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Are you "New" to Tarot?

Whether you are a beginner or an old hand at Tarot, you never stop learning. This is where Seekers & Sages alike come together to ask questions and share experience.
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FORUM DESCRIPTION: For beginners and experienced readers alike.

One of the beautiful things about the tarot is that you never stop learning and discovering new and fascinating things.

This is the place to come to share tips and ideas for learning the craft of tarot. Approaching it from many angles and points of view broadens everyone's appreciation and understanding and aids in developing your technique.

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Joan Marie
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Are you "New" to Tarot?

Post by Joan Marie »

I recently attended a workshop called Store Owner Insights for Deck Success. It was run by Michelle Welch who is the owner of 2 (soon to be 3) very successful metaphysical shops in Texas called SoulTopia.

The famous SoulTopia mural
The famous SoulTopia mural

She had quite a lot to say about the business of these shops, much of it a really big surprise to me. For example, the massive number of Tarot and other decks she sells.

Her shops do amazingly well and the business of metaphysical shops all over the world is doing extraordinarily well. (There are a lot of interesting reasons for this that I'll go into in some other threads.)

Among the many things driving the success of the business everywhere is the sheer number of new people who are coming to Tarot every day.

She said not a day goes by in her shop that customers aren't telling her, "I'm new to this." (tarot)

Michelle went on to explain how shops like hers become a sort of "home" for people getting into tarot, the shop providing all kinds of assistance and guidance and, of course, products (books, decks etc) for people learning their new craft.

This made me think that it must be the same in the online communities, that there are many people coming to Tarot every day and looking for guidance, practice, all sorts of things that we can provide here. We have such a wonderful collection here of interesting people with so many levels and types of experience who I know would love to help inform and guide people who are just learning and getting into all of this.

So, if you are someone new to tarot, I would like to make 2 suggestions:

1. Find a metaphysical shop in your area. You will find your community there. Many of these shops, in addition to having helpful staff who are able to offer you all kinds of assistance and advice, are going to be places where you will meet others with like interests. Often these shops hold events, have guest speakers and artists, all kinds of interesting things you'll want to attend and be part of. Most of them offer readings of all kinds where you can see how it's done and learn so much. And it's just an enjoyable way to spend time, meet people and learn your craft.

2. Join the Cult of Tarot Forum and participate. If you've been lurking around and reading stuff here, that's great. But if you join, you can participate in the discussions, ask questions and gain confidence. You can participate in reading circles with helpful people, you can ask for feedback on readings, all kinds of things. A forum like the Cult of Tarot is a perfect place for anyone new to Tarot to find their voice and learn new skills and just have fun looking at all the beautiful decks in our library and talking about tarot with all kinds of people.

The World Tarot Community is a vibrant and nurturing place that welcomes everyone who wants to learn and be part of it. If that's you, then register now (top right hand corner-it's free and easy). We'd love to help you get started!
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Re: Are you "New" to Tarot?

Post by archimedes »

How interesting! I think people are looking for guidance and control over their lives. Tarot brings this into our own hands instead of seeking it from others, and helps us get in tune with out place in the universe (well, that's my thought for the day, anyway).

I so agree with supporting your local businesses. There's nothing better than being able to browse in person and see and hold things, and keeping that stock means shops need customers. Very often these are so central to community. The shopkeepers know who's who.

I don't spend a lot of money on Tarot - I'm not a great collector - but I do like to invest a little in it here and there, to support the creators and writers. There's a lot of 'free' stuff out there, but people can't live on pageviews and appreciation!

As for being new ... I just realized I've been reading for almost 20 years ... but I still think of myself as a newbie!
This is just my opinion. Your mileage may vary. My statement of my belief is not a criticism of your belief.
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