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Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 28 Aug 2018, 07:26
by Flaxen
Tuesday - Conflicts and Challenges - 7 of Deniers

Another 7 for this week so I’m still in that zone of potential. This time the fiery 7 is paired with the watery Coins and the choleric and phlegmatic temperaments come together. These are pretty much opposites - the choleric is aggressive, full of drive, go-getting while the phlegmatic is laid-back, thoughtful and languid. The 7 is a good vehicle to try and unite these opposites.

In the 7 of Coins we have a message of resourcefulness. It brings together all the scraps that have gone before and fashions it into something new. It’s a card of the frugal housewife and suggest a ‘make do with what you’ve got’ attitude. This card is a good choice for me today as I can struggle sometimes to live frugally. It’s easy for me to get sucked into ‘new deck mania’ and I’m trying hard to appreciate all the great ones I have. I also have credit card debt which has got higher than I like and is out of my comfort zone. This card reminds me to pare back my spending and make the most of what I have. The way the leaves curl round the central coin reminds me to concentrate on one thing. Perhaps it’s time for me to devote myself to one deck for a few months...

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 28 Aug 2018, 10:25
by Nemia
Tuesday, Mars' day, and my card for today is:

2018 08 28 Prince of Disks.jpg

The Prince of Disks, ruler of the first decan of Taurus (to be precise: last decan of Aries, first 2 decans of Taurus - that's why both symbols appears on the card), associated with Tif'eret, the solar sephira, visible in the lower part of the card. All four Princes together give us Tif'eret. I have to take a picture of the many possibilities this deck gives to build the Tree!

Reassuring card. Re-assemble yourself, dear Nemia, remember that this guy also belongs to you, not only soft and gentle and self-abnegating figures. If you want something - go ahead. If I have an animus, maybe that's how he looks.

I was lucky lately to have some very meaningful dreams. It seems that my shadow work continues although I don't continue it actively. I have my altar that reminds me of the things I found in the shadows and I honour it - and in dreams, slowly over time, secrets come to light. This prince reminds me that all this is a process of gaining strength, not losing it. Work, work, work, he says. In every sense of the word.

Oopsi, clicked on submit before I was done when the phone rang.

It's important that this figure of power and assertiveness comes to me on a Tuesday. I notice over time that my fear of conflicts is addressed with Tuesday cards. I will maybe over time compare what cards I had on Tuesdays... oh well let's have a look now.

2018 08 21 Bharata Death.jpg

A week ago - Death. But a quite aggressive-looking Death, looks more like a little devil ;-)

2018 08 14 AnnaK Knight of Rods.jpg

Two weeks ago - the Knight of Rods.

Interesting. Tough cards for a tough day.

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 28 Aug 2018, 15:58
by shadowrose
got caught up with things so I'm a little behind, but I did draw a card each day.

Sunday -- Inspiration and Goals
I drew The Magician. Words associated with this card are creativity and skill. I recently won some awards for an afghan I entered in the State Fair, and it helped me a lot, because it gave me validation in my craft. I had been getting discouraged about it. So now I'm planning next year's entry, lol. But more importantly, even if I don't get "validation" from others, I need to be confident in my abilities and be true to my art.

Monday -- Dreams and Fears
I drew The Hierophant. Most think of authority and tradition with this card, evidently. But this is also my birth card, so I have an affinity for it. It is probably time for me to pursue becoming an "authority" in my chosen craft through more devotions to studies :)

Tuesday -- Conflicts and Challenges
The card jumped out of the deck, so 8 of Wands it is. What comes to me is ACTION. Look for opportunities to act during my challenges and be swift to act, don't dally.

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 28 Aug 2018, 20:57
by stronglove
tuesday - conflict and challenges - six of dust/pentacles
and it’s the burning man...... (not burning yet....) he is the pivotal figure of the festival, which is all about expressing yourself and giving others space to express themselves, but most of all it’s about sharing. as is the six of pentacles.
today i got a visit from a social worker who is helping me to get money to buy a recumbent trike, so i can be on a bike again after 20 years of not being able to. later i discussed the possibilities for me to do more work for her team as a volunteer, helping people with their bills and filing systems.
a giving and taking, a mutual sharing of resources and responsibilities. true to the spirit of burning man.


Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 29 Aug 2018, 06:16
by Flaxen
Wednesday - Interactions and Change - L’Amoureux

The only Trump so far this week and a lovely one for today. This card brings to the forefront choices in my interactions with others. The central message for me is to ‘choose love’. Today is a good day to temper my more irritable side and respond with love. The steadying hand of the older woman is what I need today - that little voice which says ‘is this really what you choose?’

