This forum is officially closed. It will however remain online and active in a limited form for the time being.

Search found 280 matches

by katrinka
19 Aug 2019, 19:15
Forum: Cards and Spreads
Topic: The Moon - female or male ?
Replies: 31
Views: 6876

Re: The Moon - female or male ?

in our own culture's gender allocation: the moon doesn't create light of her own, rather she merely reflects the solar male's luminosity. But did they know that then? Good question katrinka. I would assume they did. They had fine astrologers in those days. But if anyone here could confirm that they...
by katrinka
19 Aug 2019, 06:03
Forum: Cards and Spreads
Topic: The Moon - female or male ?
Replies: 31
Views: 6876

Re: The Moon - female or male ?

I wonder, did the Moon become associated with the female due to the menstrual cycle ? That sort of begs the question: did people not know about the connection between moon and mensies? They had to have. There was no artificial light other than fire. Moon phases would have been pretty obvious to eve...
by katrinka
18 Aug 2019, 22:58
Forum: Misc. Tarot Topics & Discussion
Topic: Tarot Bullet Journaling
Replies: 5
Views: 1228

Re: Tarot Bullet Journaling

I don't do 'bullet journaling' (only just heard of it) Same here. It strikes me as a trend - a lot of people will pile on the bandwagon and start one, most will abandon theirs, a few will continue to find it beneficial and stick with it. but I do have a tarot journal - just a large notebook where I...
by katrinka
18 Aug 2019, 07:03
Forum: The House of Cards: Asking Questions/Sharing Insights
Topic: What's your Signifier?
Replies: 16
Views: 7531

Re: What's your Signifier?

Libra wrote: 08 Mar 2019, 15:55 My boundaries are, to quote Lindsay Mack, unfuckwithable.
I like this word.
This is a good word.
I'm keeping it.
Makes sense because I'm a Libra.
OH HO! My ruling plant, Jupiter, is in Libra. :D
by katrinka
18 Aug 2019, 06:59
Forum: The House of Cards: Asking Questions/Sharing Insights
Topic: What's your Signifier?
Replies: 16
Views: 7531

Re: What's your Signifier?

Nemia wrote: 25 Jun 2018, 19:27 And I loved Temperance before I knew about its connection to my ascendant sign, Sagittarius.
Sagg rising here, too. *fistbump*
by katrinka
18 Aug 2019, 06:55
Forum: Learning Your Craft
Topic: Best Tarot Decks For Beginners
Replies: 27
Views: 7356

Re: Best Tarot Decks For Beginners

This has been an interesting thread to read. When I started out, I was told to get a RWS deck, because it was the only way to learn. ARRRRGGGGGGHHH. No.It isn't. It gets recommended a lot, I recommend it myself, but - it's not the ONLY way. I was discouraged from trying out the Thoth, as it would b...
by katrinka
14 Aug 2019, 10:09
Forum: Button Soup Tarot
Topic: New Frame Colour
Replies: 12
Views: 1997

Re: New Frame Colour

Joan Marie wrote: 13 Aug 2019, 19:26 I just realised what that colour reminds me of, band-aids (plasters)
LOL, yes!
"Flesh tone" - that matches no flesh on the planet. :lol:
Yes, the grey was much nicer!
by katrinka
13 Aug 2019, 19:07
Forum: Button Soup Tarot
Topic: New Frame Colour
Replies: 12
Views: 1997

Re: New Frame Colour

I'm not crazy about the beige either. Beige always struck me as kind of drab and timid.
Grey the beige and you get a taupe shade. But taupe is for ladies' stockings and pantyhose.
The images all seem to have a lot of color. They'd pop nicely in a dark frame.
by katrinka
13 Aug 2019, 18:55
Forum: All Things Oracle
Topic: An oracle deck for little children - suggestions received with thanks
Replies: 19
Views: 5986

Re: An oracle deck for little children - suggestions received with thanks

Joan Marie wrote: 12 Aug 2019, 16:32 I know you've already made your decision on this Marigold, but since this thread is here, why not continue making suggestions for kids?
Agree. You never know when someone else might come looking.
by katrinka
12 Aug 2019, 13:33
Forum: Exploring the Spiritual Paths
Topic: Christianity
Replies: 12
Views: 4086

Re: Christianity

It is. The evangelicals became totally corrupt when they sought political clout. I can remember a time when they wouldn't even back a candidate who had been divorced. (I am not saying divorce is wrong, I certainly think that in many cases it's the only viable option. But Jesus forbade it in most cir...
by katrinka
11 Aug 2019, 13:25
Forum: Exploring the Spiritual Paths
Topic: Christianity
Replies: 12
Views: 4086

Re: Christianity

Yes. The best ones are quiet by nature, because that's what Jesus taught: not to make a show of it. So we really don't hear much from them. It's the loud, pushy ones who are in the spotlight. :(
by katrinka
10 Aug 2019, 22:23
Forum: All Things Oracle
Topic: An oracle deck for little children - suggestions received with thanks
Replies: 19
Views: 5986

Re: An oracle deck for little children - suggestions received with thanks

Or you could scan illustrations from any of her favorite stories, and have personal copies printed up at She'd probably like that. :)
by katrinka
10 Aug 2019, 22:17
Forum: All Things Oracle
Topic: An oracle deck for little children - suggestions received with thanks
Replies: 19
Views: 5986

Re: An oracle deck for little children - suggestions received with thanks

This would be a fine deck for a little girl, with the added bonus that it would be an introduction to cartomantic-style reading. I included links to purchase in the blog post:
by katrinka
09 Aug 2019, 13:59
Forum: Books, Art & Film
Topic: Beginner book recommendations?
Replies: 10
Views: 4565

Re: Beginner book recommendations?

