This forum is officially closed. It will however remain online and active in a limited form for the time being.

Search found 2 matches

by Night Shade
21 Jun 2019, 19:07
Forum: The House of Cards: Asking Questions/Sharing Insights
Topic: Intuitive tarot readers - questions and poll
Replies: 22
Views: 12163

Re: Intuitive tarot readers - questions and poll

I chose number 2 "yes my intuition is my strongest but not my only tool". I always consider the traditional meanings of the cards when I'm doing a reading, but if my intuition contradicts them, I always go with my gut instinct.
by Night Shade
21 Jun 2019, 18:46
Forum: Cards and Spreads
Topic: Not a spread per se, but still a reading
Replies: 2
Views: 748

Re: Not a spread per se, but still a reading

What a great idea. It seems like a good way to assess where you are emotionally - where you're blocked, and where you need to rein your emotions in a bit.

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