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 29 Aug 2018, 08:49
by CharlotteK
I changed my mind and decided the Druidcraft was a better option for taking on holiday than lugging the humongous Hallowquest book about.

I drew the rest of this week's cards:
Saturday, ruled by Saturn: Obstacles and Blockades - The Hanged Man

Saturday was a fairly mundane affair all said and told, getting ready for going on holiday. But I did spend a fair amount of time on Sat evening with the Bard course materials and started to think about all the creative projects I want to undertake. It has been a very inspiring start in that way and could exciting to think this card could herald quite a productive period but I have a fear I won't live up to the inspiration through lack of time and energy. 'Me time' is a biggie. I have lots of ideas but so little opportunity. I have to be incredibly disciplined about what I spend my time doing as there is so little of it spare that isn't dedicated tonworkmor childcare or household duties.

Sunday, ruled by the Sun: Inspiration and Goals - The Wheel

On Sunday we drove to Salisbury and stayed the night with a friend of mine from University who I have not seen for 20 years. We had a trip down memory lane and it really got me thinking about chapters and eras and how they end and new ones start. Life is so different feom 20 years ago let alone the 28 years ago when I first met my friend in the freshers hall. It also made me think about how I could be a better friend and did feel inspired to make more of an effort to stay in touch with people.

Monday, ruled by the Moon: Dreams and Fears - Nine of Cups

Monday was mostly travelling again a bit further to the Dorset coast as a family, to our caravan home for the week. I love our family holidays and the time we get to spend with each other. We had a full day together, a nice lunch, some sightseeing. It really felt like the proper start of our holiday and time to unwind. My hope is that this week will live up to this Nine of Cups vibe and we will have a great family time and that I will also get some 'm time' to knit and read and study.

Tuesday, ruled by Mars: Conflicts and Challenges - Death

Yesterday I was defeated by noise and four hours in an indoor Water Park. I refused to go to the evening entertainment put on by the caravan park. This created some conflict initially but my husband took my son and I finally got to start on my knitting project. Seems like a small thing perhaps but I needed that time and I realised the main reason my husband wanted to go was so he could have a couple of pints in the bar. Sometimes one has to put a foot down!

Wednesday, ruled by Mercury: Interactions and Change - Three of Cups

Thursday, ruled by Jupiter: Power and Influences - King of Swords

Friday, ruled by Venus: Love and Attraction - Princess of Cups

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 30 Aug 2018, 07:20
by Flaxen
Thursday - Power and Influences - Valet d’espee
Earth & Fire, Melancholic & Choleric. This is the card of the idealist. He is dedicated, loyal and self-sacrificing. The stoic warrior who does what he has to do out of a strong sense of duty.

Today may be a day of unpleasant duties but, like this Valet, I should face up to them and do them. It will be difficult but I need to soldier on.

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 30 Aug 2018, 11:56
by Nemia
I'm having a weird, powerful time. Seen from the outside, my life is uneventful - not much work right now, not much pressure, only self-applied pressure. Within, many relationships around me re-arrange themselves, not always on pleasant lines. I'm deeply connected to all involved, often more so than they are to me, and I feel pushed and pulled emotionally - powerless to change anything but powerful as listener and empathizer.

2018 08 30 SephirothSixWands.jpg

Six of Wands for yesterday, Wednesday, the day of communication. And WHAT a day for communication it was. I communicated all the time, took everything in. I don't know whether there was much of the blessed Tif'eret - Jupiter - Leo constellation in my day, but I have given all I could and overcome some bitter feelings. Towards midnight, I won a little victory over myself.

2018 08 30 SephirothTemperance.jpg

And for today, there is my beloved Temperance, connecting Tif'eret and Malkuth, i.e., I'm on a continuous journey around the Tree. Jupiter's Day, the day of power relationships - let's see whether i'll feel it today. The card is amazingly beautiful with Artemis and my letter samech and the integration of solar and lunar energies, fire and water. I feel exhausted and not muuch like an integrator but we'll see.

There is so much I don't understand around me. Isn't it weird, all my life I have strived to understand others but I don't understand a thing, a person, I feel the depths of my not-understanding and maybe that's the key to wisdom? The book, which I opened only now, talks about wisdom. Maybe I didn't dive deeply enough into Yesod, the lunar realm of dreams and fears, although I can't claim that I'm anchored well in the world of pragmatism and practical competences - or motivation and ambition that drive one forward - or much of an intellectual. So where should my wisdom come from? Temperance is such an encouraging card. It tells me that we never get results, only processes - i knew it but it's good to hear.

