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Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man

Posted: 10 Jun 2019, 05:06
by Charlie Brown
This article discusses the famous drawing by Leonardo Di Vinci. It's references to Pythagorean number symbolism and certain Neoplatonist ideas about the nature of the soul are highly resonant to certain perspectives on the tarot.

ETA: Holy S**T, I didn't even realize it was written by Robert Place before I saw the preview in this post. So, yes, the tarot/art history connection is made manifest. TBH, I probably initially linked to it from a Robert Place search and forgot about it.

Re: Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man

Posted: 10 Jun 2019, 13:10
by jiacovelli
Great article, thanks.

Re: Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man

Posted: 10 Jun 2019, 19:10
by Diana
Wonderful article. Thanks Charlie Brown. It's leading me onto all sorts of internet searches, which in turn, lead to others.

Re: Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man

Posted: 10 Jun 2019, 19:23
by inomminate
interesting articale. Opens up a lot of ideas.

Re: Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man

Posted: 11 Jun 2019, 04:22
by inomminate
The divine proportion also occurs in the Dodecahedron which is the platonic solid that relates to spirit. If we take one of the pentagons, that form the twelve faces of the dodecahedron, and construct a five pointed star within it. Then the proportions of this star also relate to the divine proportion.

Re: Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man

Posted: 11 Jun 2019, 05:08
by inomminate
Possibly this may be a bit of a tangent but it does show how art history stimulates your thinking. This post has started me thinking about how to use the divine proportion in tarot. My first idea is to use the fibonacci series to govern which cards are drawn from a shuffled deck. If we drew cards: 1,2,3,5,8,13.... would these cards resonate in some way that related to the question asked?

Re: Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man

Posted: 11 Jun 2019, 08:47
by Diana
inomminate wrote: 11 Jun 2019, 05:08 Possibly this may be a bit of a tangent but it does show how art history stimulates your thinking. This post has started me thinking about how to use the divine proportion in tarot. My first idea is to use the fibonacci series to govern which cards are drawn from a shuffled deck. If we drew cards: 1,2,3,5,8,13.... would these cards resonate in some way that related to the question asked?
I'm planning to do something similar, but with Marko Rodin's Vortex Mathematics number sequence : 1 - 2 - 4 - 8 - 7 - 5. I don't understand the maths behind it, as I'm not mathematically minded, but don't need to for the experiment.

Re: Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man

Posted: 12 Jun 2019, 09:14
by Nemia
I'll be talking about Fibonacci and the Golden Mean. If anyone wants to go there first - great ;-)