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My Planetary Week #6: June 30 - July 6

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My Planetary Week #6: June 30 - July 6

Post by Nemia »

This is an invitation to work with one card deck for one week in a group reading.

You can pick any deck: tarot, Lenormand, Kipper, oracle or playing cards. From this deck, you'll draw one card per day - i.e., seven Daily Cards from your Deck of the Week that allow you to get to know the deck better, to hone your reading skills and get new insights about your life.

In a Planetary Week reading, we don't only draw a card per day but also give it a topic. We focus on motifs, topics, patterns in our lives, inspired by the planetary ruler of every weekday (for background information, look here).

On Saturdays, ruled by Saturn: Obstacles and Blockades,
on Sundays, ruled by the Sun: Inspiration and Goals,
on Mondays, ruled by the Moon: Dreams and Fears,
on Tuesdays, ruled by Mars: Conflicts and Challenges,
on Wednesdays, ruled by Mercury: Interactions and Change,
on Thursdays, ruled by Jupiter: Power and Influences, and
on Fridays, ruled by Venus: Love and Attraction.

The focus words I chose for each planet/day are not binding. Please don't limit yourself to the two short words if you feel other aspects of the planet are relevant to your reading.

There are different ways to perform a Planetary Week reading.

Traditional: draw a card per day and use the prism of the planetary influence to connect the card to your day and life.

Selective: select a card that suits the topic of each weekday and use it as affirmation and empowerment to improve your life.

Day-by-day: draw or pick your daily card one by one through the week.

Summarily: draw or pick all cards together before the week starts and treat them as a complete reading.

Share pictures if you can or want to.

No matter how we do it - by reminding ourselves of the planetary regents and their influence, we re-connect to the sevenfold cycle of time that our ancestors established, with their eyes to the sky.

Nemia - Tabula Mundi Tarot
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Re: My Planetary Week #6: June 30 - July 6

Post by Nemia »

Two decks have rocked my world: the Thoth lead me to discover the world of tarot, and for quite a number of years, I used it nearly exclusively. Everything I know about tarot began with the curiosity it inspired in me.

Then I discovered the Tabula Mundi and started my tarot calendar, counting the time with this most amazing deck, attuned to the rhythm of the cosmos. For more than a year now, the Tabula Mundi keeps me grounded and skied.

Cancer 1st 031 cancer 1st decan complete board.jpg

my tarot calendar right now - 1st decan of Cancer, Chariot, Queen of Cups and Two of Cups

Without a doubt, the Tabula Mundi was THE tarot discovery of the decade for me.

I was surprised to see what a distinct voice the Rosetta has. In all my readings with the Rosetta, it has helped me understand what i couldn't understand before. I can't put up a ranking of my most important or beloved tarot decks, but if I could, both Meleen decks would be in the top 3 :-)

I rarely used the Tabula Mundi for readings because it's so important for my tarot calendar, and the cards are up on my magnetic board. When I felt the longing to read with it, I ordered the pocket version - and the Rosetta, too.

Oh just have a look at the parcel that arrived then, at the day of the Vernal Solstice.

2018 03 21 003.jpg

It was one of the most joyful days of my tarot collecting existence.

And it's with a festive heart that I start this week with the Tabula Mundi. It has really become a kind of axis mundi for me. I know all the cards so well by now - but not through reading or study but through looking at them on my magnetic board.

Sorry for the long story but I really love this deck and I can't recommend it highly enough.

Today is Saturday, and I focus on Saturn, the leaden, melancholic god who puts obstacles in our way and slows us down.

2018 06 30 Tabula Mundi Tarot Lovers.jpg
2018 06 30 Tabula Mundi Tarot Lovers.jpg (170.42 KiB) Viewed 2202 times

The Lovers.

I think this is about choices. I'm slow to make decisions, sometimes I procrastinate until somebody else decides. Quite often, that means I get the short side of the stick.

I'm reminded of one of the key stories from my childhood.

I'm six or seven years old and it's a Christmas celebration of the sport club. There's a Santa Claus who gives out bags with sweets to all the children. I'm never pushy, I wait in line. Other children push themselves before me. I let them, I feel generous and nice letting them get their bag before me. I even feel that Santa Claus may reward me for my patience and ability to wait.

When it's my turn, there is no bag left.

I remember this scene distinctly. I was disappointed not only because I didn't get my bag of goodies but also because nobody said, "you let the others go before you, you didn't push, you didn't assert yourself, you are a nice girl". No. Santa Claus just said, "sorry, you're too late, everything's gone".

The next thing I remember of that day may or may not have happened. When I come home, my father (my fearsome, impatient, strong, strict, cold black Aries father who believed that children are born with a bad spirit that has be broken and crushed) was sick in bed. I told him the story. And he comforted me and encouraged me and taught me that there is a middle ground between pushiness and self abnegation, but that it was nice of me to let the others go first and not push in greedily.

I have no idea whether this is a true memory or not, and my father is dead, I can't ask him anymore. I probably put the words I'd have said to comfort a child in this situation into his mouth.

And I never learned anything from that episode. I still let others get the laurels for the work I have done, when I'm attacked or maligned, I don't defend myself but retreat.

I'm sure online that's not really the way I come over. And there were times I did defend or assert myself (usually when fighting for the interests of others - I can do that without a problem).

But I'm not a decider. I'm a follower. I'm driven, not a driver.

This whole aspect of the Lovers, choosing a path and getting on with it, is a huge problem for me.

