete.jpg (43.52 KiB) Viewed 14600 times
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Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Post by The Hermits Haven »

Hello all! My name is Kelsey. I'm based in northern Michigan, USA. I have read tarot for about 7 years. I learned tarot as a tribute to my late grandmother to carry on her legacy. I do currently read professionally and operate The Hermit's Haven on social media.

My first deck was the Jonathan Dee Tarot. It was a gift from my husband. I used that guidebook and a chart of keywords I printed for months. The deck was okay, but the imagery just did nothing for me. Finally I bought the Harmonious Tarot from Lo Scarabeo, and everything instantly clicked. That is still one of my favorite decks to this day.

My favorite deck at the moment is the Ethereal Visions Tarot by Matt Hughes. The art nouveau style touches something in my soul, and the gold is just so splendid.

In addition to reading tarot and oracle, I am a polytheistic pagan, an eclectic witch, and a reiki master.
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Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Post by Joan Marie »

The Hermits Haven wrote: 10 Jul 2019, 00:00 In addition to reading tarot and oracle, I am a polytheistic pagan, an eclectic witch, and a reiki master.
Hi Kelsey! Thanks for sharing your story. It's so nice to have you here. Your myriad skills and interests are most welcome here for sure!
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Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Post by SeventySeven »

Hello! I am Jo

I read tarot and dabble a little in oracle cards. I was gifted a Rider Waite deck at 16 and have been reading and continuously studying ever since. The symbolism and endless possibility fascinates me, and the knowledge it imparts has so much potential. It's eye opening and profound and i just love it.

I am not a huge deck collector, i only have a few and of all of them, the only one i use is my linestrider deck that i customised a little.

I look forward to getting to know some of you and reading through the threads :)

love, jo
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Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Post by Opal »

Hi! I'm Opal. :)

I was looking for an online tarot group to join and found this site. This is my first post and I haven't explored very much, but looking forward to do so. I may not get a chance to get here a lot--but will be here each chance I get for sure. Now to answer a few questions as recommended:

If you are just joining the forum, welcome! It's lovely to have you here.

If you would like to, take a moment and tell us your Tarot story. Maybe you'd like to answer one or more of these questions:
How did you get started in Tarot? Oracles? Lenormand?
I grew up being exposed to all sorts of divination among my family members. My family and ancestors were all very superstitious and magical in their own ways. Many read cards--playing cards, tarot, lenormand and other oracles. I was exposed to all. Some also did other forms of divination as well and my mother often took us kids to have our fortunes told from the time we were teenagers and then it became a group outing for all of us to do together when we were adults.

As for reading cards, I was always drawn at first to reading playing cards, mostly because as a working college student and young mom at the time, it was affordable. But after awhile, I was able to purchase my first tarot deck, which was of course the Rider Waite deck. Soon though as time went on, I invested in many more (I can be very enabled! :o ) decks--tarot, oracle, and lenormand. I did and do still have my own business of reading for people out of my own home, and via the internet (very handy!) or via the telephone, however, I did read in stores for many years and loved that!

Some of my favorite decks have to be the Golden Tarot by Kat Black--mostly due to the stunning artwork, but I also like the Robin Wood Tarot deck, and the Wildwood Tarot deck as well and others too.
Do you have a favourite topic or area of interest in Tarot, for example, symbolism, history, reading groups, collecting, etc..?
Lets try and keep this one continuous thread and see how that works. Just click, "Post Reply" and add your personal Tarot adventure.
We could weave a pretty interesting tapestry of experiences here with all the different stories people have.

Make it as short as long as you like.

Thank you again for joining us. now just click "post reply"....
Pretty much I just love the symbolism in everything, which I think growing up in a family that saw symbolism in everything and paying close attention to such does to you. :lol: Mostly I love that the symbolism in the tarot often is very much right on for the situations read on. Its really amazing and interesting when things come to be that were read in the cards. Divination is always so amazing to me and magical. I doubt it will ever lose its appeal with me and I love sharing this magic with others and hearing of their experiences too!
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Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Post by Joan Marie »

Opal wrote: 14 Jul 2019, 17:06 Hi! I'm Opal. :)

I was looking for an online tarot group to join and found this site.
Hi Opal! So glad you've found us and welcome. Thank you for sharing your story. ❤️
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Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Post by Joan Marie »

SeventySeven wrote: 14 Jul 2019, 16:00 I look forward to getting to know some of you and reading through the threads :)

love, jo
Hi Jo!

