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A Message for Everyone

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Re: A Message for Everyone

Post by Diana »

stronglove wrote: 01 Apr 2020, 20:10 i have been thinking a lot about what is being written here, and i want to express that, contrary to some of the comments, i don’t see the virus as an enemy, or THE enemy, nor do i think it needs to be or can ever be beaten. covid-19 just is. it has become a reality in most of our lives and what we need to figure out is how to live with it, or around it. which i think is in no way a simple task. but i find it hard to think of covid-19 in war-like terms, it somehow makes it more unreal, like an alien invasion, or something out of a movie. and it makes me feel powerless, instead of prepared and willing to face what’s coming my/our way.
a lot of what’s happening is reminding me of what the gay community went through in the eighties, with hiv and aids, there are lots of similarities (as well as major differences). we have never beaten hiv, but we got to know everything there is to know about it and learned how to survive it and live with it. i think with covid-19 we need to do the same. actually, that is exactly what we are trying to do right now. here in the netherlands, and all around the world, our top virologists are trying to ‘catalogue’ the virus and find out how it works, so they can find ways to neutralize it. i really hope they succeed soon!
stronglove, I understand where you're coming from. And the word Enemy is not a very constructive term. I am the first one to say that one should bless and pray for one's "enemies" and that if I really walked my talk, I wouldn't consider anything my enemy. The human condition doesn't always make it easy to walk one's talk.

However, the situation is a war situation - everything that is being put in place by the governments to try and beat this virus has been war preparations - I would suspect (and hope) that they are already discussing possible rationing and drawing up procedures if food shortages become apparent. We're at war whether we want to or not, and therefore there is a designated enemy. The only way we can be conscientious objectors is to find peace within our own hearts and come to our own terms with it.

I personally don't consider it an enemy, for many reasons. But I've been placed in a war zone against my wishes like every else - have been designated as a soldier - not to go out to the trenches but to sit at home. We can do a lot through our prayers and our meditations to help ease this crises. Already, it removes fear and at the moment, fear is gripping too many people. Fear works havoc. I'm hugely grateful for all the light workers who are working unceasingly for the light to be revealed and spread its warmth and comfort.

But I thought a lot about your post last night and I think that I should perhaps not get caught up too much with this war talk. As time for meditation and pondering is ample now, I'll be taking this into my meditations that I do today. I'm going to ask the Still Small Voice about this war business.

So thank you for your post.
Rumi was asked “which music sound is haram?” Rumi replied, "The sound of tablespoons playing in the pots of the rich, which are heard by the ears of the poor and hungry." (haram means forbidden)
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Joined: 31 Mar 2020, 13:55

Re: A Message for Everyone

Post by LStevens »

There wasn't even lockdown globally during the Spanish Flu. More recent serious flus never brought an experience like this. I have heard of vilenccecescalating in many households. At least in Hungary we could go and do basic shopping and exercise a little.

I was lucky to have kept a few of my students via Skype, so I did not lose my livelihood. Now, however, there is summer, and I tend to get little work in the summer. Still, I am in a stronger position than most.

But it has made me question long and hard what it is that really matters as it eases. There is too much that has been so thankless about the day job. Quarantine was actually a great gift, it allowed me to focus on bringing my deck up to speed, to create a far more professional looking product
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