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Auto Save Drafts: NEW Feature

Posted: 24 Mar 2019, 12:47
by Joan Marie
This is one that should be welcome by everyone who makes very long posts from time to time.

This is an auto save feature that saves your writing at regular intervals (currently set at 1 minute). You will see a little message pop up saying "Auto Draft Saved" .

This insures your work won't be lost if something should happen while you're posting, like losing internet connection or whatever. Personally, my most frequent error that causes me to lose posts is I preview a post then forget to actually submit it.

Any auto-saved draft will self-delete when you finally post it. Also all drafts will self delete after 30 days.

You should notice some new buttons below the text box here to help you manage your drafts.

I hope this is something you all find helpful. Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.

Re: Auto Save Drafts: NEW Feature

Posted: 24 Mar 2019, 16:36
by Joan Marie
FYI- you must be in the "Full Editor & Preview" mode for the auto save to work.

Which makes me wonder if I should get rid of the "Quick reply" feature just to avoid confusion.

UPDATE: I have disabled "quick reply." So now you just click "post reply" as normal and have all the posting features available automatically.

RIP Quick Reply. ⚰️

Re: Auto Save Drafts: NEW Feature

Posted: 25 Mar 2019, 16:21
by jaq
Joan Marie wrote: 24 Mar 2019, 16:36
UPDATE: I have disabled "quick reply." So now you just click "post reply" as normal and have all the posting features available automatically.
Great idea. The quick reply one was sorta pointless, IMHO. And I wonder whether this is a real selling feature - I don't know many forums that have this option.