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Re: Tarot de Marseille Keywords

Posted: 27 Feb 2020, 10:37
by stronglove
will start my list of tomberg’s keywords and key sentences this weekend, but in the meantime i highly recommend this website i recently found, it is amazing.....

Re: Tarot de Marseille Keywords

Posted: 29 Feb 2020, 06:44
by AeonHorus
stronglove wrote: 27 Feb 2020, 10:37 will start my list of tomberg’s keywords and key sentences this weekend, but in the meantime i highly recommend this website i recently found, it is amazing.....
Nice one!!!

and cheers for the link i'm looking now ;)

Re: Tarot de Marseille Keywords

Posted: 01 Mar 2020, 15:37
by stronglove
I am using your list, aeonhorus, though in my translation the english names for the cards are used.
I have used Tomberg’s sequence, he places the fool between judgment and the world, because he doesn’t want the fool to be at the beginning of the major arcana, but neither at the end.... so he also changes the numbers, his fool is XXI and his world is XXII

the keywords Tomberg uses are not always self-evident, sometimes his enthusiasm is so urgent, he starts voicing his thoughts without taking the time to explain his starting point, it was fun to reread some of his chapters trying to extricate the ‘magic word’ that inspired his thinking.
he often uses more than one keyword, wherever i feel they are of equal importance, or closely associated, i mention both.
sometimes his ‘keywords’ are more like key phrases, i chose to copy them rather than try to create one keyword out of them.

I want to start with a quotation, because this is what Tomberg considers to be the first and fundamental principle of esotericism, and it is also the foundation for his meditations:

Learn at first concentration without effort; transform work into play; make every yoke that you have accepted easy and every burden that you carry light

I. Le Bateleur
concentration without effort/ the pure act of intelligence

II. La Papesse
reflection/ inner mirror

III. L'Impératrice
sacred magic

IIII. L'Empereur
active renunciation/ obedience

V. Le Pape
benediction/ poverty

VI. L'Amoureux
chastity/ absolute wholeness in love

VII. Le Chariot
mastership/ being able to set in motion

VIII. La Justice
law/ maintaining equilibrium

VIIII. L'Ermite
the narrow gate and the hard way to the Divine (the method and essence of Hermeticism!)

X. La Roue de Fortune
ascent and descent, Fall and Reintegration

XI. La Force
holy animality/ from quantity to quality

XII. Le Pendu

XIII. (La Mort)
disappearance/ subtraction/ excarnation

XIIII. Tempérance
cooperating polarity/ integrated duality

XV. Le Diable

XVI. La Maison Dieu

XVII. L'Étoile

XVIII. La Lune
retrograde movement/ enchantment

XVIIII. Le Soleil

XX. Le Jugement

0. Le Mat
love/eternal archetype

XXI. Le Monde
creation/ birth

Re: Tarot de Marseille Keywords

Posted: 01 Mar 2020, 16:56
by AeonHorus
stronglove wrote: 01 Mar 2020, 15:37 I am using your list, aeonhorus, though in my translation the english names for the cards are used.
I have used Tomberg’s sequence, he places the fool between judgment and the world, because he doesn’t want the fool to be at the beginning of the major arcana, but neither at the end.... so he also changes the numbers, his fool is XXI and his world is XXII

the keywords Tomberg uses are not always self-evident, sometimes his enthusiasm is so urgent, he starts voicing his thoughts without taking the time to explain his starting point, it was fun to reread some of his chapters trying to extricate the ‘magic word’ that inspired his thinking.
he often uses more than one keyword, wherever i feel they are of equal importance, or closely associated, i mention both.
sometimes his ‘keywords’ are more like key phrases, i chose to copy them rather than try to create one keyword out of them.

I want to start with a quotation, because this is what Tomberg considers to be the first and fundamental principle of esotericism, and it is also the foundation for his meditations:

Learn at first concentration without effort; transform work into play; make every yoke that you have accepted easy and every burden that you carry light

I. Le Bateleur
concentration without effort/ the pure act of intelligence

II. La Papesse
reflection/ inner mirror

III. L'Impératrice
sacred magic

IIII. L'Empereur
active renunciation/ obedience

V. Le Pape
benediction/ poverty

VI. L'Amoureux
chastity/ absolute wholeness in love

VII. Le Chariot
mastership/ being able to set in motion

VIII. La Justice
law/ maintaining equilibrium

VIIII. L'Ermite
the narrow gate and the hard way to the Divine (the method and essence of Hermeticism!)

X. La Roue de Fortune
ascent and descent, Fall and Reintegration

XI. La Force
holy animality/ from quantity to quality

XII. Le Pendu

XIII. (La Mort)
disappearance/ subtraction/ excarnation

XIIII. Tempérance
cooperating polarity/ integrated duality

XV. Le Diable

XVI. La Maison Dieu

XVII. L'Étoile

XVIII. La Lune
retrograde movement/ enchantment

XVIIII. Le Soleil

XX. Le Jugement

0. Le Mat
love/eternal archetype

XXI. Le Monde
creation/ birth
Thank you

Re: Tarot de Marseille Keywords

Posted: 01 Mar 2020, 16:57
by AeonHorus
I will give that some thought tomorrow.
It is late here right now lol

Re: Tarot de Marseille Keywords

Posted: 03 Mar 2020, 09:10
by Diana
stronglove wrote: 01 Mar 2020, 15:37

XIII. (La Mort)
disappearance/ subtraction/ excarnation

It's odd this term excarnation. Its meaning is : " excarnation (also known as defleshing) refers to the practice of removing the flesh and organs of the dead before burial. Excarnation may be through natural means, involving leaving a body exposed for animals to scavenge, or by butchering the corpse by hand."

I assume it means something else here. I've no time to read that particular Letter though today nor in the days to come. MOT is a long and difficult read and takes time. Just wanted to point out how curious this is. (Tomberg calls them Letters, not chapters.)

Re: Tarot de Marseille Keywords

Posted: 05 Mar 2020, 09:56
by AeonHorus
I must admit I would have to agree with Diana there, excarnation certainly is a tad on the macarb side. I mean how the hell would you interpretate that to a client sitting at your table...


In order for you to clear out your negative energy I suggest you climb atop a nice high mountain and let the crows pick at your bones. This problem is nothing that a little defleshing won't sort out hahahaha :lol:

Just watch your client list shrink lol