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New Material on Sola Busca

Posted: 19 May 2019, 08:22
by inomminate
I have recently come across the following info on the Sola Busca:

Re: New Material on Sola Busca

Posted: 19 May 2019, 10:03
by Joan Marie
I hope you don't mind Inomminate that I changed the title of your post. There are many posts in this forum about Sola Busca and I wanted to differentiate yours a little more.

There is a lot in this article to unpack.

It's interesting that so much attention is being paid to unraveling the mysteries of this deck after all these centutries.

For those unfamiliar, this 15th century deck, said to be the first fully illustrated Tarot deck, although preserved in perfect condition has no known "key" , no "little white book" that would give clues to the meanings of these cards that are filled with alchemical and allegorical and astrological symbolism.

This article seems to be a compendium of recently done scholarly works.

I am convinced it is probably filled with all kinds of controversy and am looking forward to sitting down to read it thoroughly.

Re: New Material on Sola Busca

Posted: 19 May 2019, 12:33
by katrinka
There's some rather strange theories about that one. ... e.html?m=1

Re: New Material on Sola Busca

Posted: 19 May 2019, 13:35
by inomminate
There's some rather strange theories about that one. ... e.html?m=1

There is a lot about this in a book called "The game of Saturn" by Peter Mark Adams.

Re: New Material on Sola Busca

Posted: 24 May 2019, 07:47
by giordanoberti
I read the article that " seems to be a compendium of recently done scholarly works "...

It is well done but ...
... THERE IS A SERIOUS LACK ! ! ! :roll:

A fundamental book is not mentioned... the first study that explains the relations of the Sola Busca Tarot with the hermetic-alchemical tradition:
Sofia Di Vincenzo: Ancient enlightened Tarot. Alchemy in Sola-Busca Tarot (“Antichi Tarocchi illuminati. L’alchimia nei Tarocchi Sola-Busca”, Lo Scarabeo, Turin 1995; US Games, Stamford 1998).

I am preparing a new edition of that work, with additions and corrections based on the most recent research.

Meanwhile, I refer to two Sola Busca Tarot web pages

https://rinascimentoitalianartenglish.w ... arot-1491/

Re: New Material on Sola Busca

Posted: 30 May 2019, 15:40
by qndynes
inomminate wrote: 19 May 2019, 13:35
There's some rather strange theories about that one. ... e.html?m=1

There is a lot about this in a book called "The game of Saturn" by Peter Mark Adams.
I was just going to reference this book, and if you haven't already, give his Runesoup podcast interview a listen. Peter Mark Adams's interview that is. It's full of real interesting bits uncovered in his research for the bool. I personally do not jive with the deck, too strong for my tastes. But it is beautiful as a historical deck.

Re: New Material on Sola Busca

Posted: 03 Jun 2019, 06:04
by Nemia
Thank you to everybody, especially Giordano Berti who has done so much for the historical tarot and continues to do so. (Oh, and for the modern tarot, too). I haven't approached the Sola Busca until now but sooner or later, I'll get there. It's such a beautiful, complex deck.

If you ever read this, Giordano: have you ever thought about a Hypnerotomachia Tarot? I love the Hypnerotomachia Poliphilii (studied it as Art History student) and I think you could make a brilliant tarot from it.

Re: New Material on Sola Busca

Posted: 08 Jun 2019, 11:15
by JayBee
Re a Hypnerotomachia Tarot, there is a majors version, as noted and described here, fyi.