I really feel myself falling in love with this deck. It's an Air deck in my collection (I have my decks sorted into drawers according to the element that I feel characterizes them) but like every deck, it has all elements within it. But the sharp lines, the simplified human forms and features, the clear contoured colours and the diagram background of the Tree make this such a clever, clever deck. So Airy, so brilliant, so un-fuzzy, such an inspiration.

I start to think about next week Let's do the fuzziest of the fuzzy then and read with the Celestial :-)

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 31 Aug 2018, 05:42
by Flaxen
Friday - Love and Attraction - Le Pendu
Great card! This is what I would love to do today - just hanging around, not much to do, changing my perspective on life...unfortunately I have to go to work. :D

I wonder if there will be some issues that deal with suspensions or hanging around at work? IT problems which means work is delayed perhaps. It will be interesting to see how this manifests today.

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 31 Aug 2018, 10:28
by Nemia
My last card with the Sephiroth is the Princess of Cups on a Friday - Freya's day - the day of the gentler emotions... what could be more loving and beautiful?

2018 08 31 Sephiroth PcessCups.jpg

This is the card - isn't it beautiful?

Tarot of the Sephiroth PrincessCups.jpg

This Princess is connected to Malkuth. It has deep meaning for me today, too personal, I can't write about it, but believe me, I greeted this card like a guest I was waiting for.

Before I put this wonderful deck away, I arranged the cards according to the sephiroth they touch.

sephiroth week 01 Tree.jpg

The cards of this week laid out as they'd appear on the Tree of Life.

sephiroth week 03 chochma.jpg

Here is Chochmah, the grey sephira - the Two of Cups sits on the sphere (it's a number 2 and this is the 2nd sephira) and the Hierophant touches is (he resides on the path that connects Chochmah and blue Chessed)

sephiroth week 02 Tiferet.jpg

Tif'eret came up three times: like all Princes, the Prince of Disks is associated with Tif'eret (the son, the sun, Fire) - the Six of Wands resides there since Tif'eret is the 6th sephira - and Temperance is on the path that connects Tif'eret and Yesod, the solar and the lunar sephiroth

sephiroth week 06 yesod malkuth.jpg

Two cards touched Malkuth: the Moon sits on the path that connects green Netzach and earth-coloured Malkuth, and the Princess of Cups is associated, like all Princess, with Malkuth - Earth, the lowest sephirah that is the Kether, i.e., the highest sephira of the next Tree).

sephiroth week 07 netzach malkut.jpg

In short, it was a very good week,

2018 08 31 z sephiroth week.jpg

I found the cards lucid, sharp, erudite - and they really talked to me this week. I want to finish with a close-up of Temperance, one of my favorite cards of any deck, and very beautifully and clearly depicted here.

Tarot of the Sephiroth Temperance.jpg

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 31 Aug 2018, 11:48
by Flaxen
That is a very beautiful deck, Nemia. I’ve enjoyed your week with it. :D

Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 31 Aug 2018, 21:53
by stronglove
wednesday, thusday and friday - lamplighter (hermit) justice and strength..... three trumps in a row, with sunday’s judgement that makes four in a week! doesn’t really surprise me, some heavy stuff going on in my life.....
interactions and change is represented by the lamplighter. s/he brings light in the darkness at burning man, will s/he do it in my life as well?
i am on a quest, trying to find my true self after losing the love of my life, having to let go a huge part of the person i used to be, needing to re-invent and re-build myself. what i need most right now is the time and the permission to do so. i feel this lamplighter is bringing me just that. thankyouthankyouthankyou.....

power and influence comes from justice. the image breathes balance and a connection of opposites as well as the concept of cycles (the bike and theyin/yang symbols) all three are much needed here.

love and attraction are symbolized by strength. today i gathered all my strength and returned my lease vehicle to the car-rental office. i had to, because i don’t want to own a car. i know that, i made my final decision, but still felt i couldn’t give it up, didn’t want to do without the luxury of having a car at my disposal 24/7. but i kept my promise to myself. yay!


Re: My Planetary Week # 14: August 25 - 31

Posted: 31 Aug 2018, 21:56
by stronglove
i absolutely love the playa flame. it felt really supportive and went straight to the point. at the same time it has a very mellow, laid back vibe. just what i needed this week.