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Search found 7 matches

by Wise_Angel
29 Jul 2019, 00:51
Forum: Tarot de Marseille
Topic: general numerological and suit principles for reading minor arcana
Replies: 2
Views: 824

general numerological and suit principles for reading minor arcana

Hello. I wouls like to know the general numerological and suit principles you use for reading minor arcana. Also I am interested in knowing the general principles you apply to Court Cards reading and understanding them not as persons but as situations, facts, descriptions etc.
by Wise_Angel
13 Jul 2019, 19:15
Forum: Tarot Decks Discussions
Topic: different decks, different meanings?
Replies: 20
Views: 4490

Re: different decks, different meanings?

Can you really say they're irreconcilable though if you don't have a firm sense of their derivation? You keep speaking as though these cards have a singular unitary meaning. I'm honestly doubtful that the authors your thinking about even feel that way. I notice that you're heavy on claims to author...
by Wise_Angel
13 Jul 2019, 00:00
Forum: Tarot Decks Discussions
Topic: different decks, different meanings?
Replies: 20
Views: 4490

Re: different decks, different meanings?

Dear friends, thanks for your answers. Of course, the aspect of authors being French don´t make them better than other. All traditions are interesting and all of them contribute to wisdom developement in different aspects and degrees. Nevertheless I think there is an interesting aspect regarding thi...
by Wise_Angel
12 Jul 2019, 10:26
Forum: Tarot Decks Discussions
Topic: different decks, different meanings?
Replies: 20
Views: 4490

Re: different decks, different meanings?

Charlie, thank you for your insights. nevertheless, I would like to point some aspects. As you know, among French authors, one can find very different and irreconcilable meanings regarding minor arcana. Compare, for example 9 and 10 swords, or 5 of pentacles, between Marseilles and Rider Waite. Mean...
by Wise_Angel
12 Jul 2019, 01:32
Forum: Tarot Decks Discussions
Topic: different decks, different meanings?
Replies: 20
Views: 4490

different decks, different meanings?

Do you interprete readings differently according each different deck you use? Do you use different meanings for different styles of decks?

for example, do you obtain different meanings for a same card depending if you use Marseilles deck or Rider Waite?

by Wise_Angel
12 Jul 2019, 01:27
Forum: Tarot de Marseille
Topic: online sources for Tarot de Marseille´s meanings?
Replies: 3
Views: 2093

online sources for Tarot de Marseille´s meanings?


Do you know some good online sources of tarot de Marseille´s meanings?
by Wise_Angel
27 Jun 2019, 16:35
Forum: New Members Welcome & Introduction
Topic: Hello All!
Replies: 2
Views: 641

Hello All!

Hello All! I am new. I hope to learn and enjoy a lot here!

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