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How to achieve this kind level of card reading?

Whether you are a beginner or an old hand at Tarot, you never stop learning. This is where Seekers & Sages alike come together to ask questions and share experience.
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One of the beautiful things about the tarot is that you never stop learning and discovering new and fascinating things.

This is the place to come to share tips and ideas for learning the craft of tarot. Approaching it from many angles and points of view broadens everyone's appreciation and understanding and aids in developing your technique.

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How to achieve this kind level of card reading?

Post by Many »

Hello everyone,
I've seen a section about tarot that reads like "the meaning of cards are never always as they seem.", and the meaning of the card "The Devil" is more interest for me "not always means the evil or distruction, it can mean other things", the personal description about the devil card is more attracted me "a dark lover approaching, bringing terror. irreststible. part of you, but not. the whisper of something ghastly and betiful."

My personal expectation for me is to be able to achieve this level of personal interpretation of the cards before I can be qualified to use tarot cards,

So, wherer should I begin to learn??

I want to clarify a few points:
1. What I mean is that I am not qualified to use tarot cards for others until I reach this level of interpretation.
2. Regarding the interpretation of tarot cards, I think it is more appropriate to use "How to become a reader who can go beyond the limits of interpretation of books and cards and interpret the emotions or somethings given by the tarot cards".
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Re: How to achieve this kind level of card reading?

Post by Mokona »

Hi! There's loads of resources so you can start anywhere. On YouTube I recommend the Tarot Trainee Course by Kelly-Ann Maddox, Benebell Wen's videos, Tom Benjamin's videos and Atypical Tarot's videos. There's a lot of tarot learning content on those channels. Then you can learn from websites like and from forums like this one, just by looking at the conversations people have about cards, decks, and spreads. Aeclectic Tarot is an old forum which is still up as an archive, even though nobody can post in it, but it's a great archive to look at because there are lots of interesting discussions about cards to be found there. In fact that's where a user called caridwen said something about the Pages that was so illuminating to me that I wrote it down: "I sometimes see the Pages taking the Ace of their suit and channeling its power into manifestation. They take the object from the 'hand of god' and bring it down to earth. In a sense they act as apprentice Magicians."
Amazing, right? Whenever I saw the Ace cards with the 'hand of god' emerging from clouds with a cup or wand or sword or pentacle, I would think, 'take the opportunity or tool offered' but didn't think about what kind of card would represent the querent after they have taken what was offered. And the user caridwen further said that the Page of Wands looks especially like an apprentice Magician because the Page, too, is holding a wand that will channel like the Magician does. I wouldn't have come across such insightful discussions of these cards if I didn't go lurking on the Aeclectic Tarot forum.
Finally, books! There's lots of tarot books available and anything by Rachel Pollack and Mary K. Greer is great if you haven't read them already. I also recommend Holistic Tarot by Benebell Wen and Kitchen Table Tarot by Melissa Cynova. You should explore on your own, too, to find resources that are exciting to you.
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Re: How to achieve this kind level of card reading?

Post by Nemia »

I totally agree with Mokona's recommendations, and in addition, reading the cards constantly is the best way of getting to know them deeply. I have read loads of books and watched videos and read on the Internet, but the single best thing I did for my tarot knowledge was and is to read professionally on a website. I keep bombarding myself with questions, cards and spread positions, and over time, things have become clearer to me. I can still be wrong, I can mis-read, I can be influenced by my own situation or wishes. But when I meet a card, I reocgnize it, I remember what it told me in the past, and we have a story together that makes it easier for me to understand it.

In a way, the cards are like humans, or maybe figures of literature, or works of art. They're not one-dimenstional. they're not a kind of code you can decipher, where the Emperor is "power" and the Four of Disks "possessiveness", and you can solve a puzzle by memorizing these codes. (I know you don't expect it to be so easy!). There's a core meaning to every card, like their deepest personality, but they can show different sides at different times. The Emperor will probably never mean "gentleness" but he can show a protective fatherly side.

I'm an art historian, and in analyzing works of art, you go from the easy (size, format, technique etc) to the more complex (light, perspective, composition). Then you start looking at the motif, symbols, the whole content. In order to do that, you need to know a lot more already. And the last stage is context - and for that, you'll never know enough. Like in every other profession or organized body of knowledge, there is no way you can rush it. A hairdresser or bricklayer or journalist or potter or doctor - they all learn skill after skill until it all becomes second nature.

Start thinking in cards, playing with the cards, carrying them around. Arrange them according to motifs, colours, or how you like them. There are some very good books with ideas to explore your decks beyond reading skills, I can recommend three: Lynda Cowles, Andy Matzner and Alison Cross.

