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A List of New Decks

Posted: 01 Nov 2018, 14:26
by Joan Marie
Probably the greatest single consolidated list of Tarot, Lenormand and Oracle decks was the one created at the now closed Aeclectic Tarot. Fortunately for now, that entire massive list with photos and information remains archived there.

However, the list no longer seems to be updated, not since Aeclectic closed in the summer of 2016.

But the constant production of new decks has not stopped.

Cult of Tarot can pick up where Aeclectic left off.

We presently have a Library of Decks. It is small at the moment but we already have several that do not appear on Aeclectic's list because they have come out only recently.

With your help and some diligence we can create a modern current Library that is focused on new decks, essentially any deck (Tarot, Lenormand, Oracle, etc) that has come out in the last 18 months* and then continue adding new decks as they come out. This ongoing Library could indeed become a invaluable resource for informed collectors.

I would like to ask everyone to use this thread to add the names of decks to be added to our Library. I will do the work of collecting the photos and descriptions etc and contacting the artists when necessary and of course posting to the list.

Whenever you come across a new deck anywhere, on kickstarter, through a blog, anywhere at all, post it here and if possible include a link.

Let's not let all these decks slip through our fingers. We can get them posted and archived here so that we all have a chance to see them and learn about them over time. Let's create a resource here that will be useful for years to come for us and for people who have yet to discover these extraordinary decks.

EDIT: To clarify the guidelines for decks for the Cult of Tarot Library of Decks:

1. The deck(s) should not be currently posted at AT's Complete List of Decks.
We are not trying to replace that massive list, rather, continue the effort.

2. Please check the current Cult of Tarot list to make sure it isn't already there. CoT's Complete List of Decks.

3. For now, the emphasis in on "Indie" decks which have their own website (including Etsy shops and the like). Major publishing houses (USG, LoS et al) already have extensive lists, so although we will eventually get to those decks, our initial efforts here will best serve the community of creators and collectors if the prime focus is on Indie published decks.

*many decks published before the closing of AT were not posted there and would also be welcome additions to our list here.

UPDATE: I would like to also include links to reviews. You can post your reviews HERE in our review forum. Additionally, if you have reviews in a blog or on youtube, please send me the link(s) and I will include them with the deck posting. Send links to:

Re: A List of New Decks

Posted: 01 Nov 2018, 15:32
by Amoroso
If you're fine with mainstream decks, the US Games site shows their latest releases. Looking at the footer of that page, one can see a link to their current catalog. It focuses on the decks that they released this 2018, so it fulfills your 18-month requirement.

Re: A List of New Decks

Posted: 01 Nov 2018, 15:41
by Amoroso
The Llewellyn site has a list of their Decks and Kits sorted according to their publication dates, so you can see which decks have been published since mid-2017. AFAIK they're Lo Scarabeo's North American distributors so you'd find many of the latter's latest decks there too.

Re: A List of New Decks

Posted: 01 Nov 2018, 15:57
by Joan Marie
Thanks Amoroso. I wasn't really thinking about "mainstream decks" but there sure are a lot of them. Let me think about that one.

Indy decks are a lot more interesting and charming though and getting them together on one list is more of an accomplishment. But I need to think that one through a little more.

Here are some Indy decks that we already have on our list here:

Beatles Tarot
Charles Dickens Tarot
Golden Age of Hollywood tarot
Majestic Earth Tarot
The Orphans Major Arcana
The Shakespeare Tarot
Spolia Tarot
Subliminal Tarot
Tarot of Brass and Steam
Tarot of Many Doors
Unified Esoteric Tarot
Animal Children Oracle
Old Bear Oracle

I know there are TONS more that could be added.

Re: A List of New Decks

Posted: 01 Nov 2018, 16:38
by Amoroso
The only recently-published indie decks that I recall liking are:

Asherah Tarot

True Black Tarot

Demon-Possessed Tarot

Tarot Restless

Marigold Tarot

Bharata Tarot Majors

Supra Oracle

Mildred Payne's Secret Pocket Oracle

Would post once I remember more.

Also, Yves just posted some videos here regarding his recently-published Marseille decks, Claude Rochias and Arnoux & Amphoux.

Re: A List of New Decks

Posted: 01 Nov 2018, 18:07
by Joan Marie
Grazie! Yes just keep posting them as you remember or as you see them, even one by one. It's a bit of work to get them up but I will do my best to get to them all.

Re: A List of New Decks

Posted: 01 Nov 2018, 20:27
by RavenOfSummer
Hi Joan Marie, do you want decks that are still forthcoming, or only decks that have been released?

Also, I feel like towards the end of its run there were quite a few decks coming out that never got added at Aeclectic. Do you want recent decks (say, the past few years) if they aren't already in the Aeclectic database? Or only those that came out in the last 18 months?

