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Search found 452 matches
- 16 Apr 2022, 16:15
- Forum: The Devil's Advocate
- Topic: Forum Drama and Our Culture
- Replies: 6
- Views: 2668
Re: Forum Drama and Our Culture
Traditional media such as music, painting, theatre, and literature, have developed over centuries. The internet, on the other hand, is a new untamed beast, and it is developing in relation to us as we are developing in relation to it in "real time" as it were. It may be like very early cin...
- 01 Apr 2022, 03:36
- Forum: The Devil's Advocate
- Topic: Forum Drama and Our Culture
- Replies: 6
- Views: 2668
Re: Forum Drama and Our Culture
Isn't this opinion part and parcel of the overriding fact that "we are part of a growing culture of modern people whose interests are not well served by the internet", full stop? Disinformation on top of misinformation on top of just too much unfiltered information is destabilizing society...
- 02 Jan 2022, 18:13
- Forum: 12-days of Yule Reading- Welcome the Winter Solstice
- Topic: Day 13 - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, the Octave Day of Christmas
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1206
Day 13 - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, the Octave Day of Christmas
Remember in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, where Charlie wins an unexpected ticket placed in a chocolate bar for those who were true fans of Willie Wonka? Well, in that spirit, and because I enjoyed these last 12 days of readings, I decided to pull one last card to perhaps summarize what went be...
- 31 Dec 2021, 17:11
- Forum: 12-days of Yule Reading- Welcome the Winter Solstice
- Topic: Day 12 - New Year's Eve, Hogmanay
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1871
Re: Day 12 - New Year's Eve, Hogmanay
Day 12. New Year's Eve, Hogmanay - Dec 31st This card shows us how to release the old and let in the new. This relates to both our external lives and our inner being. Card: 3 of HEAT 3 heat.jpg With unusually cold temperatures around here lately, I could use a little heat. The cold image on this ca...
- 30 Dec 2021, 17:40
- Forum: 12-days of Yule Reading- Welcome the Winter Solstice
- Topic: Day 11 - Day of Rest
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1859
Re: Day 11 - Day of Rest
11. Day of Rest: - Dec 30th This card shows us how to walk our path in a relaxed and confident way....with the ability to deal with stressful situations in a philosophical, detached way. Card: 2 of COINS 2 coins.jpg Gee, I'm glad I didn't get The Sun card. COINS, of course, are in their own way min...
- 30 Dec 2021, 02:39
- Forum: 12-days of Yule Reading- Welcome the Winter Solstice
- Topic: Day 10 - Day of Nymphs
- Replies: 6
- Views: 3030
Re: Day 10 - Day of Nymphs
By the bye, Bewitched was based in large part on a delightful little film by Rene Clair called I Married a Witch.
- 29 Dec 2021, 17:16
- Forum: 12-days of Yule Reading- Welcome the Winter Solstice
- Topic: Day 10 - Day of Nymphs
- Replies: 6
- Views: 3030
Re: Day 10 - Day of Nymphs
Day 10. Day of Nymphs - Dec 29th This card encourages us to connect to our playful side, our inner child and how best to cultivate this aspect of ourselves. Card: 7 of COINS 7 coins.jpg As I lay awake in the crepuscular dawn, wondering if I should go back to sleep or get up and start my day, I foun...
- 28 Dec 2021, 17:52
- Forum: Current Crowdfunding Campaigns & Pre-Orders
- Topic: The Dylan Tarot
- Replies: 0
- Views: 1404
The Dylan Tarot
Welkin Tarot is happy to announce the release of its newest tarot set, The Dylan Tarot , currently running as a pre-order on Kickstarter. As with Welkin's other decks, the cards are large format and accompanied by a full-colour trade-paper-sized companion book. The deck is highly-researched and thor...
- 28 Dec 2021, 17:25
- Forum: 12-days of Yule Reading- Welcome the Winter Solstice
- Topic: Day 9 - Feast of Alcyone
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1929
Re: Day 9 - Feast of Alcyone
Day 9. Feast of Alcyone: - Dec 28th This card gives us a personal inner message - one that speaks directly to our heart and spirit. Card: 5 of RAIN 5 rain.jpg This card sees an older Dylan on a raft floating down the Mississippi, a modern-day Huckleberry Finn. He may be reliving his past, or Americ...
