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by Lucifall
06 Oct 2019, 09:01
Forum: Button Soup Tarot
Topic: Naming the CoT Deck
Replies: 27
Views: 8245

Re: Naming the CoT Deck

Maybe 'Ethnic Mosaic Tarot' will fit?

Etnic Mosaic: "Cultural mosaic" (French: "la mosaïque culturelle") is the mix of ethnic groups, languages, and cultures that coexist within society.
by Lucifall
05 Oct 2019, 07:08
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: Sola Busca MARIO, the Emperor, ward off the Evil Eye!
Replies: 0
Views: 1730

Sola Busca MARIO, the Emperor, ward off the Evil Eye!

Mario IIII with his victorius winged Phrygian cap helmet is sitting with an attentive expression on a tree trunk and is wearing striking-red -coloured clothes. The man holding his shield up high, is fully prepared and ready to go. He has some nice protection around him so no one and certainly no evi...
by Lucifall
30 Sep 2019, 13:05
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: Meanings and interpretations Sola Busca Tarot
Replies: 11
Views: 14464

Re: Meanings and interpretations Sola Busca Tarot

One of my favourites: d. XVII. Ipeo: An old man evokes a spirit: “support of an occult power.” Surreptitious advertising. Ambiguous charm. Embarrassing friendship. This one is just loaded, isn't it? It s my favorite for the majors. :-) Beautifull meaning evokes spirit for support : i like it!
by Lucifall
30 Sep 2019, 06:21
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: Meanings and interpretations Sola Busca Tarot
Replies: 11
Views: 14464

Re: Meanings and interpretations Sola Busca Tarot

Joan Marie wrote: 29 Sep 2019, 18:31 I just added all the card meanings from Sola-Busca Tarot, Secret Code of Alchemy (LWB w Meyer edition)

They are pretty interesting.
They really are!
Thanks you so much for adding Joan Marie!
by Lucifall
28 Sep 2019, 11:28
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: Meanings and interpretations Sola Busca Tarot
Replies: 11
Views: 14464

Re: Meanings and interpretations Sola Busca Tarot

Cool, I will try and get to that this weekend.

They are really interesting, aren't they?

They really feel in tune with the cards.

Thank you so much!!
by Lucifall
28 Sep 2019, 11:11
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: Meanings and interpretations Sola Busca Tarot
Replies: 11
Views: 14464

Re: Meanings and interpretations Sola Busca Tarot

I have another source of interpretations in the form of the LWB I got with my Meyer deck I bought from Giordano Berti. for example: 0 Mato A lone musician: "a strange meeting can generate sublime ideas." Dreams. Extravagance. delusions. Revalation. Discovery. invention. I. Panfilio A man ...
by Lucifall
28 Sep 2019, 08:44
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: Meanings and interpretations Sola Busca Tarot
Replies: 11
Views: 14464

Re: Meanings and interpretations Sola Busca Tarot

Really impressive and useful research well arranged for referencing. I will need some time to look over this. The "World" image has been a riddle for me, so I looked at the interpretations for it, including "The powers of darkness have been defeated." The soft blue with soft pur...
by Lucifall
28 Sep 2019, 08:02
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: Sola Busca, Lenpio and the evil eye
Replies: 0
Views: 1840

Sola Busca, Lenpio and the evil eye

LENPIO, the Empress and the evil eye Lenpio wears a blue tunique, a colour unique in the trumps. The man looks a little bit ashamed and is hiding his left eye behind his left hand. His neck seems to be covered. (Taurus – Venus) In his right hand he holds wheat as he is going to feed the birds. The ...
by Lucifall
26 Sep 2019, 06:10
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: Meanings and interpretations Sola Busca Tarot
Replies: 11
Views: 14464

Meanings and interpretations Sola Busca Tarot

Various meanings and interpretations Sola Busca cards Triumphs, Majors, Court Cards, Minors and numbered cards. Major Arcana – Triumph cards 0. MATO a. 0: strangeness, infantilism, holiday, detachment from worries, madness. b. 0. MATO: upright: Foolishness. reversed: Insanity. c. 0. The Fool (Mato)...
by Lucifall
25 Sep 2019, 07:00
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: Postumio, the Skull and the Tree of Knowledge.
Replies: 5
Views: 3589

Re: Postumio, the Skull and the Tree of Knowledge.

I know that in Neoplatonism the soul has three levels: the rational Soul, the imaginative Soul, and the sensory Soul or soul of sensation. The Soul is in between the invisible Spirit above, often associated with pure light, and the material realm below, often associated with shadow. The Soul can ov...
by Lucifall
24 Sep 2019, 11:37
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: Postumio, the Skull and the Tree of Knowledge.
Replies: 5
Views: 3589

Re: Postumio, the Skull and the Tree of Knowledge.

Regarding Postumio : I appreciate your bringing attention to the symbols on the shield. It seems to me to be a three part design: the star above, the tree, the platform below. This could refer to the Spirit above, shining out, the Soul between, in a process of unfolding, and the platform below, as ...
by Lucifall
21 Sep 2019, 10:24
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: Postumio, the Skull and the Tree of Knowledge.
Replies: 5
Views: 3589

Postumio, the Skull and the Tree of Knowledge.

Postumio, number II is very rich in symbolism, The shield with eight spoked star above shows the name of the card, a palmtree on a grave with the visible word FATIS echoing the motto "TRAHOR FATIS. Also a golden skull, a bow and arrows with leaves appear on this Trumph. Postumio's face is not v...
by Lucifall
21 Sep 2019, 10:08
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: Sola Busca TRAHOR FATIS
Replies: 7
Views: 4864


Some reflections on TRAHOR FATIS POSTUMIO SHIELD.png On the shield of Postumio you see this text 'Trahor Fatis' which goes around in the cards while letters are added. It is remarkable The letters are added backwards; it seems the artist of the sola Busca loved word games and rocket-science-tarot wi...
by Lucifall
20 Sep 2019, 21:51
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: Sola Busca- Double numbering on trumph cards?
Replies: 8
Views: 2614

Re: Sola Busca- Double numbering on trumph cards?

