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Daily 3-card readings for yourself

Posted: 03 Dec 2019, 18:06
by Hakumata
Before I came to this forum I only did occasional readings for myself, when I had a 'problem' to adress. But I want to start to do daily 3card readings for myself to get more familliar with all the cards. Only, I like to do this in the evening after dinner. So question is: interpret them for the day that just passed, or interpret them for the day that's yet to come? Or is it just the intention I put in that matters? Suggestions welcome, thank you 🙏

Re: Daily 3-card readings for yourself

Posted: 03 Dec 2019, 20:16
by Diana
Hello Hakumata. 😀

That's a great idea to do a daily reading. And 3 cards are a very good choice I believe. Concise is what you want. If you do these conscientiously, you'll make huge strides.

As to whether it's better to do them for the day past or the day ahead, it depends I would think on what you wish to focus on. Both are perfectly valid. And you don't need to be too rigid about this. If you decide for one week to study the past day - perhaps to better understand certain reactions that you had, or that others had, to understand better a situation that happened - there's nothing to stop you from switching around the week later. Or even switching from day to day or every two days.

It'll also depend a lot on if you're needing advice for the next day. Like if you have a job interview, you could pull three cards, not to know the outcome, but for instance what energy you should try to put forward, and which one you should perhaps rein in. That kind of thing. I don't think you should use this great opportunity for a daily chat with yourself to do any fortune telling. It's you and cards conversing about your past day and sometimes the next.

But if you're needing "advice" for the past day, like you found yourself getting very irritated and angry with someone (just an example) and you don't know what set you off like this, you could use the cards to find out what the imbalance in you was.

Well that's how I would go about this. But others may have completely different ideas.

It's actually quite an interesting question you asked there.

Does this help a bit ??

Re: Daily 3-card readings for yourself

Posted: 03 Dec 2019, 20:25
by Joan Marie
Do you plan on noting your results in a journal or something?

Not everyone does that but I find it helps me a lot to keep in mind the result I got, otherwise I tend to forget.

BTW- I agree with Diana. It's fine to mix it up.

I have gotten in the habit though of doing a reading for the coming week every Monday morning. Sunday night would be a good time for that too,
I have found that to be super insightful.

I do readings every day, but just one for the week ahead. At then end of the week I go back and assess it, the accuracy of the reading itself and how well I followed it.

Re: Daily 3-card readings for yourself

Posted: 04 Dec 2019, 05:59
by jupiter
Hello Hakumata. I think it's a great idea to do daily personal readings of any size to learn the system. I have been doing so since September and it has helped me tremendously – getting into a daily practice without requiring the help and patience of other people :D For my daily readings, I keep a journal in which I write the date, deck used, spread and a sentence or two about how I felt or what happened on that day (or the thought that prompted me to grab the cards). It's fun (or sometimes, not-so-fun) to see recurring cards and themes, and seeing the weird spreads you get when you feel out of whack. :mrgreen:

Re: Daily 3-card readings for yourself

Posted: 04 Dec 2019, 09:41
by Hakumata
Thank you all for the advice!
This helped alot!

In the beginning I think I'll do them with a focus on the past day, but maybe indeed switch from week to week or focus on the next they occasionally when I need advice for it. I plan on doing them with a body-mind-soul focus. I guess this spread can be used for contemplating the past day as well as for advice on the next day. What do you think?

Doing a reading on Sunday evening sound really interesting too! How are you doing this precisely, with which spread?

I'm keeping a journal too. First I write down the date, the events of the day, maybe thoughts and feelings too or how I went about this day in general. Then I write down the cards I pulled and try to connect them with what I wrote down about this day and then I write down an interpretation. Does this sound like a good method for writing daily reading down? Maybe I should use keywords too...

Re: Daily 3-card readings for yourself

Posted: 04 Dec 2019, 10:29
by Joan Marie
Hakumata wrote: 04 Dec 2019, 09:41 Doing a reading on Sunday evening sound really interesting too! How are you doing this precisely, with which spread?
This is the spread I do for the week ahead. It's from Benebell Wen. It's a 3-card spread:

Card 1: What spirit will be most present this week?
Card 2: What is in my highest interest to make a priority this week?
Card 3: What do I need to be mindful of and prepare for?

What ends up being very interesting about this spread is that even though these are 3 distinct and separate positions, by the time I get to Card 3 I nearly always see how they work together to combine into an overall theme for the week.

There is usually some very clearcut advice here that by the end of the week I will have needed to employ perhaps several times.

I've been doing this for about 20 weeks now and I can't tell you how much I look forward to it every week and how the power and intensity of it has grown over time.