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My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 24 Aug 2018, 02:34
by Nemia
This is an invitation to work with one card deck for one week in a group reading.

You can pick any deck: tarot, Lenormand, Kipper, oracle or playing cards. From this deck, you'll draw one card per day - i.e., seven Daily Cards from your Deck of the Week that allow you to get to know the deck better, to hone your reading skills and get new insights about your life.

In a Planetary Week reading, we don't only draw a card per day but also give it a topic. We focus on motifs, topics, patterns in our lives, inspired by the planetary ruler of every weekday (for background information, look here).

On Saturdays, ruled by Saturn: Obstacles and Blockades,
on Sundays, ruled by the Sun: Inspiration and Goals,
on Mondays, ruled by the Moon: Dreams and Fears,
on Tuesdays, ruled by Mars: Conflicts and Challenges,
on Wednesdays, ruled by Mercury: Interactions and Change,
on Thursdays, ruled by Jupiter: Power and Influences, and
on Fridays, ruled by Venus: Love and Attraction.

The focus words I chose for each planet/day are not binding. Please don't limit yourself to the two short words if you feel other aspects of the planet are relevant to your reading.

There are different ways to perform a Planetary Week reading.

Traditional: draw a card per day and use the prism of the planetary influence to connect the card to your day and life.

Selective: select a card that suits the topic of each weekday and use it as affirmation and empowerment to improve your life.

Day-by-day: draw or pick your daily card one by one through the week.

Summarily: draw or pick all cards together before the week starts and treat them as a complete reading.

:!: And what about those who just want to have a Deck of the Week, Card of the Day reading? They can just jump in and leave the planetary lore away.

Share pictures if you can or want to.

No matter how we do it - by reminding ourselves of the planetary regents and their influence, we re-connect to the sevenfold cycle of time that our ancestors established, with their eyes to the sky.

Nemia - Tarot of the Sephiroth
Shadowrose - Llwellyn Tarot
Flaxen - TdM Heri
Stronglove - Playa Flame Tarot
CharlotteK - Hallowquest Tarot and Druidcraft Tarot

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 24 Aug 2018, 14:54
by Nemia
I have wanted the Tarot of the Sephiroth so much, it's so clever, and I never used it! I have the book which is so clever, I really have to break in this deck! So it's the Tarot of the Sephiroth for me!

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 24 Aug 2018, 17:07
by shadowrose
this sounds so interesting, and maybe this format is what I need to help me jump in and get started. So, with trepidation, I'm going give this a shot. I will be using the Llewellyn Tarot.

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 24 Aug 2018, 19:25
by Nemia
Shadowrose, no need for trepidation! Just take it in small bites. You're very very welcome and you don't have to "perform". This is just for you, your space to get into a dialogue with your cards.

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 24 Aug 2018, 22:40
by shadowrose
sounds like just what I need :)

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 25 Aug 2018, 07:36
by Nemia
Here we are! My Tarot of the Sephiroth - and how happy am I that I found it.

2018 08 25 Tarot of the Sephirot.jpg

And here is my first card, on this peaceful Saturday where I can contemplate the leaden weights Saturn puts on my feet to slow me down.... I confess, I like old Saturn and I don't mind being slowed down.

2018 08 25 Sephirot Hierophant.jpg

And why not? I'm a Taurus, and here is the Hierophant. Now my psychologically schooled friends would probably not accept it but I think there is an element of personality that we can't fight against. I'm a quick thinker but a slow mover. I digest new information quickly but it tages AGES until it does any effect within me. I'm the Hierophant where wisdom of the ages goes through endless stalagmites and part of it calcifies - stable, unflexible, but also visibly fragile. I'm glad I get the Hierophant here, this most unpopular trump :-) because he is mine in a way. He is my animus, and under the layers of tradition, there beats a spiritual heart, and it's my challenge to discover that. To deal with the traditons I was taught and given and reject what is empty to me and embrace and integrate what is meaningful to me.

I always see in the Hierophant this developmental challenge: to graduate from the stage of blind acceptance or blind rejection, to find a mature spiritual position in this world. the end of spiritual adolescence if you wish to call it like that. I never found this interpretation in any book but whenever I see the Hierophant, I'm in the middle of some spiritual process, and I find he helps and encourages me. he stands for dogma, yes, but he's not interested in blind adherence to the dogma. He made it his and accepted it and he encourages you to do the same - even if in the end you can't accept the dogma.

