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Paige of pentacles + wheel of fortune

Posted: 07 Mar 2021, 13:18
by rockon_d
Hey everyone :)
A friend asked me if her love interest would open up about his feelings. She is getting mixed messages. They both dated others and always seemed to have a connection. He has a relationship thats about to end with someone else. So in her reading I got paige of pentacles wih a clarifier wheel of fortune.

I think this means he is focused in other areas, or the person he is with. He wont be making a move. But how does wheel of fortune play in to this? Life will play out and he will just move on? Or he might come to her in the future?

Any insight would be great 😁

Re: Paige of pentacles + wheel of fortune

Posted: 07 Mar 2021, 16:09
by Christian

Recuerda que la carta de la rueda de la fortuna representa buena suerte, cambios venideros significativos. Es una carta ágil que representa cambios rápidos en el futuro cercano, siempre cocechando lo que se ha sembrado. si tomamos esta carta como una pregunta de sí o no, nos abre una incógnita por que nos dice que va a haber algún cambio, pero sin especificar si es bueno o malo, para poder especificar mejor en el cambio tendrías que apoyarte de las cartas con que viene acompañada. Independientemente de si el cambio es bueno o malo, esta carta nos recuerda que los cambios pronto van a pasar, ya que la rueda está en constante movimiento y si ahora estas arriba mañana puedes estar abajo y viceversa.

En resumen, esta carta significa un cambio profundo en un futuro cercano, pero no es un cambio permanente, para poder saber si el cambio es bueno o malo nos tenemos que apoyar con las demás cartas.

Espero haberte sido de ayuda

Re: Paige of pentacles + wheel of fortune

Posted: 07 Mar 2021, 16:13
by Christian

Remember, the wheel of fortune card represents good luck and significant changes to come. It is an agile card that represents rapid changes in the near future, always harvesting what has been sown. If we take this card as a yes or no question, it opens up an unknown because it tells us that there will be some change, but without specifying whether it is good or bad, in order to better specify the change you would have to rely on the others cards with that comes accompanied. Regardless of whether the change is good or bad, this card reminds us that the changes will soon happen, since the fortune wheel is in constant motion and if you are up now, tomorrow you can be down and vice versa.

In summary, this card means a profound change in the near future, but it is not a permanent change, in order to know if the change is good or bad we have to support ourselves with the other cards.

I hope I've been helpful

Re: Paige of pentacles + wheel of fortune

Posted: 07 Mar 2021, 19:45
by rockon_d
Thank you for your comment. :) I wonder what you think of my take of the paige? If I combine it with your interpretation maybe he is preoccupied at the moment but there will be an action taken soon. whether its positive or negative we will have to see?

Re: Paige of pentacles + wheel of fortune

Posted: 08 Mar 2021, 01:20
by Christian
La sota de pentaculos significa un anhelo de nuevos comienzos, por lo que esta carta te impulsa a continuar con lo que vienes haciendo y llevar esos anhelos a la acción. Por lo que considero que se la sota de pentaculos compagina muy bien con los cambios que también propone la rueda de la fortuna.

En conjunto la sota de pentaculos y la rueda significan que tu amiga tiene el deseo de que se produzcan ciertos cambios en su vida, y de hecho no sólo se va a quedar en el anhelo, ya que la carta de la rueda dice que esos cambios se van producir. Lo que no se puede deducir es de que tipo van a ser los cambios, pero si tu amiga ha sembrado amor lo que va a recibir es amor, es decir va a cosechar lo que ha sembrado. Pará poder abundar en el tipo de cambios que se van a producir te aconsejaría que intentes hacerle a tu amiga otras tiradas con preguntas concretas o mejor aun hagas una tirada completa para que sepas bien su presente, pasado y futuro.

Re: Paige of pentacles + wheel of fortune

Posted: 08 Mar 2021, 01:24
by Christian
The page of pentacles signifies a longing for new beginnings, which is why this card encourages you to continue with what you have been doing and take those longings into action. So I think that the jack of pentacles combines very well with the changes that the wheel of fortune also proposes.

Together the page of pentacles and the wheel mean that your friend has the desire for certain changes to occur in her life, and in fact she is not only going to stay in the longing, since the card of the wheel says that those changes will be produced. What cannot be deduced is what type the changes will be, but if your friend has sown love, what she will receive is love, that is, she will reap what she has sown. In order to be able to elaborate on the type of changes that are going to take place, I would advise you to try to make other spreads with your friend with specific questions or better yet do a complete spread so that you know well her present, past and future.

Re: Paige of pentacles + wheel of fortune

Posted: 08 Mar 2021, 07:45
by rockon_d
Thank you so much. :D This has been super helpfull. I will take eveything you said in to consideration for next time :)

Re: Paige of pentacles + wheel of fortune

Posted: 08 Mar 2021, 15:49
by Christian
Youre welcome.

I wish You good luck