- 27 Dec 2021, 21:02
- Forum: 12-days of Yule Reading- Welcome the Winter Solstice
- Topic: Day 8 - Birth of Freya
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1819
Re: Day 8 - Birth of Freya
Day 8. Birth of Freyja: - Dec 27th This card points to issues of love, luck, artistic and creative expression and female wisdom. Card: 4 of HEAT 4 heat.jpg Most people interpret the 4/Wands as referring to marriage. I can appreciate the ideas of home, celebration, and a safe base to go out from and...
- 27 Dec 2021, 16:33
- Forum: 12-days of Yule Reading- Welcome the Winter Solstice
- Topic: Day 7 - Kwanzaa
- Replies: 4
- Views: 2350
Re: Day 7 - Kwanzaa
Day 7. Yuletide, Kwanzaa: - Dec 26th This card shows us how to express nurturance, to attend to our families and to consider the role of tradition and ritual in our lives. Card: The Ace of COINS ace coins 1.jpg The first card of the COINS suit encompasses all things concerning earthly bounty, inclu...
- 25 Dec 2021, 16:39
- Forum: 12-days of Yule Reading- Welcome the Winter Solstice
- Topic: Day 6 - Christmas Day
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1926
Re: Day 6 - Christmas Day
Day 6. Festival of Life, Christmas: - Dec 25th This card shows us how to connect directly with Spirit. Card: Temperance 14 temperance.jpg I pulled this card as I was contemplating today's reading by Joan Marie, which very much impressed me. And the card I pulled, Temperance , seemed to tie in and r...
- 24 Dec 2021, 21:18
- Forum: 12-days of Yule Reading- Welcome the Winter Solstice
- Topic: Day 5 - Christmas Eve
- Replies: 4
- Views: 2064
Re: Day 5 - Christmas Eve
Day 5. Feast of Mothers, Christmas Eve: - Dec 24th This card shows how we can connect with the spirits of our ancestors for communion and to ask for wisdom and guidance. Card: 4 of COINS 4 coins.jpg I wasn't near my Dylan Tarot so I shuffled a RWS deck I had at hand and pulled the 4 of Pentacles. T...
- 23 Dec 2021, 16:55
- Forum: 12-days of Yule Reading- Welcome the Winter Solstice
- Topic: Day 4 - Hopi Time of Renewal
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1934
Re: Day 4 - Hopi Time of Renewal
4. Hopi Time of Renewal - Dec 23rd This card indicates the best way for us to seek purification and renewal, and to increase our understanding, compassion, and empathy. Card for Renewal: The Lovers 6 Renaldo & Clara lovers.jpg Dylan claimed that his film Renaldo & Clara was all a dream, tyi...
- 22 Dec 2021, 18:09
- Forum: 12-days of Yule Reading- Welcome the Winter Solstice
- Topic: Day 3 - The Time of Beth
- Replies: 5
- Views: 2773
Re: Day 3 - The Time of Beth
Day 3. The Time of Beth: - Dec 22nd This card points to the inner blocks and resistance that are holding us back from following our dreams. Card: 7 of WIND 7 wind.jpg I awoke early from a fevered dream and, thinking about how I hadn't properly considered my dream from the night before in relation t...
- 21 Dec 2021, 19:13
- Forum: 12-days of Yule Reading- Welcome the Winter Solstice
- Topic: Day 2 - Yule: Winter Solstice
- Replies: 5
- Views: 1590
Re: Day 2 - Yule: Winter Solstice
Day 2. Yule - Winter Solstice: - Dec 21st This card shows us how best to connect to the Light within and without - it symbolizes the Birth of the Sun. Card: The Chariot 7 The Never Ending Tour 7 chariot.jpg Since the 1980s, Dylan has been simply adding dates to his tour schedule, making it seem for...
- 20 Dec 2021, 20:00
- Forum: 12-days of Yule Reading- Welcome the Winter Solstice
- Topic: Day 1 - The Mother Night of Dreams
- Replies: 9
- Views: 2914
Re: Day 1 - The Mother Night of Dreams
ha ha - yes, there is something ironic about Dylan being called the "voice" of his generation (an epithet he hates). if he's its voice, the generation needs a lozenge. I sometimes wonder about later generations - as tiresome as it is to hear the chorus of Knockin' on Heaven's Door yet agai...