Did I domesticate the Hierophant unduly? He can be intolerant and stubborn, too. But for me he's a card of challenge: go and find the place of your own beliefs and values and spirituality without fear. I guess I see in him that once he was rebel and needed time and maturity to grow into the tradition he now represents.

This is a very nice image of the Hierophant. I see no Venus influence here, in my personal pantheon, Venus is up high with Saturn (and Hekate, Eos, Themis and some others...). He sits between Chochmah and Chessed, firmly on the Pillar of Mercy that Staroff calls Pillar of Force. That's quite high up - but bridging the abyss. The book - well, I have it here and read the Hierophant pages but I'm still with my own understanding of the HIerophant...

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 25 Aug 2018, 11:55
by shadowrose
Today is Saturday, and the focus is blockages. I drew The Sun card. I read A.E. White's Pictorial Key to the Tarot, Barbara Moore's Tarot for Beginners, and my Llewellyn Tarot Companion. All the things said about this card are positive, that it represents all that is good and positive in life. I don't really feel any blockages in my life, so maybe this card is saying that I don't have any right now, or any significant ones. Or I suppose it could be saying that because everything is good in my life right now I'm simply not aware of a blockage in my life. Maybe I should do a little looking around, lol.

Interesting comments, Nemia. I had no idea The Hierophant was not well liked. That is my birth card, so I kind of like him, lol.

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 25 Aug 2018, 12:47
by Nemia
Oh, I don't know, I noticed that in lists of "the most beloved trump cards", the High Priestess and the Star get lots of love, Emperor and Hierophant get less. But that's just my impression :-) We all have a little problem with authority in our lives at some point .... so I guess these two male authority figures remind us of them.

The Sun on a Saturday can mean that everything is great in your life - even Saturn is reached by the rays of the Sun and revolves around the Sun. But you might ask yourself: where is there a shadowy corner in my sunshine life? and what is throwing that shadow?

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 25 Aug 2018, 14:02
by Flaxen
I’m going to jump in with a new TdM - the Heri. I’ve not read with this deck before so it will be interesting to see how it goes.

I think I may do the whole week’s cards and then add in my interpretations/reflections for each day.

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 25 Aug 2018, 18:58
by stronglove
tomorrow is the start of buring man, so i’m going to use heather whiteside ward’s playa flame tarot!
heather will be distributing a pile if her decks for free at burning man (where everybody shares almost everything)
attending burning man is on top of my wishlist for extremely exciting places i probably never will have the oppotrtunity to visit, so using the playa flame tarot this week will give me the feeling of at least sharing a little bit in the spirit and energy from that place.

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 25 Aug 2018, 19:11
by stronglove
saturday - saturn’s day = obstacles and blockades
the three of flames (wands)
ahhh..... a friendly soul is gifting me some tickets..... what are they for?
i hear that beatles song in my head.... she’s got a ticket to ride, but she don’t care...... am i going to leave something behind that’s bringing me down?

all day i have been filled with rage, on the brink of exploding. taking it out on the dogs, on myself, swearing and shouting, crying in frustration.....
this is a very old rage, no idea why it is surfacing right now.......
actually, i think i do know. there have been some major shifts in my life lately and i have had to release a lot of stuff that doesn’t serve me anymore.
i guess this rage is the last bit, i probably kept it down because i don’t particularly like to face it..... but not dealing with it will surely block my growth, my journey. i guess i’d better accept those tickets then....


Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 25 Aug 2018, 19:45
by CharlotteK
Going to start the Hallowquest journey :)

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 25 Aug 2018, 20:58
by shadowrose
Nemia wrote: 25 Aug 2018, 12:47 The Sun on a Saturday can mean that everything is great in your life - even Saturn is reached by the rays of the Sun and revolves around the Sun. But you might ask yourself: where is there a shadowy corner in my sunshine life? and what is throwing that shadow?
Interesting you say that, so I asked the question and I drew the 3 of Swords. It seems to signify heartbreak and betrayal, knowledge that leads to pain, rejection and estrangement. Because of poor choices on my brother's part, our once close relationship is almost non-existent. Not because of us, but because of his wife, she wants him isolated from his family and friends. She is abusive. Despite heartfelt talks, he has not yet come the point where he realizes he must walk away from this toxic relationship. So this is definitely a shadow and a blockage.

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 26 Aug 2018, 05:14
by Nemia
Shadowrose, I'm sad to hear it. Alienation within the family is very painful. But if I look at the two cards, I'd say the love is still there. Even if there is a blockage, the Sun is still shining, and sooner or later, the sunlight wins. Let your sun shine, i.e., let your love show. He can't stop loving you if your bond was good before. Sibling bonds are strong.

