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Search found 3 matches

by 2curious
01 Aug 2019, 06:33
Forum: Cards and Spreads
Topic: The chivalry of Knights based on their Suits
Replies: 14
Views: 2477

Re: The chivalry of Knights based on their Suits

It's late so I hope this doesn't sound too off the wall, but... I'm thinking that the club in his right hand may mean he has the ability, or the right, to punish but should not receive (left hand) money. This may be part of the code of chivalry which says "To despise pecuniary reward". The...
by 2curious
31 Jul 2019, 02:34
Forum: Cards and Spreads
Topic: The chivalry of Knights based on their Suits
Replies: 14
Views: 2477

Re: The chivalry of Knights based on their Suits

Why does the Knight of Money have a what looks like a baseball bat or club?
by 2curious
27 Jul 2019, 07:51
Forum: The Rider Waite Smith Tarot
Topic: X-The Wheel of Fortune (RWS)
Replies: 11
Views: 5817

Re: X-The Wheel of Fortune (RWS)

From “The Wheel of Fortune card shows a giant wheel, with three figures on the outer edges. Four Hebrew letters – YHVH (Yod Heh Vau Heh), the unpronounceable name of God – are inscribed on the wheel’s face. There are also ...

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