Whole Lotta Cards
Posted: 14 Mar 2020, 12:11
We're having a nice first run at the newly revived "My Deck of The Week"
The new week is up and ready to go whenever you are. We've agreed to number the weeks rather than date them to give you the freedom to start your week on whichever day you prefer. (details are in the link above)
Also, please note, that starting Sunday March 15th is the first day of a 12-day seasonal reading, The Sacred Days of the Vernal Equinox.
I really can't tell you just how powerful these "4-Corners of the Year" reading are.
The connection to the change of seasons is something that gets lost in our busy lives and is drowned out by news and current eventy.
This simple activity really serves to bring you back a bit and get in touch with the changes of nature and how they are manifesting in you and in your life.
I really encourage you to have a look and then join us.
And I know running 2 activities like this in parallel (in addition to any other reading groups you may be in) might seem like a lot, but we're Tarot readers, right? And I feel like right now is not a bad time to return to a bit of focus on it for all of us.
I hope you agree and join me and the others in using our practice and our craft to navigate these times we find ourselves in. Together.
The new week is up and ready to go whenever you are. We've agreed to number the weeks rather than date them to give you the freedom to start your week on whichever day you prefer. (details are in the link above)
Also, please note, that starting Sunday March 15th is the first day of a 12-day seasonal reading, The Sacred Days of the Vernal Equinox.
I really can't tell you just how powerful these "4-Corners of the Year" reading are.
The connection to the change of seasons is something that gets lost in our busy lives and is drowned out by news and current eventy.
This simple activity really serves to bring you back a bit and get in touch with the changes of nature and how they are manifesting in you and in your life.
I really encourage you to have a look and then join us.
And I know running 2 activities like this in parallel (in addition to any other reading groups you may be in) might seem like a lot, but we're Tarot readers, right? And I feel like right now is not a bad time to return to a bit of focus on it for all of us.
I hope you agree and join me and the others in using our practice and our craft to navigate these times we find ourselves in. Together.