So good to have you here. Looking forward to getting to know you too!
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Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Post by Opal »

Thank you for the welcome, Joan Marie
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Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Post by Geoff-1951 »

Hello all,

I am Geoff, I am a mature single male living alone in my own house in the county of Kent, United Kingdom.

I have had an interest in the tarot since my late teens when I was given a tarot deck for my 15th birthday, it was the rider deck.

I started to do basic readings fo family, but that dwindled after enlisting in the armed forces.

After serving fifteen years in the army, I am now retired and Starting again with the Rider deck.

Looking forward to chatting with everyone and re-learning the Tarot. :D

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Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Post by Joan Marie »

Geoff-1951 wrote: 02 Aug 2019, 15:02 Looking forward to chatting with everyone and re-learning the Tarot. :D
Wonderful!! Thank you for joining us.
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Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Post by Jessica Henry »

Hello my name is Jessica Henry and I am the creator of Lions Gateway Tarot which was released in December 2018/2019. The art process for my deck consists of original drawings which were wood burned and finished with oil paint. I have been an avid Tarot reader and artist for over 35 years. This deck is a culmination of my lifes work, and I finished it 9 days before my 50th birthday /chiron return;). I am currently working on an artist commision for a wonderful patron who is on the board of the SF Modern Museum of Art...over the next couple years I will make the entire deck again (drawn woodburned and oil painted) with subtle changes to each card, when I finish it will be on display at the MOMa . I feel very blessed:) and I am so grateful to all of the wonderful people who have supported me on my journey. Love and Gratitude! Im very excited to join this forum and get to know more Tarot lovers:)

Thankyou, Jessica
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Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Post by Joan Marie »

Jessica Henry wrote: 03 Aug 2019, 17:29 Love and Gratitude! Im very excited to join this forum and get to know more Tarot lovers:)

Thankyou, Jessica
Thank you for joining us.

Jessica, I just had a look at your kickstarter from last year. Your work is so beautiful.
We're so glad you're here and so honoured that you are working on our deck.

What a magical collection of people we have on this project. I'm so grateful to you all.
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Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Post by Katalieni »

Hello everyone. I'm Chad. I'm not sure what gave me the idea to explore tarot, but I'd been considering getting a deck for about a week or two and then my ex-wife happened to stumble upon a deck at a garage sale. It was kind of strange because I guess I hadn't told her about my interest in tarot. I thought I had, but she said she didn't know. She just found them and thought they were cool and messaged me.
I tend to not believe in the supernatural, but my mind has opened up to it a bit lately. A lot of my strict rationality came from issues with Christianity and me trying to get rid of the fear of hell.
Ultimately, I would like to create my own deck. I write poetry and I have developed my own pantheon through poetry. I'd like to create cards that reflect my pantheon and belief system.
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Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Post by Joan Marie »

Katalieni wrote: 04 Aug 2019, 11:21 Ultimately, I would like to create my own deck. I write poetry and I have developed my own pantheon through poetry. I'd like to create cards that reflect my pantheon and belief system.
Sounds like Kismet to me!
So glad you have joined us.

We are in the midst of creating a group deck, you might be interested. We#re working on the Major Arcana right now, but I will open up sign ups for the minors so maybe you can get in a little practice doing a card or two with us.

Welcome, and I hope you enjoy the forum.
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Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Post by Ella »

Hi, I'm Ella, and I'm from Australia.

I have a long family history of spiritualist beliefs. My grandparents were well-known spiritual healers in London in the 1950s, even performing on stage with the great Harry Edwards (Well, I'm told he was famous, anyway...)

My first tarot deck was "The Shining Woman Tarot", and was given to me when I was a teenager from a family member. It was the first deck I did my own readings with and it was my friend for a long, long time. It was also the deck that taught me that tarot art does not have to be perfection or "high" art. It was hand drawn by the author, and I loved it (I still have it, but it's retired).