This one will get you started with RWS - it worked for me. Anything by Sasha Fenton is also useful. For Thoth
by katrinka
08 Aug 2019, 03:55
Forum: New Members Welcome & Introduction
Topic: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story
Replies: 378
Views: 237078

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

I tend to not believe in the supernatural, but my mind has opened up to it a bit lately. No worries. I don't believe in it either - everything is subject to natural law. Occasionally something uncanny happens - I've seen a few things - but card reading doesn't require you to believe the woo stuff. ...
by katrinka
08 Aug 2019, 03:13
Forum: Crystals, Gems and Minerals & Herbs
Topic: Mystery Crystal
Replies: 1
Views: 1682

Re: Mystery Crystal

It's hard to tell from the photo. Is it milky, or more of a solid white? It looks like it has points. Does it? I have a girasol quartz (AKA moon quartz and some other monikers I can't recall at present) palm stone that's milky-clear due to tiny bits of water trapped inside. (ETA: Not sure what I did...
by katrinka
08 Aug 2019, 01:50
Forum: Button Soup Tarot
Topic: First Art & Compare Frames
Replies: 32
Views: 7017

Re: First Art & Compare Frames

The font could use a little more pizzazz, TBH. I'm not throwing stones, but it looks like the one they use for the labeler at my job. A little too generic. Bernhard Fashion is nice. Or if you want to go with cursive, Harlow is attractive and readable. Or maybe a typewriter/old book style font? Nothi...
by katrinka
08 Aug 2019, 01:06
Forum: Learning Your Craft
Topic: Inaccurate Readings
Replies: 4
Views: 1154

Re: Inaccurate Readings

What do you do if you give off many inaccurate readings at a row? "Many inaccurate readings at a row?" :shock: No. If that's what's happening, you need to examine your methods! It's like having many flat tires in a row - it shouldn't be happening, something is wrong! If you have records o...
by katrinka
08 Aug 2019, 00:54
Forum: Learning Your Craft
Topic: How to ask the deck correctly?
Replies: 6
Views: 1564

Re: How to ask the deck correctly?

What spider said. Be concise with your questions and don't "push" the cards, accept the answer they give you. Word the question as precisely as possible, because that's what the cards will answer. For Tarot - Do you ask YES / NO questions? Or using HOW, WHY, WHEN, WHERE, WHAT, WHO, COULD, ...
by katrinka
07 Aug 2019, 23:18
Forum: Exploring the Spiritual Paths
Topic: Christianity
Replies: 12
Views: 4086

Re: Christianity

But many Christian churches or Christian "leaders" do not follow his teachings, which has always made me sad (even angry at times) because some of his most wisest teachings are ignored and it is not surprising therefore that his name and teachings are dismissed by so many people. Yes, we'...
by katrinka
07 Aug 2019, 21:51
Forum: Exploring the Spiritual Paths
Topic: Do fallen divine spirits exist and incarnate?
Replies: 6
Views: 2674

Re: Do fallen divine spirits exist and incarnate?

That's a matter of faith. Faith, by definition, is something that someone believes , but has no way of knowing . There's no empirical proof of the existence of divine spirits, much less whether they incarnate. People certainly can behave like angels and devils, though. :lol: My mother once advanced ...
by katrinka
05 Aug 2019, 20:14
Forum: All things Lenormand
Topic: When to use Lenormand
Replies: 16
Views: 5415

Re: When to use Lenormand

Just a word on some of the decks there: The Koenigsfurt is a Dondorf pattern, yes. The stock isn't very durable, though. And the Dondorf playing card insets have been replaced with other PC images, which may be OK for some but will bug others. But the price is right and its an excellent beginner dec...
by katrinka
05 Aug 2019, 04:18
Forum: Button Soup Tarot
Topic: First Art & Compare Frames
Replies: 32
Views: 7017

Re: First Art & Compare Frames

The last four images have black spots. Not big, but they appear to be in the same place near the center of each card.
by katrinka
04 Aug 2019, 23:42
Forum: Astrology
Topic: Astrology Hippie Music
Replies: 1
Views: 1791

Re: Astrology Hippie Music

It's bluesy. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Kind of a Doors knockoff. ETA: Bwaaaaa hahaha, it's on Elektra! Agent: "These guys sell a lotta records for us. Make it sound like these guys." :lol: I'd actually listen to this. They're badly in need of a better lyricist (though it is kind of hil...
by katrinka
04 Aug 2019, 20:50
Forum: Button Soup Tarot
Topic: First Art & Compare Frames
Replies: 32
Views: 7017

Re: First Art & Compare Frames

Would the gold line be actual metallic? That would be very nice. Or maybe metallic silver if you go with the grey.
I don't think bigger text is needed (ducks blows). And if you did metallic text, it would pop nicely.
A not-too-embellished Art Deco font would be nice. Attractive and readable.

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