Hi Rachel,
I appreciate the privilege of reading for you! The top image is from the Claude Burdel by Yves Reynaud. The second image is from the Jean Noblet produces by Jean-Claude Flornoy. (I rounded it myself). I posted both images because I feel you are a gifted reader and that these images may provide further revelation or meaning for you when left to your own devices. I focused on the Noblet for this reading.
First impression: the attention of every character in this line is facing left toward the Wheel of Fortune. To the farthest left of this card is a creature who, frankly, looks like he’s about to fall off the wheel! He is holding on as tightly as he can and may pass through and face upwards again but not without a lot of effort. Exercise can certainly be like that. Sometimes it is harder, sometimes simpler. But the key here is that you don’t want to get discouraged from doing things to improve your health.
I feel like the Papesse and the Magician are both pausing from their activity to see what will happen in the first card. La Papesse pauses from her meditation. Le Bateleur pauses from the trick he is preparing. These classes you are doing for your health and your question in particular are things you have given a lot of thought to. (Because it’s important
I feel like the first card indicates the type of exercise and the other two, clearly focused on the first card, are indicators of how to do the exercise. Try a machine, perhaps a stationary bike or an elliptical. Don’t escape from the exercise by watching tv but be fully present like La Papesse, make it a meditation. La Bateleur has all his tools in front of him which I take as a further affirmation to be fully present.
One last thing I will touch on is the colors. Green and light blue stand out most to me. Per Jean-Claude Flornoy, green represents hope, a set of convictions. To quote, “We are changeable, life belongs to us, and “tomorrow is another day.”’ You have good reason to be hopeful and your convictions will prompt you to continue to work towards better health. This blue represents perception through which we connect to our world. Flornoy also refers to it as oceanization. In my mind this process is about taking something and giving it a material form or making it part of all you do. So exercise, as you’ve already stated is not just about exercise but about health. Good health is a foundation for all we do in life. I feel as we start from the left and move to the right, the blue color begins to dominate the images. You really are setting in motion a foundation for everything.
Synopsis: Try a machine but be feel present if you choose to do this activity and remember that you are only performing for yourself. Your convictions will keep you on the path to good health. You are laying a foundation which will touch every part of your life.
If you need more info, feel free to ask!