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Search found 3 matches

by Katalieni
04 Aug 2019, 15:34
Forum: The House of Cards: Asking Questions/Sharing Insights
Topic: Do readings need to be based on the historical meanings?
Replies: 4
Views: 3345

Re: Do readings need to be based on the historical meanings?

Yes, I have my first deck. It came with a book giving basic description, and I bought the book"Tarot Interactions" by Deborah Lipp to get a better idea of the way cards affect each other.
by Katalieni
04 Aug 2019, 11:34
Forum: The House of Cards: Asking Questions/Sharing Insights
Topic: Do readings need to be based on the historical meanings?
Replies: 4
Views: 3345

Do readings need to be based on the historical meanings?

I'm new to tarot and I was wondering if I could decide what the symbols, colors, and images mean to me, rather than read based on historical meanings. I find it a lot more interesting to create my own meaning than follow someone else's. Is this the wrong way to go?
by Katalieni
04 Aug 2019, 11:21
Forum: New Members Welcome & Introduction
Topic: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story
Replies: 378
Views: 237080

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Hello everyone. I'm Chad. I'm not sure what gave me the idea to explore tarot, but I'd been considering getting a deck for about a week or two and then my ex-wife happened to stumble upon a deck at a garage sale. It was kind of strange because I guess I hadn't told her about my interest in tarot. I ...

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