The only truly good decision that I went through with total committment was my choice of partner. I haven't regretted for a second that I chose him like he chose me, that I left behind my existence, country, family to follow him and start a new lift with him. And there we are with the Lovers again.

It's as though Saturn gave me ONE important decision to get right, and I did. But how many others have I bungled? A whole black ocean full.
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Re: My Planetary Week #6: June 30 - July 6

Post by Nemia »

Tomorrow is Sunday - oh the Sun, vitalizing, energizing, life-giving... plans, ambitions, inspiration, aspirations... it's also the 1st of July, a new month...

2018 07 01 Tabula Mundi Tarot 9 Cups.jpg

The Nine of Cups, this wonderful card. So encouraging. I'll take this picture into my dreams...
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Re: My Planetary Week #6: June 30 - July 6

Post by I Sunshine »

Nemia wrote: 30 Jun 2018, 07:35

Sorry for the long story but I really love this deck and I can't recommend it highly enough.
Santa Claus just said, "sorry, you're too late, everything's gone".

The next thing I remember of that day may or may not have happened. ... I probably put the words I'd have said to comfort a child in this situation into his mouth.
Nemia, I love your Tarot story!

And about that Santa Claus... someone should be fired. The insensitivity is beyond belief!! But I love that you have re-parented your inner child with comfort & praise.

I wish I could join in this week. I am taking a break from labors right now, and find reading your pulls to be a good inspiring way to used my rest time. :)
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Re: My Planetary Week #6: June 30 - July 6

Post by Nemia »

You're welcome ;-)

2018 07 02 Tabula Mundi Tarot Art.jpg
2018 07 02 Tabula Mundi Tarot Art.jpg (169.83 KiB) Viewed 2188 times

Now look what I have for tomorrow. One of my favorite cards of all times. Temperance/Art. The card that sits on the path from solar Tif'eret to lunar Yesod. The card of Sagittarius, my ascendant sign. The card of Iris, the rainbow goddess, connecting the skies and the earth, a messenger and connecting force.

I have no idea how this overwhelmingly beautiful card can be connected to my quite trivial day that I expect tomorrow. But I know one thing: this deck brings out the cards that have meaning for my whole life and especially for my tarot work. These are truly introspective cards.

And let's not forget that tomorrow is Monday, day of the dreams, and day of Yesod, too.

Oh, I'll move my tarot calendar tomorrow morning. That will probably be the creative highlight of my day :-)
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Re: My Planetary Week #6: June 30 - July 6

Post by Nemia »

Indeed it was. I enjoyed some smaller creative projects, too. But my life is so quiet right now...

Tomorrow is Tuesday - day of Mars, day of trouble?, day of conflict and anger management and taming my inner demons of impatience.

2018 07 03 Tabula Mundi Tarot Princess of Disks.jpg
2018 07 03 Tabula Mundi Tarot Princess of Disks.jpg (142.92 KiB) Viewed 2183 times

And oho, the Tabula Mundi seems to have set itself a goal: present me only with cards that are personally meaningful.

The Princess of Disks is one of the court cards I love most. I'm no longer a Princess but for many years, this was a card I could identify with. When I met the tarot, I was a Princess of Disks - oh yes, I was, and on the day I had my first tarot reading, I was in a crisis that I solved with stubborn pride. One of my better days!

What can this Princess teach me about solving conflicts? She is Earth of Earth - Malkuth in Assiya - you can't get any more pragmatic and yet, there is something dream like about her. M.M. Meleen's short article about her is just a glimpse into her world. Through her connection to the fixed sign of her element (she rules Taurus and the sign before and after her, and the celestial quadrant of Europe and Africa), she is associated with spring.

I'll put this card up on one of my mini easels and think a bit about her. I'm not good with conflicts - never was - but the advice of the Princess of Disks is certainly something I should hear.
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Re: My Planetary Week #6: June 30 - July 6

Post by Nemia »

2018 07 04 Tabula Mundi Tarot 3 Cups.jpg

The day that just passed - Wednesday and Mercury. It's the Tree of Cups, how fitting. May the flow of communication never stop. And it's a Cancer card, meaning the world within - within the heart, within the house. Oh, it's the card of this decan - my tarot calendar is decorated with it right now.

I always feel it makes a card so powerful when it appears "in real time". And I'm grateful that I have the large TM for my tarot calendar, and the pocket version for readings. I was a bit unhappy before that I never used the TM for readings. Now I can and do.


2018 07 05 Tabula Mundi Tarot Death.jpg

The day that just started - Thursday, Jupiter - power and influence. And it's Death, one of my favorite cards ever in any deck, and how much more in the Tabula Mundi. I have to think about its meaning here.
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Re: My Planetary Week #6: June 30 - July 6

Post by Nemia »

For my Thursday card, Death, all kind of strange thoughts and ideas came up - I even dreamed about it. I'm not finished with that card yet and will put it up on my altar - probably there is a connection because I'm struggling with losses in the past and they overshadow my life.

For Friday, my dear Venus day:

2018 07 06 Tabula Mundi Tarot 10 Cups.jpg
2018 07 06 Tabula Mundi Tarot 10 Cups.jpg (165.54 KiB) Viewed 2164 times

The Ten of Cups. My "too good to be true" card. I hope things continue nice and peacefully in my life, I'm always frightened that all of a sudden, it will be over. Can't put my fears into words. For too many years, my life has been so blessed. בלי עין הרע

And that was my whole week with the Tabula Mundi.

tm week.jpg
Such a wonderful deck.

It's a bit strange to do this week alone. I'll have to think what to change to make it easier for others just to jump in.
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