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Marianne Costa Interview

Posted: 04 May 2021, 13:27
by testpattern
I wanted to share this excellent in-depth chat with Marianne Costa that I came across. It covers a lot of her history with Tarot, her work with Jodorowsky, and her evolving work with the cards since separating from her partnership with him. She discusses her recent Tarot Pas A Pas, and gives a précis for anglophones who might be interested in this thus-far untranslated book:

A part that I found to be of particular interest was her revelation that one of Jodo's techniques was to surreptitiously check the bottom card, and move it to the top of the deck if he thought it might be of use in the reading, and then make a big reveal as part of the session: "If it's the Sun, then everything is going to be all right!" I love this bit of chicanery (those of you who speak with spirits should probably cover your ears), and it's certainly in keeping with his style as a creator. I believe that honesty is important in readings, but I feel it's important to never forget the mountebanks and fortune-tellers in our lineage.

Re: Marianne Costa Interview

Posted: 04 May 2021, 14:57
by JudyK
testpattern wrote: 04 May 2021, 13:27 A part that I found to be of particular interest was her revelation that one of Jodo's techniques was to surreptitiously check the bottom card, and move it to the top of the deck if he thought it might be of use in the reading, and then make a big reveal as part of the session: "If it's the Sun, then everything is going to be all right!" I love this bit of chicanery...
That sounds very Jodo. 😏
I often incorporate the bottom card in my readings, but only after interpreting the actual spread, a certainly without a "TA DA!!" 😆

Re: Marianne Costa Interview

Posted: 04 May 2021, 16:24
by testpattern
It's hokey, but if you pull it off, I could see it being powerful for the right client.