Looking at video reviews of the Scarlet Imprint version and Berti's Rinascimiento , all of the five trumps in those decks have the double numbering. Regarding the Museum Quality and the Scarlet Imprint versions, check out the official Facebook posts of their publishers here and here . Remember how ...
by Lucifall
20 Sep 2019, 20:40
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: Sola Busca- Double numbering on trumph cards?
Replies: 8
Views: 2614

Re: Sola Busca- Double numbering on trumph cards?

I think you're correct there, Lucifall. The earlier LoS might have been redrawn, and couldn't have been the original art. I'll get back to you in a bit. That redrawn really is a different world. Certain details are just skipped.r.. No tale on the rope with three knots. The headdress of Mato (MQ) is...
by Lucifall
20 Sep 2019, 20:30
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: Sola Busca- Double numbering on trumph cards?
Replies: 8
Views: 2614

Re: Sola Busca- Double numbering on trumph cards?

Looking at video reviews of the Scarlet Imprint version and Berti's Rinascimiento , all of the five trumps in those decks have the double numbering. Now I really want to get to the bottom of this. Will be back in a short while. I thought i have a misprint: joepie!! But it seems to be all over.. pit...
by Lucifall
20 Sep 2019, 20:18
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: Sola Busca- Double numbering on trumph cards?
Replies: 8
Views: 2614

Re: Sola Busca- Double numbering on trumph cards?

That's strange. Check out the Albideuter page on the Sola Busca . That's from Lo Scarabeo's 1995 version named I Tarocchi Illuminati or the Illuminating Ancient Tarots in the English release. In that deck, VI Sesto, XI Tulio, and XIIII Bocho don't have double numberings, but X Venturio aand XV Mete...
by Lucifall
20 Sep 2019, 09:56
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: Sola Busca- Double numbering on trumph cards?
Replies: 8
Views: 2614

Sola Busca- Double numbering on trumph cards?

I have the Sola Busca Lo Scarabeo Museum quality box. On five triumphs the numbers of the cards are printed twice. The double numbered cards are: double number Sola Busca.png VI Sesto – Left bottom X Venturio – Between the legs XI Tulio- Left bottom XIIII Bacho: Left Bottom XV Metelo: Between shield...
by Lucifall
20 Sep 2019, 06:38
Forum: New Members Welcome & Introduction
Topic: Hello, it's me Major Tom
Replies: 7
Views: 1427

Re: Hello, it's me Major Tom

I reckon some of you will know me from the old purple pages. It's taken quite a while, but here I am. I'm kinda busy these days so don't yet know how active I'll be, but I do look forward to sharing with you and learning from you. Hello Tom, The title was very eye catching for this David Bowie fan....
by Lucifall
20 Sep 2019, 06:27
Forum: New Members Welcome & Introduction
Topic: Hello, it's me Major Tom
Replies: 7
Views: 1427

Re: Hello, it's me Major Tom

Oh my ears and whiskers !!! Major Tom is here. The designer of the world renowned Major Tom's Tarot of Marseilles !!! Maybe we could revive it on these boards. It's a great deck. Didn't receive the attention it deserved I think. It's really...
by Lucifall
19 Sep 2019, 19:56
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: Sola Busca - Panfilio, is there a key in the No-eyes of this outlaw?
Replies: 6
Views: 3030

Re: Sola Busca - Panfilio, is there a key in the No-eyes of this outlaw?

Thank you so much for your input! There are so much layers to explore and as newbee trying to understand the SB it is so helpfull to get feedback. Sharing is caring. :-) I am thinking of making an overview of some different interpretations available for the cards and am considering how to. An comple...
by Lucifall
19 Sep 2019, 10:32
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: Sola Busca - Panfilio, is there a key in the No-eyes of this outlaw?
Replies: 6
Views: 3030

Re: Sola Busca - Panfilio, is there a key in the No-eyes of this outlaw?

There is a second meaning possible. Filio also means offspring or Child so Panfilio also means: Son of Pan. I like this. Remember our discussion on Mato, where one of his possible identities is Pan Silenus? With this interpretation, Mato (as Pan) is the father of Panfilio, i.e. the Fool begets and ...
by Lucifall
17 Sep 2019, 18:58
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: What Sola Busca decks and books do you use?
Replies: 26
Views: 8070

Re: What Sola Busca decks and books do you use?

Wow Joan Marie, this is really a special edition! I bought this deck directly from Giordano Berti (he has tons of other really interesting decks by the way, here is his website and here is a recent post he made here about another very special deck) One interesting thing about it is it has this real...
by Lucifall
17 Sep 2019, 12:53
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: What Sola Busca decks and books do you use?
Replies: 26
Views: 8070

Re: What Sola Busca decks and books do you use?

I have the Rinascimiento/Mayer, number 537 537.jpg The deck is on a heavy paper cardstock, unlaminated but I never heard it wasn't safe to shuffle. I have many many times and the cards are perfect still. The only drawback is the unfortunate white backs. The cards are rectangle, so no rounded edges....
by Lucifall
17 Sep 2019, 12:20
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: What Sola Busca decks and books do you use?
Replies: 26
Views: 8070

Re: What Sola Busca decks and books do you use?

I guess we have the same taste in decks, Lucifall. I love everything about the RWS system, though I guess that in order to get to that point, one may have to find a version that fits one's ideals perfectly. It wasn't until I got the Centennial that my intellectual regard for it blossomed into fasci...

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