Re: A List of New Decks

Posted: 01 Nov 2018, 21:35
by Joan Marie
I would love to post decks that are still forthcoming. I think in most cases the release is imminent.

I think you are right about a lot of decks not getting posted at AT toward the end. I would like to try and post as many decks as possible that AT was not able to post.

The point is it's a lot of work and it makes more sense to focus on decks that are not already posted at AT.

It is really amazing just how many there are.

Re: A List of New Decks

Posted: 02 Nov 2018, 01:20
by Amoroso
If, as per your reply to RavenOfSummer, we may include indie decks published before mid-2017 as long as they're not included in AT's list, then I'm going to add the following:

Raziel Tarot

Trionfi della Luna

Twin Peaks Tarot

Evolutionary Tarot

The Mythical Creatures (Baba)

Starlight Dragon Tarot

Re: A List of New Decks

Posted: 02 Nov 2018, 02:12
by Amoroso

Re: A List of New Decks

Posted: 02 Nov 2018, 02:35
by Amoroso
Just to clarify things, we have three criteria to fulfill before we can recommend a deck here:

1. It should not be listed in Aeclectic Tarot.

We should first check if it's included in AT's Complete List of Decks.

2. It should also not be listed in the Cult of Tarot Forum's List of Decks

We should first check the CoT's Complete List of Decks.

3. For now, you'd only accept indie decks

Meaning it shouldn't have been published by major deck houses like USG, LoS, etc.

We can recommend decks older than 18 months as long as they fulfill the 3 criteria listed above.

Is this all correct, Joan Marie?

Re: A List of New Decks

Posted: 02 Nov 2018, 03:45
by Amoroso

Re: A List of New Decks

Posted: 02 Nov 2018, 05:20
by Amoroso

Re: A List of New Decks

Posted: 02 Nov 2018, 07:15
by Joan Marie
Amoroso wrote: 02 Nov 2018, 02:35 Just to clarify things, we have three criteria to fulfill before we can recommend a deck here:

1. It should not be listed in Aeclectic Tarot.

We should first check if it's included in AT's Complete List of Decks.

2. It should also not be listed in the Cult of Tarot Forum's List of Decks

We should first check the CoT's Complete List of Decks.

3. For now, you'd only accept indie decks

Meaning it shouldn't have been published by major deck houses like USG, LoS, etc.

We can recommend decks older than 18 months as long as they fulfill the 3 criteria listed above.

Is this all correct, Joan Marie?
Thanks for clarifying this. Yes, this would be the guidelines for deck recommendations for the list.
Regarding point 3, I would say Indie decks are definitely preferred. I realise though that what constitutes "Indie" can be a bit unclear so I'm not going to be a big stickler about that, but I do prefer decks that have their own websites, including Etsy shops and the like.

I will add these guidelines to my original post.

This is really off to a great start. Tons of work for me but I think the result will be something we can all be proud of.

Re: A List of New Decks

Posted: 02 Nov 2018, 10:45
by Joan Marie
Guidelines have been updated in the Original Post.

Re: A List of New Decks

Posted: 02 Nov 2018, 10:57
by Amoroso

Re: A List of New Decks

Posted: 02 Nov 2018, 20:09
by Amoroso

Re: A List of New Decks

Posted: 02 Nov 2018, 20:40
by Joan Marie
There are so many indie decks! It is just unbelievable. This really is a lot of work to get these posted, or rather I should say that it's really time consuming, but I do enjoy it and it's so interesting to see all the decks. I am developing a very deep appreciation for what was achieved at Aeclectic. This is no small task.

I appreciate the links, it helps a lot. I am keeping track of every deck named here in a database, so keep 'em coming, nothing is getting lost. It just may take some time to get to them all.

Re: A List of New Decks

Posted: 02 Nov 2018, 21:58
by Amoroso
I was quite surprised at the quality and diversity of indie decks. Seems like the scene is thriving. And kudos to your efforts, Joan Marie. This is going to be a herculean project, but we know that you can pull it off.

Here's another cartful:

Bonestone and Earthflesh Tarot

Wayfarer Tarot

Dreamkeepers Tarot

Luna Sol Tarot

Modern Witch Tarot

Anieth Nature Deck

Rust Belt Tarot

Accurate AF Tarot

Revelation Tarot

Distant Past Tarot

Writer's Block Tarot

Re: A List of New Decks

Posted: 02 Nov 2018, 22:50
by Amoroso

Re: A List of New Decks

Posted: 03 Nov 2018, 00:11
by Amoroso

Re: A List of New Decks

Posted: 03 Nov 2018, 01:41
by Amoroso

Re: A List of New Decks

Posted: 03 Nov 2018, 04:48
by Amoroso

Re: A List of New Decks

Posted: 03 Nov 2018, 04:57
by Amoroso

Re: A List of New Decks

Posted: 03 Nov 2018, 05:25
by Amoroso