(One shouldn't mix advice with cards but from my personal experience I'd say your brother will recognize how abusive his partner is if you DON'T tell him. By criticizing her, you make him feel protective about her. The less resistance you show to her, the easier it will be for him to discover how she is. Rely on the sun to melt that block of ice. You don't have to speed it up.)

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 26 Aug 2018, 06:45
by Flaxen
Saturday - Obstacles and Blockades - Reyne Despee

This Sword Queen is thoughtful, she rests her hand on her belly as she holds her sword. She seems lost in thought and as if she is thinking of protection for the unborn child. Her sword is ready to dispense justice and she strives to be fair in her judgements but cannot help them being coloured by events in her life. The harshness of life has led her to the knowledge that sometimes justice is best administered swiftly before evil has a chance to grow and take root.

The obstacle for me is that I can see the negative of some situations - like the Queen I’m inclined to want to take swift action rather. It also reminds me of a disturbing story I read yesterday about someone in one of the main politician parties in the UK who has links to someone just jailed for awful crimes against a young child. I certainly was in that mindset of wanting anyone connected to face the harshest justice.

Sunday - Goals and Inspirations - Roy de Dener

I wish I could be like this King - relaxed, secure, almost nonchalant with material wealth. He holds his coin in such a manner that suggests he is totally at ease with the flow of money and trade. He can hold it loosely because he knows there is always more where that came from.

This is my aim this year - to make myself more comfortable in a material sense. To do this I need to learn more about investments and the wisest way to use my money.

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 26 Aug 2018, 07:55
by Nemia
I added today for the first time links to the decks so others who are interested in a deck and don't know it can get a first impression. I hope that's okay with all of you. If not, let me know. I try to put the deck creator's site and if not, the AT review.

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 26 Aug 2018, 09:36
by Nemia
Sunday, the Sun, inspiration, enlightenment, warmth. And my card for today:

2018 08 26 Sephiroth Two of Cups.jpg

The book says something interesting about the Two of Cups: the waters here are under control, fountains - not the ocean. I think of sweet water mermaids - Melusine, with two fishtails, and wonder whether there are depictions of this interesting creature on 2 Cups cards....

There is no doubt that the inspiration and source of all life for me is my love for my husband and his for me. I have no other association when i see this card than the strong feelings that bind us together for 30 years now. Soon we'll celebrate our 29th wedding anniversary, and we're a couple for more than 30 years. He's a most wonderful man, we augment each other, understand each other, and admire each other. The one perfect thing in my life is my marriage. He's my twin soul and I was simply lucky to have met him.

There is lots of good advice about relationships but the main thing is that love stays alive.

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 26 Aug 2018, 12:09
by shadowrose
thank you, Nemia :)

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 26 Aug 2018, 14:53
by stronglove
Nemia wrote: 26 Aug 2018, 07:55 I added today for the first time links to the decks so others who are interested in a deck and don't know it can get a first impression. I hope that's okay with all of you. If not, let me know. I try to put the deck creator's site and if not, the AT review.
yes, great idea nemia, please continue with this. i always look up the decks used when i don’t know or own them, so for me it’s great to have a direct link to the creators or distributors!

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 26 Aug 2018, 15:08
by stronglove
sunday - inspiration and goals.... judgement.....
ah, i’m so full of judgements all the time, and most of all i judge myself, quite harshly.
the figures on this card don’t look at all like they will do the same. they are quite a merry and colorful bunch. what a nice take on this card...1
it might be wise to take a good look at the beautiful tattoo on my upper right arm: a lotus with the four brahmavihara’s (the abodes of the divine) love, joy, compassion and equanimity. find ways to neutralize that burning anger inside me that turns everything into a final reckoning.
sweet equanimity, the absence of loathing and desire.... i think it’s time to meditate.


Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 27 Aug 2018, 07:58
by Flaxen
Monday - Dreams and Fears - 7 of Cups

The number 7 is a critical point in the cycle. From here we begin to launch ourselves back up to the wholeness of the ten. What happens here determines our path back to this wholeness. This fiery 7 is paired with the sanguine nature of the Cups - the focus is on pleasantness. It brings with it sudden flashes of inspiration - these strike quickly and disappear just as fast so it’s important to seize them. These insights are often of a spiritual nature.