And you CAN read for friends and others at every skill level. Tell them that you're learning to read the cards, don't put yourself under pressure to perform, and just try it. Your querent's input will be another learning tool.

Try as much as possible to read and write here, on the forum, where you can see many different approaches. Collaborative reading is always great for learning.

You'll also notice over time that there are decks you can read with ease, and others that are much more difficult. For me, the most astonishing discovery was that the decks I love most don't always give the best readings. I don't like the art style of the Tarot of the New Vision at all but it's really easy to read with it. And I love the Margarete Petersen Tarot but couldn't read more than card at time to save my life. Try to find out what deck is easiest for you, and also read with more difficult ones.

And the last but maybe most important tip: write it down. The act of journaling your readings or exercises is so important. You engrave your insights into your brain by writing them down, and you make them accessible for yourself at later stages.

Read, play, collaborate, read for others, journal, and enjoy the journey.

Concerning the Aces and Pages/Princesses: if you know the Thoth, you know that these cards are deeply connected. They're not assigned to decans like the minor cards or other court cards, or to zodiac signs like the majors.

An example. Today is January 13, we're in the last decan (last ten days) of Capricorn. The major associated with Capricorn is the Devil, and the minor card associated with the last decan is the Four of Pentacles (Earth like Capricorn and the Devil). The ruling court card is the Prince (RWS Knight) of Swords, ushering in already Aquarius that will come after Capricorn.

All the cards except for the Aces and Princesses have such a role. The minors change every decan (ten days), the court cards each three decans, and the majors with each zodiac sign.

The Aces and Princesses rule the seasons. Winter is ruled by the Ace and Princess of Swords because the fixed sign of Winter, Winter at its highest and clearest, is Aquarius, and Earth sign.

Ace and Princess of Disks/Pentacles rule Spring (fixed sign Taurus),
Ace and Princess of Wands rule Summer (fixed sign Leo),
Ace and Princess of Cups rule Autumn (fixed sign Scorpio),
Ace and Princess of Swords rule Winter (fixed sign Aquarius).

And if you look at the kabbalistic Tree of Life, the Ace sits on the highest place, the first sephira, Kether - and the Princesses at the lowest point, Malkuth. And since every Tree of Life grows on another Tree of Life, Kether and Malkuth actually overlap. The highest sephirah of one Tree is the lowest on another. Kether and Malkuth are actually the same, the highest is the lowest, and you climb endlessly through tree after tree.

Which means - the gifts that Kether gives are put into use by Malkuth, the potential promised by the Ace is put into practical good use by the always-eager, always-learning Princess/Page.

It really all makes sense.
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Re: How to achieve this kind level of card reading?

Post by testpattern »

One of my favorite exercises is to draw pairs and try to read them as blends. Pull two cards and try to read them together. You can separate majors and minors, or people and not people (this is a good technique with pip decks), or simply pairs. Read them like they are two keys on a piano played together, or as Caitlín Matthews writes, as two daubs of watercolor placed side by side. Read them as a situation or mood. Read face cards with number cards as people of a certain profession or personality type. These are like kata, just forms practiced for proficiency.
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Re: How to achieve this kind level of card reading?

Post by TheLoracular »

testpattern wrote: 13 Jan 2021, 15:43 One of my favorite exercises is to draw pairs and try to read them as blends. Pull two cards and try to read them together. You can separate majors and minors, or people and not people (this is a good technique with pip decks), or simply pairs. Read them like they are two keys on a piano played together, or as Caitlín Matthews writes, as two daubs of watercolor placed side by side. Read them as a situation or mood. Read face cards with number cards as people of a certain profession or personality type. These are like kata, just forms practiced for proficiency.
I really like testpattern's suggestion of pairs read as a blend and I'm going to use it as part of something I'm starting tomorrow : a 31 day "shadow work" calender with writing prompts. It is to test/support the calendar for its creator.

The longer/more I do tarot, the more tarot teaches me and the more I feel is out there to explore and learn. New decks, new techniques, new spreads, new perspectives. It is my happy place.
Tarot is a great and sacred arcanum- its abuse is an obscenity in the inner and a folly in the outer. It is intended for quite other purposes than to determine when the tall dark man will meet the fair rich widow.”
― Jack Parsons
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Re: How to achieve this kind level of card reading?

Post by WildWoman71 »

I keep a tarot journal - a page for each card - and as they come up in my readings - I add to my personal interpretation of the card...then when it comes up in someone else's reading - it really resonates.

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