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Search found 2 matches

by Shade
20 Dec 2022, 18:30
Forum: Esoteric Traditions & Divination Practices
Topic: HRU, Archangel of the Tarot
Replies: 0
Views: 3552

HRU, Archangel of the Tarot

I haven't personally done much with the official Golden Dawn system of initiation but a few years back I was reading Damian Echols' book High Magick and he mentioned HRU, an angel who was connected to divinatory Tarot practices. So that perked my ears up and I began to search for more information ab...
by Shade
14 Jul 2022, 09:22
Forum: The Devil's Advocate
Topic: Bad Deck Reviews: Fair or Just Mean?
Replies: 12
Views: 12354

Re: Bad Deck Reviews: Fair or Just Mean?

A few years ago on a Tarot podcast that I co-hosted we decided to do an episode discussing every deck that we had seen previewed for the coming year. For the most part we were glowing about all of the decks we saw, but I think we felt that we needed to be a little balanced so we critiqued a deck nei...

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