In its position today, it reminds me of those flashes from the subconscious - the Moon’s realm. Today would be a good day to pay particular attention to song lyrics which pop up unbidden, little memories which surface. There is a shape reminiscent of a heart on the bottom, middle cup which grows two stems which encircle two more cups. This divine inspiration is a protective force which reminds me that growth is upwards - focus on the direct route and don’t get distracted.

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 27 Aug 2018, 13:04
by Nemia
Oh my Monday, day of the Moon, day of my birth under a full moon in Scorpio... what do you bring me today?

2018 08 27 Sephiroth Moon.jpg

It is the Moon. Malkuth and Netzach, everything's so feminine down there, how interesting that Yessod, the lunar sephira, is passed by but not touched... and wow, this deck seems to continue the roll I had with the Bharate by touching on the issues that occupy me right now. All kind of memories bubble up lately, unconscious materials from my childhood, and I can say that one of the great emotional challenges of my life has been achieved without me even noticing it.

I did shadow work on one aspect of my life and I'm not finished there, I don't even know whether there's a connection - but when I talked about a great pain and anger that has been my companion since childhood - I noticed it was resolved. No bitterness, no anger any more, no wish to clear something up, explain, demand or demand an explanation. No, I'm totally at peace with what has long, long bothered and hurt me. Even in tune. And that recognition bubbled up yesterday in one of the deep-digging conversations I had daily with my analytical, intelligent, probing-questioning-asking daughter. And that gives me a certain lightness. I can look at Hathor's pond and know there is so much going on there - but the one hole where a muray eel was hiding and waiting to bait me - somehow it's empty now, no pain any more. And oh how great that feels.

I must say this deck is great. I shows the esoteric concepts behind the modern tarot, and I'm drawn to esoteric decks.

Let's not forget that I'm still doing my tarot calendar, and some days ago, I moved on to the first decan of Virgo. For nearly one-and-half years this esoteric undertaking has made me happy about every day. Just look at the base of that calendar for today.

Virgo 1st decan_064436.jpg

Just at the lower middle cards. A full Moon because that's what we're having - the Sun as ruler of the first decan of Virgo - and Luna, the Moon, from the Mantegna Tarot for the day of the week. I just have to turn my head a bit and I see the card of the planetary weekday. How happy all this cosmic attunement makes me. Last night I went outside while the moon was rising - in a beautiful circle from East to West, I saw Mars - Saturn - Jupiter and Venus - just perfect. The night fell while I was standing with my husband and daughter. Our daughter asked us for the names of the stars as they appeared, and we knew them all - showed her Virgo and Spica (she's a Virgo) - showed her the summer triangle of Deneb, Altair and Vega - showed her Scorpio with Antares - magical time.

My life has become so much richer and better since I have become aware of the cosmic rhythms simply through looking at the sky at least once a night - most of the time more often. I missed Mercury in the morning but will try to catch him tomorrow. I want to see all the planets in one night - it makes me happy. Also seeing opposite signs, like Scorpio in the evening and Taurus in the morning, makes me happy. I like feeling our planet moving.

In short, a harmonious day - and one full of changes.

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 27 Aug 2018, 18:06
by I Sunshine
Nemia wrote: 27 Aug 2018, 13:04 Oh my Monday, day of the Moon, day of my birth under a full moon in Scorpio... what do you bring me today? ...

In short, a harmonious day - and one full of changes.
This is such wonderful writing, Nemia, and so inspiring! I just have to comment, even though I still do not feel like I am in a space to participate. You made me smile, made me happy for you and gave me hope of a break through for myself. Thank you.

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 27 Aug 2018, 20:14
by Nemia
Please NEVER ever feel that you can't participate. I wasted years of participation in the now-legendary AT forum because I felt I'm not good enough. We're all learners. Everybody thinks that everybody else is so much more knowledgeable, intuitive or whatever.... :lol:

Thank you for your kind words!!!

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 27 Aug 2018, 22:02
by stronglove
monday - dreams and fears - four of dust (coins)

dust is all pervasive at burning man. this woman looks like she’s well prepared and protected, like the dust doesn’t stand a chance. but she’s standing behind a sign saying: i’ve got dust in curious places, so she’s probably full of dust she’s not aware of...... (the sign was an installation at last year’s burning man)
at the same time she looks quite isolated, hidden behind her protective shield, not inclined to share her stuff with others, not exactly the burning man spirit.....
i recognize myself in my anger, like i’m sitting on it, still not willing to let it go, with a ‘don’t come near me’ attitude......
but hey.....look! the lady has heart-shaped glasses...... at least that’s something to hold on to.....might be a good idea to change my perception, my point of view.....