These days, my new favourite deck is Ciro Marchetti's Golden Tarot. I love the non-traditional artwork, and the detail is amazing. I love the astrological symbolism. But most of all, I love that it has never given me a bad reading. It is so accurate, it's scary.

In recent years, I have become fascinated by the history of tarot, and have been trying to build up a collection of decks from the very earliest to now. In the process, I learned that it is nearly impossible to get hold of any decks from the 16th century. I've always wanted to make my own deck, so that's where I started. My first deck is a new version of the Rosenwald tarot sheets, faithfully traced but coloured in modern style. It will be available POD through the Game Crafter very soon.

I am trying to pass on my love of tarot and all things divination (I also have written a rune book) to my children. My eldest is designing a tarot deck for her year 12 visual art major work.

That's all for now. Love and Light. Ella.
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Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Post by Joan Marie »

Ella wrote: 07 Aug 2019, 08:44 That's all for now. Love and Light. Ella.
What a beautiful story Ella. thank you so much for sharing it. Welcome to the forum. 🌻
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Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Post by katrinka »

Katalieni wrote: 04 Aug 2019, 11:21I tend to not believe in the supernatural, but my mind has opened up to it a bit lately.
No worries. I don't believe in it either - everything is subject to natural law.
Occasionally something uncanny happens - I've seen a few things - but card reading doesn't require you to believe the woo stuff. I've known professed atheists who approached everything scientifically, and they were exceptional readers. Some people have trouble with that and can't understand how an atheist can be into the cards. Easy - they see that the cards work, and investigate further, without all the preconceived ideas about energy, spirit, synchronicity, etc. that get hyped all the time.

I'm not an atheist myself, BTW. I suspect there's something behind everything, but it's bigger and weirder than we can get our minds around, so there's no point in pretending we know and trying to push our horribly flawed concepts of it on everybody. I guess that makes me kind of agnostic?

Best to keep an open mind rather than parrot whatever the theories du jour are. I suspect cards work because of something to do with the nature of time itself, but we don't know yet.
A lot of my strict rationality came from issues with Christianity and me trying to get rid of the fear of hell.
They do grind that stuff into people. But if you shine a little logic on it, it all falls apart. How many of these have you seen used in a religious context? :lol:
Ultimately, I would like to create my own deck. I write poetry and I have developed my own pantheon through poetry. I'd like to create cards that reflect my pantheon and belief system.
Interesting. I hope you keep us posted!
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Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Post by PhoenixRose »

Good day,

I heard about this forum thank you to Amateur Tarot Podcast. I am thrilled to see a forum format, I have really been missing Aeclectic Tarot Forum. Facebook groups just aren't the same!!

How did you get started in Tarot? Oracles? Lenormand?
I got started in tarot in high school (approx 18 yrs ago now) when a friend gifted me the RWS deck. A couple years later the same friend gifted me the Mythic Tarot. I've been using and love tarot ever since then. I started reading for others 4-5 years ago. I didn't start using oracles until starting to read for others about 4-5 years ago. Lenormand, but rarely use them as I am more comfortable with tarot system of reading.

Do you have a favourite deck? Why?
My favourite deck changes depending on my mood. But I do favour RWS, Crystal Visions Tarot, Mythic Tarot decks.

Do you have a favourite topic or area of interest in Tarot, for example, symbolism, history, reading groups, collecting, etc..?
I love discussing the symbolism. The artwork. Reading exchanges. I collect, but am not a connoisseur by any means. I have 40+ decks, mixture of tarot, oracle, and lenormand.

Very excited for this forum! <3
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Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Post by Diana »

PhoenixRose wrote: 16 Aug 2019, 19:12

I heard about this forum thank you to Amateur Tarot Podcast. I am thrilled to see a forum format, I have really been missing Aeclectic Tarot Forum. Facebook groups just aren't the same!!

Warm welcome PhoenixRose. No, social media cannot replace the richness of old fashioned discussion boards. Social media is fast food. Here there's time to indulge and to take time to enjoy the food placed on the table. And come back later to taste more or to add more tidbits to the table.

Am looking very much forward to your contributions.

You've joined the best Tarot forum around in my opinion. It's full of beauty.
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