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Tarot is Weirdly personal

Posted: 19 Oct 2019, 23:42
by AstralPasta
I'm working and have about 5 minutes left on my break but I wanted to throw this out there, haha

I'm realizing how personal tarot is and for some reason it makes me uncomfortable

I've been getting more involved in how I see tarot or trying to find my own insights and stuff and find my imagination bridging the Gap, because I guess there has been one, with my personal experiences, memories, things I love and enjoy, feelings, stories I've read, nerdom I've engaged in, etc etc

It weirds me out! I wonder if I had started out with the Thoth deck if it might have been different. The RWS is so narrative dependent that I feel like it demands that sort of personal involvement and you have to determine your element correspondents ? But with the Thoth asba system you might be able to go by GD correspondences.

It doesn't weird me out in an "ooh spooky" way - I'm just not used to....involving my subjectivity in my ....nerdom....I think I tend to stay uninvolved and objective if I can, but here it's like "you you you" what do you want, what do you see, etc. And I was a bit aware but dismissive of that but now it's like....visual memory and imagination and more visceral feelings and stuff.....

Ok time to go back, but yeah!

Re: Tarot is Weirdly personal

Posted: 20 Oct 2019, 03:44
by archimedes
Yeah I see that too. Though I actually expect that, as I think this is the way I actually arrived at Tarot, via storytelling (an author friend who read Tarot) and my earlier interests in symbolism and mythology. To me the narrative and the connection with personal imagery is what it's all about - it's that whole Jungian thing of collective unconscious, and that's where I think the very classic RWS images are really powerful, because they provide a key into those old stories.

This is one of the benefits of a good forum like this - getting insights from others can sometimes allow you to see that narrative through a different lens.