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IX- The Emperor

Here we discuss the workhorse of Tarot, The Rider-Waite-Smith deck.
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IX- The Emperor

Post by TheLoracular »


The Emperor represents the archetype of Our Father In Heaven, the Patriarch. It is the embodiment of terrestrial and spiritual masculinity as its expressed with what humans think, believe, and do. 2020+ sensibilities are wary and critical of the way the energies of The Emperor have historically manifested in human culture. For me, at least, this has caused me to have a bias to push away people and projects that embody The Emperor which is a mistake because we all have an Emperor within and it deserves open-minded exploration.

Upright, the Emperor can represent a corporation or any kind of institution or person with power and influence derived from what they possess and distribute materially. The Magician creates something tangible from an idea; the Emperor wields power in tangible ways. This can be as a father, as a husband, as a boss, as an elected politician. They operate from a place of beneficial intention: whoever they love, they want to protect and provide for. They generally set a high bar of moral and standards- especially from themselves. The Emperor has a code of conduct and can represent conservative thinking but not consciously motivated by bigotry or "isms". Upright.

Reversed, the RWS Emperor embodies White Male Privilege at its worst. Sometimes it shows up in readings where the querent is struggling with some kind of financial obstacle like unemployment or underemployment, legal trouble, debt and beyond their immediate problem is the bigger issue of rampant socio-economic inequality. It can also show up in a self-reading where we (or someone we love) are/is consumed with outrage and are/is at risk of sabotaging some kind of relationship that brings us/them joy under different circumstances. This is a reversal that, when we see it in ourselves, we need to take a couple of deep breaths and start reflecting on how to fix or at least mitigate.
Tarot is a great and sacred arcanum- its abuse is an obscenity in the inner and a folly in the outer. It is intended for quite other purposes than to determine when the tall dark man will meet the fair rich widow.”
― Jack Parsons
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Re: IX- The Emperor

Post by Nemia »

For me, that interpretation is a bit limiting because it's a bit too political for my taste.
Reversed, the RWS Emperor embodies White Male Privilege at its worst.
So don't non-white people have problems with their father figures or the biographical fathers in their lives? Is it only institutions and patriarchy we rebel against? No, we can have difficulties with our private fathers no matter what skin colour they have.

I see in this card not only the Father archetype (who is also protective, encouraging and a teacher) but also the Fire element (impatience, enthusiasm) and the Aries (fierce, strong-willed). All this Fire is forced into a structure that allows the Emperor to channel his energies. He has power - this is what makes us rebel against him or suspect him. But a benign Emperor is a powerful ally who uses his power selflessly, as you said yourself.

Reversed or ill-dignified, the Emperor can be controlling, intolerant, even aggressive. Not only white males can have these traits, unfortunately.

I have often noticed that the Emperor is, together with the Hierophant, the least loved-and-appreciated major. When I joined the collaborative We Are One Tarot, only the Emperor was left :-) so I took him on. Also as an act of reconciliation with my own father who was an Aries and the embodiment of White Male Privilege :lol: But there is a lot to love in a good father archetype. Animal decks express this aspect better than human depictions.

Btw, the RWS Emperor always looks to me like Charlemagne.
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Re: IX- The Emperor

Post by TheLoracular »

Nemia wrote: 10 Oct 2020, 15:02 For me, that interpretation is a bit limiting because it's a bit too political for my taste.
Reversed, the RWS Emperor embodies White Male Privilege at its worst.
The invocation of WMP was definitely both too political and unnecessary. I'm sorry. Also? I noticed that I mis-attributed the Emperor's number in the title as IX rather than IV and I'm not sure how to edit a title so hopefully a moderator can fix that.
Tarot is a great and sacred arcanum- its abuse is an obscenity in the inner and a folly in the outer. It is intended for quite other purposes than to determine when the tall dark man will meet the fair rich widow.”
― Jack Parsons
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Re: IX- The Emperor

Post by Nemia »

No no, I'm actually glad you challenged me to look again at how I see the Emperor. In specific situations or constellations, especially if the Emperor is not a person, it's something to keep in mind. I'd call it simply male privilege but if you go all the way, the most powerful males are white Christian well-educated males...

I'm glad to read interpretations that vary from mine. Tarot is a many-eyed animal :-)
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