- 20 Dec 2021, 17:36
- Forum: 12-days of Yule Reading- Welcome the Winter Solstice
- Topic: Day 1 - The Mother Night of Dreams
- Replies: 9
- Views: 2914
Re: Day 1 - The Mother Night of Dreams
I awoke this morning from a dream and was perusing CoT while making my coffee when I came upon the solstice reading. I hope it's okay to just jump in here and participate. This was the dream I woke from: I had been sentenced for some crime and my punishment was to be assigned for some time to the ed...
- 26 Jun 2021, 20:57
- Forum: Summer Solstice Reading June 2021
- Topic: Sacred Days of Midsummer night's dream
- Replies: 15
- Views: 4900
Re: Sacred Days of Midsummer night's dream
I ~really~ enjoyed following your Sacred Days of Midsummer reading. The Gnostic Tarot is probably one of my favorite decks that I impulsively backed on Kickstarter and fell in love with instantly when it arrived. Your reading was so insightful into these deep, beautiful esoteric cards. <3 Thanks Lo...
- 25 Jun 2021, 16:29
- Forum: Summer Solstice Reading June 2021
- Topic: Sacred Days of Midsummer night's dream
- Replies: 15
- Views: 4900
Sacred Days of a little Midsummer night music
June 25: The card shows us how to ground ourselves and how to connect with the earth’s abundance. Card: Ace of Water One Man Band 15.jpg Reading: The Ace of Water centers around a musician, the one man band of the card's alternate title. The Water suit and music means being fluid in the language of...
- 24 Jun 2021, 16:55
- Forum: Summer Solstice Reading June 2021
- Topic: Sacred Days of Midsummer night's dream
- Replies: 15
- Views: 4900
Sacred Wades of Midsubmarine
June 24: Indian festival of expressing gratitude to teachers. This card reminds us of a lesson we have learned, or an experience or person who taught us something, that we should remember and have gratitude for as we move forward. Card: Strength XI Pearl 68.jpg Reading: A central woman stands uprig...
- 23 Jun 2021, 16:33
- Forum: Summer Solstice Reading June 2021
- Topic: Sacred Days of Midsummer night's dream
- Replies: 15
- Views: 4900
Greater Days of Midsum of its parts
June 23 : Like the herbs traditionally gathered on St. John’s Eve, this card shows what protects or heals us. Card: 5 of Earth / Clove 47.jpg Reading: The 5 of Earth shows two figures turned away from each other, but held together by a central figure above them. A fourth figure lies supine at the b...
- 22 Jun 2021, 16:49
- Forum: Summer Solstice Reading June 2021
- Topic: Sacred Days of Midsummer night's dream
- Replies: 15
- Views: 4900
Sacred Days of Midsome merle haggard song
June 22: This card shows us how to release anxieties or worries, how to enjoy ourselves. Card: 6 of Water / Voice Parable 20.jpg Reading: Spend more time outdoors. Don't worry about what the people around me are - or aren't. Don't get a swelled head. Weird is good. Good is weird. Be careful what I ...
- 21 Jun 2021, 15:50
- Forum: Summer Solstice Reading June 2021
- Topic: Sacred Days of Midsummer night's dream
- Replies: 15
- Views: 4900
Sacred Days of Midsumm[éti]er night's dream
June 21: We are at the height of the sun’s power, the longest day, in the Northern Hemisphere; OR in the Southern Hemisphere this day is the turning point for the days to get longer. This card shows us how to shine our own light like the Sun. Card: 4 of Fire / Guardiangel 4.jpg Reading: This is a c...
- 20 Jun 2021, 15:47
- Forum: Summer Solstice Reading June 2021
- Topic: Sacred Days of Midsummer night's dream
- Replies: 15
- Views: 4900
Sacred Days of Midsum quod sum
June 20: In the tradition of scrying at the time of Midsummer, this card shows us a blessing to come. Card: 2 of Air / Sole Blade 30.jpg Reading: This card is a little hard to read as a straightforward "blessing". The woman at the centre of the card fights off an ethereal man on her right...